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Children’s Partnership Strategic Planning Process & Outcomes April 2014 Children First Feedback Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Children’s Partnership Strategic Planning Process & Outcomes April 2014 Children First Feedback Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children’s Partnership Strategic Planning Process & Outcomes April 2014 Children First Feedback Session

2 Strategic Planning Process Strategic Priorities Context: Achievements, Mission/Vision; Strategies 2009-13 Background Research CP & CF/MCM Input

3 Accomplishments 2009 - 2013 Childcare Gap Assessment Family Forums on ECD/EDI trends South Asian ECD Task Force Collaborative training initiatives with FPRN & ECD Mental Health Collaborative Surrey Board of Trade & Family Friendly Workplace Awards Child & Family Profile

4 Background Research Background Research Landscape Changes EDI Results (CP & CF) Demograp hic Profile (pending)

5 Background Research -Landscape Changes Smarter Cities Challenge Child & Youth Friendly City Strategy Middle Years programs and manager position Early Learning programs (SSD) entrenched Community school partnership All day Kindergarten New Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement New senior management at the City & School District

6 Landscape Changes Nurse Family Partnerships New pediatrics at new hospital Early Years Strategy My Neighbourhood/ My Future Heart Mind Index results for Surrey Other Changes?

7 EDI Results Surrey’s child vulnerability rates comparable to BC The range of vulnerability in Surrey is narrower (20-50%) Vulnerability rates in language & cognition decreasing Vulnerability in social emotional domains increasing

8 EDI Results Significant variations in vulnerability rates between adjacent neighbourhoods Significant increases in vulnerability rates in some neighbourhoods ELLs who have communication as their sole vulnerability will catch up and may do better eventually than their English only peers.

9 CF Input - EDI Development patterns in Surrey are impacting the EDI results – Vulnerable families are moving where the housing is affordable and public transit is accessible – Child development services often not adequate in newly developed areas of the city – Significant regional and international in migration

10 CF Input - EDI Caregiver isolation a factor in EDI results – Grandparents and nannies are playing an increasing role in caregiving School Readiness – play-based approach versus academic readiness approach – Need for increased awareness of the value of play

11 CP & CF/MCM Consultation Draft Priorities: Populations Community Capacity Service Delivery CP Interviews on: Priorities Alignment Areas for CP support CF & MCM Interviews & Survey Tool & Focus group Themes: Child Development Priorities & Trends Areas for CP support How we can Improve

12 Who We Talked To What We Heard CP members interviews – Strategic Alignment Document Current child development priorities Programs & Initiatives Requested support from the CP Criteria for choosing priorities

13 Child Development Priorities 1.Aboriginal children and their families* 2.Refugee and recent immigrant children and their families* 3.Children who live in poverty and their families* 4.Healthy physical development 5.Mental health and social/emotional wellbeing* 6.Equitable access to services for all families* 7.Supporting literacy 8.Assisting parents and caregivers to effectively support their children* 9.Child and youth social engagement and connection to community 10.Engaging the community in child development*

14 Requested Support from CP Joint training* Data sharing Raising awareness of child development and the EDI (including brain development & broader social issues)* Community development and capacity building for child development* Sharing resources (e.g. space) Raising awareness of individual partners and their child development initiatives Continuing to engage the Surrey business community Responding to growing evidence of rising child anxiety levels * Reducing parenting program stigma Co-ordinating child development initiatives*

15 Who We Talked To What We Heard CF & MCM members focus group discussions and interviews – Synopsis Document Trends in child development What does Surrey do well/ areas for improvement Top child development priorities Areas for CP Support

16 Key Trends Growing need for children and their families in Aboriginal community* Growing need in the newcomer populations (especially the Punjabi community)* Services & programs not able to meet the needs of a growing population Increasing child anxiety* Full day kindergarten impacts Play-based vs academic readiness for school

17 What Does Surrey Do Well? – Working collaboratively – Working with limited resources – Addressing issues specific to Surrey – Supports and services that are being provided effectively such as parenting groups for 0-6 and 0-12 engagement activities – Drop in services – Building community

18 What Could Surrey Do Better? – Flexible, affordable and accessible service models including childcare. These should be near home, work or school. – Supportive programming for parents (supports & education) with a need to highlight the Surrey context – Outreach to community (for services )

19 Child Development Priorities from CF/MCM 1.Support and development of childcare services & service providers 2.Develop accessible ECD programming and services (including childcare)* 3.Increase parent and caregivers’ knowledge of child development and support their ability to provide positive experiences for their children*

20 CF/MCM Priorities 4.Assist families (newcomers) to connect with services so that children become familiar and engaged with the community, make friends and are ready for school and learning* 5.Build trust with children and families* 6.Support staff development and training 7.Promote communication and share learnings between children, families, agencies and schools

21 Priorities that would benefit from the support of the CP – Advocacy for childcare – Support for ECD services and providers* – Support for coalition service planning that identifies and targets specific neighbourhoods – Continuation of the building of interagency relationships that promote accountability* – Training opportunities for those working with children* – Support for the development of specific programs and a continuum of supports – Develop the ability and recognition of Surrey as being a national or regional leader in child development – Funding and sustainability – More resources for families with young children – Mental health initiatives*

22 Criteria 1.Do a majority of the partners agree that it is a priority that they can work on together? 2.Does it have a direct and lasting positive impact on Surrey children & their families? Does it allow child development to move forward in Surrey? 3.Is it relevant to the partners, community trends, current opportunities, best practices, and organizational priority areas? 4.Does it complement and/or enhance the work of the Early and Middle Childhood networks? 5.Does it link to emerging initiatives like the Early Years Strategy & My Neighbourhood, My Future?

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