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Designed by Wang Xianhong. Mascots( 吉祥物) of the 2008 Olympic Games.

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Presentation on theme: "Designed by Wang Xianhong. Mascots( 吉祥物) of the 2008 Olympic Games."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designed by Wang Xianhong

2 Mascots( 吉祥物) of the 2008 Olympic Games

3 Lottery tickets

4 A young played the violin at the gate of the A gentleman put a lottery ticket into his hat by mistake. Though the artist needed money badly, he returned the lottery to the gentleman.He was honest. He thought that honesty means happiness. railway station. artist Next

5 齐白石 薛伟冼星海 artists painter violinistmusician

6 railway station

7 Read the text quickly, answer the questions. How many people are talked about in the story? Where did the story happen? What did the artist return to the gentleman?

8 Read the passage, do T/F statements: ( )1.On a Friday night, a poor young artist was playing the piano at the gate of the railway station. ( )2.The next day, the artist put a small piece of paper on the ground. ( )3.Mr. George Sang put his lottery ticket into his hat on purpose. ( 故意) ( )4.The artist didn’t return the lottery ticket to Mr. George Sang. ( )5.The violinist thinks that honesty means happiness. ( )6.The violinist is poor, but he lives happily. ( )7.We may be losers for now, but winners for ever ( 永远) F F F T T T F

9 Please put the sentences in right order and make it into a short passage.( 排出正确顺序) 1.A gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into his hat by mistake. 2.A poor young artist played the violin at the gate of the railway station. 3.Someone asked him why he returned the lottery to George Sang 4.The violinist took out a lottery ticket. 5. He put his hat with a large piece of paper on the ground. 6.A man ran to the violinist and asked about his thing. 7.George nodded quickly and seized the lottery and kissed it. 8.The violinist answered :“Honesty means happiness.”

10 The right order is: 2-5-1-6-4-7-3-8 Are you right?

11 Some words are missing,can you fill in the missing words according to the passage. One day,a young poor ______stood at the gate of the ____________ and played the ______. The music was so great that many people stopped and put some ______ into the young man’s hat.A ___________ also put something into the hat.When the artist came home,he found a ________ ticket.He knew someone had put something important into his hat by ________. Though he was poor and he needed money _____ he still decided( 决定) to return the lottery to the man.The next day,the young artist came again with a large piece of paper.He wrote some _______on the paper.About half an hour,a man came.When the artist knew he was Mr.George Sang.He gave the lottery ticket back to the gentleman.The gentleman was very happy to get the lottery ticket again.He thought the artist was really an ______ man. artist railway stationviolin money gentleman lottery mistake badly words honest

12 Who is the best actor? Work in pairs: One is the artist, the other one is the gentleman. Make a dialogue and act it out.

13 Interview Works in groups of four, one of you is the young artist, the others are reporters ( 记者), interview him about his story. 1.When did…? 2.Where did…? 3.Who gave…? 4.What did you do then? 5.Why did…?

14 What will you do in the following situation?( 场合) 1.If you go shopping, the cashier gives you more money. 2.If you are having an exam, you can’t work out the problem,your classmates show you their papers. 3.If you do something wrong, are you brave enough to tell your teacher or classmates that you are wrong?

15 What did we learn today? We should learn to be honest, Honesty means happiness, we may be losers for now, but winners for ever.

16 Homework Tell the story to your parents.


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