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Computer Science Principles a lesson. Principles. Computer? Science. a lesson.

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1 Computer Science Principles a lesson

2 Principles. Computer? Science. a lesson

3 Engage: Warm-up On your notepad, answer the question: How many computers are there in the room? Think, pair, share.

4 Explore: Posting Examples Directions: 1.Write down examples of computers on post-its. 2.Stick them to a poster paper. 3.Place poster up on a wall.

5 Posting Examples, cont’d Directions: 4.Go to another group’s poster. 5.Create three sections: No, Maybe, Yes 6.Reposition post-its into the three sections.

6 Explain: Computer? Discuss: 1.What is a computer? What is computational thinking? 2.Formalize your answer into a definition. 3.Write definition on a poster. Share it.

7 Reinventing the CS Class: Computer Science Principles Pat Yongpradit

8 What is CS Principles?

9 CreativityAbstraction DataAlgorithms Internet Impact Programming

10 CS Principles Philosophy More than just content… It’s about how kids learn How the teacher teaches How computer scientists work Attitudes Behaviors Language Skills

11 Performance Assessment Three performance tasks: – Data – Internet – Programming

12 Pilot Timeline 2010-11Pilot I (5 universities) 2011-12Pilot II (9 universities, 10 HS) 2012-13Pilot III (2 universities, 4 HS) 2013-16Years 1-3 of Pilot Phase II 2016-17First exams offered

13 What is computational thinking? Connecting Computing Computational Artifacts Abstracting Analyzing problems Communicating Collaborating

14 CS P: 3 Pillars Content EquityInquiry

15 CS P and the 5 E’s Inquiry in the CS Class

16 Engage CS P and the 5 E’s Warm-up: Q: How many computers are in the room?

17 Engage Explore CS P and the 5 E’s Directions: 1.Post examples of computers. 2.Share with another group. 3.Categorize into No, Maybe, Yes.

18 Engage Explore Explain CS P and the 5 E’s Discuss: Q: What is a computer? What is computing? What is computational thinking? Formalize an answer using activity. Share.

19 Engage Explore Explain Elaborate CS P and the 5 E’s Directions: 1.Take a tour of the school and list items that fit your definition and that don’t. 2.Look through your home…

20 Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate CS P and the 5 E’s Rubric (10 pts) Definition based on activity results3 pts. School items listed and explained3 pts. Home items listed and explained4 pts. Total:_____

21 Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate CS P and the 5 E’s Exit Card (5 pts) Is a person a computer? Support your answer using today’s experience.

22 Summary: CS Principles Meets the Needs


24 1 in 10 Schools offer Computer Science

25 1 in 20 High Schools are certified to offer AP CS (2011)

26 CS Principles is designed to… Increase Exposure to CS


28 The year that current 9 th graders will graduate from college 2020

29 1,000,000 More computing jobs than CS students in 2020

30 #1#1 Where the DC area ranks in IT hiring

31 CS Principles is designed to… Boost the CS job pipeline.


33 19 Percent of AP CS exam-takers were female, lowest of any AP course.

34 CS Principles is designed to… Improve Diversity in CS

35 How does MD prepare? CS 10K Project Statewide Implementation Plan

36 Plan 1.Master Teacher workshops 2.Curriculum work 3.Training Materials 4.Apprentice Teacher workshops 5.Online collaboration and PLC 6.Train the Trainer

37 Questions/Comments Download ppt: Contact:

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