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Geography for Life: General Overview & Standard 1

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1 Geography for Life: General Overview & Standard 1
Learning Progressions February 6-8, 2014

2 Geography for Life (1 of 3)
The national geography standards were first published in 1994 by GENIP While the Standards were accepted by educators & academic geographers, their implementation was uneven and they failed to become institutionalized (Bednarz 2003, )

3 Geography for Life (2 of 3)
A revised edition was published in 2012 Emphasis on geospatial technologies & the diversity of the discipline More guidance for teachers A consensus of the geographic community about what students should know and be able to do by the time they graduate from high school

4 Geography for Life (3 of 3)
Three components of geographic literacy Geographic perspectives Geographic knowledge Geographic skills The standards stress the importance of all three in developing geographic literacy

5 Geographic perspectives
Geography is often described as a perspective Two perspectives Spatial: Where? Why there? Ecological: How life forms interact with the physical environment

6 Geographic knowledge 18 standards grouped within 6 essential elements
The world in spatial terms Places & regions Physical systems Human systems Environment & society The uses of geography

7 Geographic skills 5 skills Asking geographic questions
Acquiring geographic information Organizing geographic information Analyzing geographic information Answering geographic questions Through the development of these skills, students acquire the necessary tools to think geographically

8 Geography for Life: Grade Levels
The (revised) standards provide guidance about what students should know & be able to at the elementary, middle, and secondary grades Up to & including 4th grade Up to & including 8th grade Up to & including 12th grade As students progress through school, their geographic knowledge & skills should become more sophisticated

9 Essential Element 1: The World in Spatial Terms Standard 1
How to use maps & other geographic representations, geospatial technologies, & spatial thinking to understand & communicate information See Sarah’s handout

10 Sarah says: Focus on the overall content of the standard
What a map is How to make a map How to use a map Don’t obsess over the exemplars / hypothetical activities The content knowledge builds from Grades 4 to 8 to 12 The skills also build from 4 to 8 to 12 (more or less) We posited these “learning progressions” and now they need to be researched at a range of scales

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