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Employee theft is a big problem for your customers.

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Presentation on theme: "Employee theft is a big problem for your customers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employee theft is a big problem for your customers

2 The Facts: 1 out of 3 employees is stealing. Employee Theft is responsible for more than $ 100 Billion Dollars from just major retailers. Employee theft accounts for more loss than shoplifting. Employee theft is a major contributing factor of business failure.


4 VSIPro Cash register to video interface will stop employee theft Superimpose transaction information on the video. Easy to verify if the right amount is charged. Automatically flag questionable transactions like VOID, NO SALE, REFUND, DISCOUNT, CANCEL or Large or small transactions. The flag can be on screen and also a control signal to DVR, NVR, and/or PTZ. The VSIPro will format data for a DVR or NVR for a searchable database.

5 What types of businesses use the VSIPro? Gas Stations & Convenience Stores: Exxon, Arco AM/PM/BP, Sunoco, Valero, Shell, 7-11, Chevron, and more Retailers : TJ Maxx, Carre Four Bars Restaurants Grocery Stores Casinos Landfills Off Track betting parlors Liquor Stores Charity re-sale shops News stands Hair Salons Toll Roads Parking Garages

6 The VSIPro can help to justify the cost of a CCTV System. C-Store average for in-store sales in USA is approximately $1000,000.00/yr - Multiply $1,000,000.00 x 2.5% (employee theft rate) = $25,000.00 per year Grocery Store average sales in USA is approximately $17,000,000.00/yr - Multiply $17,000,000.00 x 1.5% = $255,000.00 per year National Chain Discount Shoe Store average approximately $ 600,000.00/yr - Multiply $ 600,000.00 x 2% = $ 12,000.00 per year

7 The VSIPro will pay for itself in a matter of days or weeks in most businesses.


9 Do your customers a favor and recommend the VSIPro as a solution to employee theft.

10 Integration The VSIPro will work best when the business owner or manager reviews video on a regular basis. Review should include but not be limited to unusual transactions(exceptions) like NO SALE, VOIDS, REFUNDS, DISCOUNT etc…. The cash register or POS system may be able to generate an exception report to help with transaction review. Employees that are caught stealing should be dealt with in a consistent way – prosecution, termination, & restitution.

11 Procedures Position Camera so that it has an unobstructed view of the POS area. Connect VSIPro to POS data via direct connect, printer tap, pole display tap, or network tap. Link video from camera to VSIPro then to DVR. Link data from VSIPro to DVR/NVR if required for text search

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