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Elizabeth I – Religious Settlement

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1 Elizabeth I – Religious Settlement

2 Act of Supremacy 1559 – It was this act that gave Elizabeth ultimate control of the Church of England. In the reign of her father and brother, the monarch had been "Head of the Church in England", but under Elizabeth, this was modified to "Supreme Governor of the Church in England".  Act of Uniformity This established a set form of worship. The Prayer books of Edward VI were fused into one, and were to be used in every church in the land. Church attendance on Sundays and holy days was made compulsory, with a 1 shilling fine to be collected if people did not attend, the money to be given to the poor.  The wording of the Communion was to be vague so that Protestants and Catholics could both participate, and the ornaments and vestments of the Church were to be retained as they had been before the reforms in the second year of Edward's reign.  The 39 Articles tried to settle the religious disputes by trying to strike a balance between Catholics on the one hand and extreme Protestants (or Puritans) on the other. The Articles set out exactly how religion in England was to be practiced.

3 Elizabeth wanted to ensure that there was peace in England.
Her religious settlement made the practice of Catholicism illegal but she did not persecute people just for being Catholics. She asked for outward uniformity and conformity. She said that she would not 'make windows into men's souls ... there is only one Jesus Christ and all the rest is a dispute over trifles‘.

4 'From the very beginning  of her reign she has treated all religious questions with so much caution and incredible prudence that she seems both to protect the Catholic religion and at the same time not entirely to condemn or outwardly reject the new Reformation.... In my opinion, a very prudent action, intended to keep the adherents of both creeds in subjection, for the less she ruffles them at the beginning of her reign the more easily she will enthrall them later on.'    (The Imperial envoy Count con Helffstein, March 1559)

5 The St Bartholemew’s Day Massacre (Paris 1572)

6 “A Frenchman and an Englishman who are of the same religion have more affection for one another than the citizens of the same city, or slaves of the same land.” (French Chancellor commenting on the religious differences in France)

7 Use the information sheet (The Civil Wars in France) and your notes
Use the information sheet (The Civil Wars in France) and your notes. Copy and answer the following questions in your exercise book: Did the French Protestants (Huguenots) and Catholics get on well? Explain your answer fully. In your own words describe what happened in The St Bartholemew’s Day Massacre in 1572 in France? In England some Catholics and Puritans (Protestants) didn’t agree with Elizabeth’s religious policies but there was never an event like the St Bartholemew’s Day massacre. In your own words explain why? Was Elizabeth’s religious settlement a success? Explain your answer fully.

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