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Developing Leader for Change & Innovation in Tourism 28 th June 2010.

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1 Developing Leader for Change & Innovation in Tourism 28 th June 2010

2 Sustainable Tourism, Corporate, Social and Ethical Considerations Rory MacLellan Edinburgh Napier University WORKSHOP 2

3 RECAP - three core elements in sustainable tourism 1.Includes everything - The holistic approach – environment, economy and society/culture 2.Long term thinking -The time dimension 3.Includes everyone - All stakeholders

4 Workshop 2  Feedback on Activity 3  The role of industry – issues and alternative approaches  Activity 4  Industry examples and case studies; the 10 Rs  Activity 5


6 The role of the tourism industry? 1.forced to improve its environmental performance by government 2.voluntarily co-operate with government in joint initiatives 3.take the lead in starting industry initiatives.

7 The role of the Tourism Industry  1. Regulate / Legislate / Control Industry  planning controls, environmental impact assessments, environmental audits;  environmental legislation...’polluter pays’ principle;  (issues of measuring, monitoring, implementing, enforcing and punishing).

8 The role of the Tourism Industry  2. Government encourages Industry to ‘Go Green’  Co-operation, guidelines, principles, codes of ethics, voluntary mission statements.

9 The role of the Tourism Industry  3. Self-Regulation and Non-regulatory Agreements  voluntary industry led regulation;  enlightened self interest, (public relations benefits, green marketing).

10 Options for the Tourism Industry 1.Regulation as the imposition by government agencies, and/or regional authorities of legally binding requirements on the conduct of business, normally with penalties for non- compliance  viewed as over restrictive.

11 Options for the Tourism Industry 2.Non-Regulatory Agreements as sets of principles for action intended to influence the conduct of business: these may originate from trade associations....; typically they are based on exhortation with no compliance requirements...  seen as weak measures... often no effective framework for implementation or compliance.

12 Options for the Tourism Industry 3.Self-Regulation as the introduction and adoption of business practices to meet environmental criteria, with self-imposed targets and monitoring systems, possibly enforced by membership of trade associations  Favoured compromise option.

13  ACTIVITY 4 – 20 MINUTES  YOUR VIEWS ON WHICH APPROACH THE TOURISM INDUSTRY IN MALTA SHOULD TAKE –Regulation by Government? –Non-Regulatory Agreements? –Self-Regulation?

14 Internal & External Programmes  Internal Environmental Programmes  1. Waste Management  One-half of waste generated in N. America may be recyclable.  Reduce.... amount of waste,e.g. less wrapping/packaging; soap dispensers not individual packs.  Reuse.....e.g. surplus food, less towel and sheet changing  Recycle.... separate, paper, etc. organic/inorganic waste.

15 Internal & External Programmes  2. Conservation of Energy and Water  efficient bulbs; use natural light, switch off electronically.  Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning...insulation, new technology etc.  Water... sensors of flows and leaks

16 Internal & External Programmes  3. Quality of Air and Water...less output of pollutants.  4. Product Purchase influencing the supply chain.

17 Internal & External Programmes  External Environmental Programmes  1. Relationship with local Community  2. Relationship with External Natural Environment  3. Relationship with External Cultural Environment

18 Internal & External Programmes  Lessons  Need for: –Partnerships –Corporate Commitment –Employee Involvement –Guest and Industry Education –Recognition and Rewards –Green Marketing


20 20 Operational Strategies In order to achieve sustainable operation initiatives operators need to become actively involved in:  Decreasing the use of scarce resources  Reducing the output of waste  Promoting awareness of the environment

21 15/11/200421 The 10 R’s Framework A framework for enabling operations to incorporate sustainability practices into their operations is the 10R’s developed by Middleton.

22 22 1. Recognising...the issues, the problems, and the opportunities surrounding the principles of sustainability. Unless we have a full understanding of the issues and problems we have no basis for evaluating and monitoring results.

23 23 2. Refusing … to participate in activities that are deemed to be damaging to the sustainability of the operation. For example, the illegal dumping of hazardous chemicals.

24 24 3. Reducing …the usage of energy and waste. For example, placing presence sensors in rooms to control air-conditioning, using low pressure sprinkler systems.

25 25 4. Replacing …supplies and processes that may be deemed environmentally unfriendly. For example, replacing energy-inefficient incandescent lights with energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs, and installing timers on outdoor lighting.

26 26 5. Reusing …supplies in order to be more economically efficient. For example, recycle paper by using it on both sides for memos and scrap pads.

27 27 6. Recycling …those materials that the tourism operation can no longer use, by passing them on to other organisations to use as raw materials. For example, old guest towels can be given to charities and the homeless or recycled for use as cleaning rags.

28 28 7. Re-engineering …traditional corporate management structures and operations to achieve further growth and better competitiveness. For example, appoint a member of staff to develop programs to reduce waste and increase recycling.

29 29 8. Retain Staff For example, develop training programs on environmental issues in the workplace. OR involve staff in industry seminars and training sessions.

30 30 9. Reward …groups and individuals within the operation for initiatives and implementation of sustainable practices. For example, develop energy conservation programs for the workplace, with recognition or rewards given to those who make a special effort.

31 31 10. Re-educate customers For example, incorporate best practice behaviour into information and promotional kits.

32 32 Implementation of the 10R’s  In small to medium-sized organisations the 10 R’s can be introduced and implemented separately, depending on the capabilities of each operation.  In large organisations the 10R’s can be integrated within an overall Environmental Management System.

33  ACTIVITY 5 – 20 MINUTES  APPLY THE 10 Rs TO YOUR SECTOR/BUSINESS  Come up with innovative practical ideas of how your business could be more sustainable

34 Thank You! Discussion.

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