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The Basics. Margins  Page Layout Margins 1” Font  Default Home tab Font dialog box ○ Font: Times New Roman ○ Style: Regular ○ Size: 12 ○ Default.

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Presentation on theme: "The Basics. Margins  Page Layout Margins 1” Font  Default Home tab Font dialog box ○ Font: Times New Roman ○ Style: Regular ○ Size: 12 ○ Default."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Basics

2 Margins  Page Layout Margins 1”

3 Font  Default Home tab Font dialog box ○ Font: Times New Roman ○ Style: Regular ○ Size: 12 ○ Default

4 Header  Insert tab  Header Blank Different first page Running head: SHORTENED TITLE Tab key

5 Page Number  Page Number Current position (page number 1 will appear) Double click anywhere

6 Title Page: Title  Enter about 1/3 way down page  Center text option  Line spacing: 2.0  Go back into line spacing: Remove space after paragraph  Type Title using regular type Capitalizing significant words only Do not capitalize prepositions Do not capitalize words <5 letters

7 Title page: Name  Enter after title Type First Name then last name Enter School name

8 Page break  Insert Page break

9 Header: other pages  Double click in header area Highlight over the words [Type text] Type in shortened title all caps Tab key Insert Page # option arrow Current position ○ Word will number all pages in order ○ Double click anywhere

10 Abstract  Type in “Abstract”  Enter  Select left align  Do not indent  150-250 words  Concise summary

11 Page break  Insert  Page break

12 First Body Page  Home center alignment  Type full title just as on title page  Enter  Home tab  Left align  Tab one time  Do not enter at end of line (word wrapping); unless starting new paragraph.

13 End of paragraph  Enter one time to begin new paragraph  Tab one time

14 In-text citation  This in-text citation consists of the author’s last name and year of publication in parenthesis, like this (Smith, 2009).  No author use first few words of sources title (“Prison Education,” 2008).

15 Reference Page  Insert Page break  Home Center align  References Enter  Home Left align

16 Source  Begin w/ authors last name  Comma  Initial (include first & last if provided)  Period after each initial  Date in parenthesis followed by period  Title (cap only first word, proper nouns), period  Italicize journal name  Comma  Volume & issue if given  Comma  Pages numbers  Second line: hanging indention

17 Hanging indent  Highlight line to indent  Hour glass icon on ruler (at top)  Left click/drag to half inch mark  Enter to begin next reference

18 Online sources  Journal articles found online or in a library database Add doi at end of citation (unique identifier) No doi: use home page url

19 Video Tutorial  oNa5tyY oNa5tyY

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