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MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 1 Intro to Consumer Behavior zConsumer behavior-- what is it? zApplications zConsumer Behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 1 Intro to Consumer Behavior zConsumer behavior-- what is it? zApplications zConsumer Behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 1 Intro to Consumer Behavior zConsumer behavior-- what is it? zApplications zConsumer Behavior and Strategy yElements of strategy yConsumer Analysis zConsumer behavior outcomes

2 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 2 One Definition zConsumer behavior : the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society.

3 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 3 Applications of Consumer Behavior zMarketing Strategy zRegulatory (Public) Policy zSocial Marketing zPersonal Consumer Skills

4 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 4 Orientations in the Study of Consumer Behavior zAnthropology zEconomics zHistory and geography zPsychology zSociology

5 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 5 Anthropology zThe study of people within and across cultures zEmphasis on cross- cultural differences zQuestioning of assumptions within own culture

6 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 6 Economics zBasic economic issues ySupply and demand yRational decision making yPerfect information zEmphasis on predicting behavior zComplications in real life zBehavioral economics— e.g., “mental accounting”

7 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 7 History and Geography zOrigins of behavior, perspectives, and traditions zImpact of geography on individuals yIsolation yLanguage development yClimate zGeographic determinism

8 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 8 Psychology zStudy of human thinking and behavior zSome issues yPersonality yPersonal development yCognition (thinking), perception yAttention and its limitations y“Learning”—e.g., acquired tastes

9 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 9 Sociology zCultural and interpersonal influences on consumption—e.g., yFads, fashions yDiffusion of innovation yPopular culture


11 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 11 Market Analysis Components zConsumers zFirms zCompetitors zConditions (environment)

12 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 12 Market Segmentation (covered in more detail later) zProduct-related need sets zSegments: customers with similar needs and responses zSegment description zSegment selection

13 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 13 Elements in Marketing Strategy zProduct zCommunications zPrice zDistribution zService

14 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 14 Outcomes zFirm yProduct position/perception ySales yCustomer satisfaction zIndividual yNeed satisfaction yInjurious consumption zSociety yEconomic yPhysical environment ySocial welfare

15 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 15 The Nature of Consumer Behavior zExternal Influences zInternal Influences zSelf-Concept zSituations zExperiences and acquisitions

16 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 16 Why We Buy: Some Issues zQuestions academics relatively well: Whether, how, why? zQuestions academics answer less well: yHow much? yWhich effect is stronger? yWhat if…?

17 MKTG 371 INTRO TO ONSUMER BEHAVIOR Lars Perner, Instructor 17 Why We Buy Issues z“Conversion” and “interception” rates zThe “Transition Zone” zThinking like a consumer who is in the shopping setting! zA note on exam questions from the text: You need to have read the book to be able to answer! (The answers are not obvious.)

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