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How can schools become effective organisations at encouraging and sharing effective practice and innovation? Dr Anne Bamford

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1 How can schools become effective organisations at encouraging and sharing effective practice and innovation? Dr Anne Bamford

2 Context lSchools need to develop the capacity for managing change and innovation. Schools include teachers, principals, administrative staff, students, government (local, state, national), community. lTechnology is driving an insatiable rate of change and the need for innovation. lGovernment initiatives(perceived lack of ownership, more in an already overcrowded curriculum) lLife in organisations is uncertain and complex lNeed to build innovation capacities in schools lInnovation needs to be cultured and learnt.

3 Schools are… Organised Anarchies (Cohen and March 1989) Ambiguity models (Bell 1989) Looseness of articulation between sub-units (Bidwell 1965) Structures of incompatibility between bureaucracies and educating children (Horne 1992)

4 Is innovation the I word? Passionate teachers are lifelong learners and reflective individuals who constantly innovate. Passionate teachers are risk-takers Innovation is rewarding How I always thought I would teach. Not about doing more but doing things differently. Innovation must be about doing things better, innovation is transformative.

5 When the slateboard was invented in the late 1800s it was thought to be a major event that would change schools forever!

6 Innovation is like a chameleon blending so easily with its surroundings that we are almost unaware of the way it has impacted on the learning environment.

7 Need to involve the school in planning,research and evaluation capacities l Conceptualising classroom conditions l Selecting, adapting or developing effective models of practice (pedagogy) l Building communication capacities l Developing reflective, evaluative and research capabilities.

8 Marginalisation of the role or teachers, students and community Teachers, students and community need to feel a sense of satisfaction, interaction, order, discipline, commitment

9 Sample projects Adobe project Eapi Project Schools Plus (EU) Ednets Innovations Network

10 Adobe visual literacy

11 EAPI: Education and Arts Partnership Initiative



14 Schools Plus

15 Some indicators of successful schools as innovation organisations… Collaboration/partnerships/building networks Direct engagement of teachers and students in the innovation process Affinity between school players Extensive and context specific learning repertoires Sustainability (of resources not necessarily the project) Structural as well as pedagogical adjustments Ongoing reflection and capacity building

16 Cultural linkage High degrees of participation Tight coupling of core values but teacher and student autonomy and discretion. Enhanced communication Strong goal orientation (focus of innovation) Passion and commitment Publication and communication Industry partners (active partners in educational research, development and innovation)

17 School twinning 3 year cycles of innovation funding First hand and transferred innovation. Peer-to-peer (innovation is catchy!) Rewarding teachers for sharing expertise (recognition of intellectual property). Innovation builds innovation Microcosms in a global network Actual meetings and virtual spaces (Ednets embedding ICT in innovation/discipline based settings) Pebbles in a pond

18 Seamlessness… Seamless classrooms (blur work and play) Seamless curriculum Seamless ICT Seamless transitions (preschool, primary, secondary, tertiary) Seamless school, community, industry Seamless classroom, local community, national identity, international focus

19 Ways to get started… Innovation networks Innovation seminars Multimedia studies Industry promotion Innovation ambassadors (including children) Awards programs

20 Processes of innovation Use initiative Identify,assess and manage risk Generate and use creative ideas and processes. Carry out agreed responsibilities Match personal strengths to aspects of innovation Learn from mistakes Use time, energy and resources effectively and sustainability Seek advice Be flexible Build networks Communicate to influence Monitor and evaluate

21 Provocations… Innovation sets up a series of expectations in the schools and communities. How do we develop and extend these in the longer term (sustainability vs prolonging)? How can innovation in industry or society be more rapidly and effectively introduced to schools? How can we really determine the nature of quality innovations? How can the children be more directly involved in innovative communication strategies? What constitutes innovative evidence? Redefine hard. How can schools be more directly involved in evidence gathering? How can we make research more accessible to schools?

22 Educators need to make a leap of faith and a willingness to turn themselves over to the task of designing meaningful learning experiences for young people.

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