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2 Introduction to Crystal Reports
Allows you to produce the report you want from virtually any data source. Designed to help analyze and interpret important information. Used to produce simple, complex or specialized reports

3 Competency of Crystal Reports
Create any report you can imagine Can be used for windows as well as web based applications Runtime Customization (Reports generated dynamically based on parameters/formulas)

4 Benefits of Crystal Reports XI R2
Improved usability Expanded Application Development Capabilities Integration with Business Objects Enterprise XI R2

5 Phases of Report Design
There are five phases of report design. Define the concept Sourcing the data Creating the design Developing and testing the design Deploying and operating the report

6 Defining the concept Beginning with the end in mind
Have some idea to the final report to look like(i.e a Prototype) Prototype can be a simple Crystal Report or Excel sheet or Word Document

7 Sourcing the data Determine where the data for your report resides
(a database, file etc) Determine relations between data A common problem here is that the data you want to include does not exist or relation do not exist

8 Creating the Design The best report is one that is completed on paper and is then recreated using Crystal Reports Revisit your prototype and decide which of the fields in the report are Directly from database Calculated from database fields Formula fields

9 Developing and Testing the Design
Input your data and test the report on different platforms Any performance issues, revisit your report design Check relations/constraints (for any cartesian) Check query for performance improvement Put option of Grouping on Server Eliminate Unused Formulas

10 Deploying and operating the report
The last step in this process is to consider how your report is going to be used Will it be exported ? If yes, where ? Excel (.xls) Word (.doc) Acrobat (.pdf) Rich Text Format (.RTF) XML Text Separated Values (.CSV) Will the generated report be mailed/stored in centralized location/web-based ?

11 Creating a Report Connect to a data source Connect to database Adding tables & Linking Tables Defining the design environment Inserting objects on a report Positioning and sizing objects Formatting objects Previewing and saving the report

12 Opening Crystal Reports
In windows click start, go to programs then select Crystal Reports Click ‘Standard Report Wizard’ or ‘Blank Report’

13 Selecting Data Standard Report creation wizard opens. Click

14 Selecting Data (Continued)
Standard Report creation wizard has five sections. Current connections List of currently connected data sources Favorites List of commonly used data sources, maintained in favorites History List of the five recently used data sources

15 Selecting Data (Continued)
Create New connection Shows sub folders for various data sources you can connect to. Repository Contents of your repository through the Crystal Enterprise explorer

16 Selecting Data (Continued)
Select Tables Click

17 Selecting Data (Continued)
Selected Table

18 Design Area Click Field Explorer

19 Design Area (Continued)
Click Field Explorer on the Standard toolbar. The Field Explorer dialog box appears

20 Field Explorer Table Name Column Names

21 Design Tab Design Tab is the place where you do most of the initial work when creating the report It designates and labels the various part of the report It has the structure and instruction for creating the final report

22 Design Tab Areas Crystal Reports automatically creates five sections in the design tab when you begin creating the report Report Header Used for Report title and other information which you want to appear at the beginning of the report Page Header Information what you want to appear at the top of each page Details Body of the Report Report Footer Information appear only once at the end of the report Page Footer Page number and other information you want to appear on the bottom of each page.

23 Design Tab Areas (Continued)

24 Design Tab Areas (Continued)
Two additional sections Group Header Holds the Group name field Printed once at the beginning of the group Group Footer Holds the summary value Printed once at the end of the group

25 Inserting Field Expand the Database field node Expand a table
Click the field which you want to display in the report Drag into Details section of the report

26 Inserting Field (Continued)
Object Frame appears when you drag a field into the Report

27 Inserting Field (Continued)
View of Design Area Inserted field

28 Resizing Field Click the field which you want to resize
Move the cursor over the resizing handle until the cursor turns into a resizing cursor Resize the field

29 Resizing Field Resizing Handle Resizing Cursor

30 Review the work Click print preview on the toolbar to activate preview tab Click

31 Review the work(Continued)
Preview of the Design should look similar to this

32 Adding Summary Info Used to find information related to the report quickly Enter the Information

33 Adding a title Click the design tab Go to field explorer
Expand Special fields Choose Report Title Drag the cursor over the report Place the Title in the Report Header

34 Adding a title (Continued)

35 Adding a title (Continued)

36 Formatting Object Select the object which you want to format
Right click and select format field from the drop down menu Format Editor will open You can change the format for the object - You can add borders, colors and shading to a field - You can add hyperlinks to the objects

37 Formatting Object (Continued)
Selected Object

38 Formatting Object (Continued)
Formatted Object

39 Formatting Object (Continued)
Use the Format Painter to copy absolute or conditional formatting properties from one report object to one or more target objects. Select a source object or field in your report and click Format Painter. Click the target object or field you want to apply the formatting to.

40 Record Selection Used to restrict the records in the report
It is like a filter applied in report Click Select Expert on the Expert Tools toolbar Select the field to which you wish to restrict the data (Eg.Cutomer.Country)

41 Record Selection (Continued)
Select the condition

42 Record Selection (Continued)
Select the name of the country This selection will return only those records for which the country is equal to England

43 Deleting a Field Select the Field Press Delete Key

44 Sorting Records Click Sort Record Expert
Select the field on which you want to apply sort Select sort direction Select the field Click Select the sort order

45 Sorting Records (Continued)
Sorted Output

46 Grouping the Report It provides flexibility for customizing the report
While on the Design tab,Click insert group Select the field for grouping

47 Grouping the Report (Continued)

48 Adding image file to the report
Click insert picture Browse and Select Image file

49 Adding image file to the report (Continued)
Final Report looks like this: Image


51 Exercise 1 Create a report using Blank Report Select Employee Table
Select Employee ID,First name,Position,Salary Add Summary info for the report Give Title to the report Group the report by Employee position Apply sort on Employee Name Insert image to the report View the report

52 Report Creation Using Report wizard
There are four report creation wizards Standard Cross-Tab Mail Label OLAP Click any one on the start page as per your requirement Then it asks you to select the data

53 Report Creation Using Standard Report Wizard (Continued)
Select Database

54 Report Creation Using Standard Report Wizard (Continued)
Select Required Fields Click

55 Report Creation Using Standard Report Wizard (Continued)
Select the field on which you want to Group the Data

56 Report Creation Using Standard Report Wizard (Continued)
Select the field to apply Summary Info in the Report

57 Report Creation Using Standard Report Wizard (Continued)
Apply Group sorting If You need

58 Report Creation Using Standard Report Wizard (Continued)

59 Report Creation Using Standard Report Wizard (Continued)
Apply Filter Condition, If required

60 Report Creation Using Standard Report Wizard (Continued)
Select a Template

61 Locking an Object size and position
Used to lock the position of the selected report object Select the object whose size and position you want to lock Click lock size/position button in the Formatting Toolbar

62 Making a Report Read-only (Continued)

63 Making a Object Read-only (Continued)
Right Click object you want to make read-only

64 Adding Lines to Report Click Insert Line on the insert Toolbar
Use the pencil cursor to draw the line where required

65 Editing Lines on a Report
Right click the Line you want to format Make Desire Changes

66 Adding Boxes to Report Click Insert Box
Use the pencil cursor to draw the box where required

67 Adding Shapes to Report
You can insert shapes such as circles,elipses and boxes with rounded corners To add shapes to your report, you need to add a box Right click the box, then click Format Box In Format Editor Click the Rounding Tab

68 Adding Shapes to Report (Continued)
Select a number or move the slider to the right to increase the curvature of the box corners until you obtain appropriate shape.


70 Exercise 2 Create a Report using Report wizard Use the Employee table Add Shapes to Report Make this report as read only

71 Charts You can insert charts for the following:
Summary and Subtotal fields Detail, formula and Running Total fields Cross-Tab Summaries OLAP Data

72 Chart Layouts Advanced Group Cross-Tab OLAP

73 Types of Charts in Crystal Reports

74 Hiding Report Sections
Hide (Drill-Down OK) Hides the section when you run the report Suppress (No Drill Down) Condition is applied by formulas Suppress Blank section Hides a section whenever nothing is in it

75 SubReports A subreport is a report within a report
Subreports are used to To combine unrelated reports into a single report To coordinate data that cannot otherwise be linked To present different views of the same data within a single report.

76 Difference b/w Primary Report and SubReport
Is inserted as an object into a primary report Can be placed in any report section Cannot contain another subreport. Does not have Page Header or Page Footer sections.

77 Click Report Wizard to create Sub Report
Inserting SubReports On the insert menu Click Subreport Insert Sub Report Name Click Report Wizard to create Sub Report


79 Exercise 3 Create a report Create Subreport in the primary report
Create on-demand Subreport in the primary report Identify the difference

80 Summary Functions The Summary functions are all used to summarize field data Examples: Sum Average Minimum Maximum Count Distinct count etc.

81 Summary Functions(Continued)
Click ‘Insert Summary’ on the Insert Menu Select the Summary function

82 Linking Tables When you add multiple database tables to your report, you need to link the tables on a common field so that records from one table match related records from another

83 Linking Tables (Continued)
Primary Table Lookup Table

84 Linking Tables (Continued)
Auto Link Automatically chooses links for your tables based on common fields in tables or indexed fields (if your database supports indexed fields). Link Processing Order Specify the link processing order using Order Links option in the Database Expert.

85 Linking Tables (Continued)

86 Cross-tab Table On File menu click New
Select a Cross-tab Report from the drop down menu

87 Cross-tab Table (Continued)
Locate the data source and select the table you want to use

88 Cross-tab Table (Continued)
Check the Linking between the tables

89 Cross-tab Table (Continued)
Add fields to the Rows, Column and Summary field areas Select the Summary operation

90 Cross-tab Table (Continued)
If you want chart in the Report, Select the type of chart

91 Cross-tab Table (Continued)
Select the fields on which you want to apply filter conditions

92 Cross-tab Table (Continued)
Select a Grid Style

93 Cross-tab Table (Continued)
Typical Cross-tab Report Region Product Name Sum of Product Amount in Abu Dhabi


95 Create a Cross-Tab Report from the available data source
Exercise 4 Create a Cross-Tab Report from the available data source

96 Parameter Fields Used to Prompt the user to enter the information
Information entered by the user determines what appears in the report Parameter fields support the following data types Boolean Currency Date Date Time Number String Time

97 Creating Parameter Fields
Make sure your report is in Design Tab Click ‘Field Explorer’ on the Standard Toolbar Select Parameters fields and click New

98 Creating Parameter Fields (Continued)
Enter Parameter Name Select a field Click Actions, Select Append All Database values Enter Prompt Text

99 Using Parameter Fields
Select ‘Selection Expert’ on the Expert Tools menu In the ‘Choose Field’ box select the field Apply the condition on the field and select the parameter as the value

100 Running Total Running totals are totals that can be displayed on a record by record basis It totals all records up to and including the current record.

101 Creating Running Total Field
Select Running Total Fields in Field Explorer and Click New


103 Exercise 5 Create a report using Customer and Order Tables
Include the fields Customer Name, Order ID,Order Amount Create a Running total for Order Amount on the change of Order ID Add Running total field in to design Area. View the Report

104 Creating Report Alerts
Select Alerts on the Report Menu then Click Create or Modify Alert

105 Creating Report Alerts (Continued)
Name the alert. Create the message you want to appear when the alert is triggered (optional). Define the condition that triggers the alert.


107 Exercise 6 Create a Report using Customer Table
Include Country, Last Year’s sales, City Create a Alerter to indicate the countries with last year’s sales greater than $15000

108 Dynamic and Cascading Prompts
Prompt values can be populated from values in Database Prompts can be arranged in a cascade, where one value in the prompt constraints values in subsequent pick lists Report designers no longer maintain static prompt lists in individual reports. A single prompt definition can be stored in the repository and shared among multiple reports, improving both runtime scalability and design-time productivity

109 Creating Dynamic and Cascading Prompts
Open the sample report called Group.rpt

110 Creating Dynamic and Cascading Prompts (Continued)
Click Field Explorer Select parameter Fields and then Click New

111 Creating Dynamic and Cascading Prompts (Continued)
From the List of Values, select Dynamic From the Value List, select country

112 Creating Dynamic and Cascading Prompts (Continued)
Click the blank field under country and select region Click the blank field under region and select city In the parameter binding area, click country and Region to clear the binding (only the field associated with the City value should be bound).

113 Creating Dynamic and Cascading Prompts (Continued)
Click Selection Expert Select City in the choose expert box Assign a condition and select the dynamic prompt from the values list

114 Creating Dynamic and Cascading Prompts (Continued)
Select the values for the Prompt and then Click OK

115 RTF Export Format This is optimized for ease of editing the files that it generates In the File Menu Select ‘Export’ and click on ‘Export Report’ Select Editable (RTF) from the drop down Select location to store the report

116 RTF Export Format (Continued)
Select the Options as you need Select the location where you want to save

117 Parameterized Sorting
Group sort order can now have their sort values driven by formula This feature allows you to use parameters to control sort order

118 Creating Parameterized Sorting
Create a simple report with the country, Region and City field from the Customer Table in the Xtreme sample Database 11

119 Creating Parameterized Sorting (Continued)
Create a parameter called Sort Order that has two values: Ascending and Descending

120 Creating Parameterized Sorting (Continued)
On the insert Menu Click Group and select the field that you want to group on( Ex: Country) Select Use a formula as Group Sort Order Click the Conditional formula button

121 Creating Parameterized Sorting (Continued)
In the Formula Workshop enter your conditional formula text

122 Creating Parameterized Sorting (Continued)
When you prompted to select a Sort Order, select the Option that you want , and click OK.

123 Creating Parameterized Sorting (Continued)
Now the Report appears with groups for the field that you selected in the Insert Group Dialog box and sorted in the order that you selected in your parameter prompt.

124 HTML Preview Crystal reports can now be previewed in HTML format thus showing how reports will look when published to the web In Crystal Reports design environment an additional VIEW tab is added to support this functionality The advantage of this feature is time saved in iterative task of publishing reports to the web as they are designed

125 Updated Repository Explorer
The new repository Explorer makes it easier to navigate within the Business Objects Enterprise system Better able to share reporting components with other users through the repository

126 Updated Repository Explorer (Continued)

127 Updated Repository Explorer (Continued)
Give User Name and Password Credentials

128 Workbench Lets you keep Projects organized and allows you to group reports in folders according to your preference

129 Business Objects Universes
Crystal reports based on Business Objects Universes can now support Universe run-time security and union queries These enhancements allow for most overloads defined in the Universe to be supported in Crystal reports

130 Creating Reports from Business Objects Universes
Go to Standard Report wizard Create New Connection Universes  Make New Connection  Double Click

131 Creating Reports from Business Objects Universes (Continued)
Select the objects whatever you want in to the Result Objects Pane and Query Filters then say OK

132 Creating Reports from Business Objects Universes (Continued)
Select the Query in to the Selected Tables

133 Creating Reports from Business Objects Universes (Continued)
Your Report will looks like in the below Screenshot

134 Report Processing Strategy
Advanced Reporting Report Processing Strategy

135 Multi-Pass Reporting Process of the Crystal Reports Engine
The model determines the order in which data is accessed and manipulated during Report generation. Crystal reports uses “Three Pass” Reporting Methodology to generate reports. Understanding Report Processing Model facilitates, effective report design and faster debugging.

136 What is a “Pass”? A pass is a process that Crystal Reports uses each time the data is read or manipulated. Depending on the complexity of the report, Crystal Reports may make 1, 2, or 3 passes over the data.

137 Report Processing Crystal Reports Processing Engine – Pre-Pass # 1:
Evaluation Time – “Before Reading Records” Constant Formulas Crystal Reports Processing Engine – Pass # 1: Evaluation Time – “While Reading Records” Database connection and Record retrieval Recurring formulas Local Record Selection Sorting, Grouping & Summarizing Saved data storage

138 Report Processing Process Flow : Pass # 1

139 Report Processing Crystal Reports Processing Engine – Pre-Pass # 2:
Group Sorting Top/Bottom N Hierarchical Grouping Crystal Reports Processing Engine – Pass # 2: Evaluation Time – “While Printing Records” Print-time formulas Running total Calculations Charts, maps, Cross-tabs & OLAP grids Subreports

140 Report Processing Process Flow : Pass # 2

141 Report Processing Crystal Reports Processing Engine –Pass # 3:
Total Page Count

142 Multi-Pass Report Engine Flow

143 Thank You

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