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October 2012 Newsletter From the Director Ms. Linda Phillips Visit our website at San Gorgonio Child.

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Presentation on theme: "October 2012 Newsletter From the Director Ms. Linda Phillips Visit our website at San Gorgonio Child."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 2012 Newsletter From the Director Ms. Linda Phillips Visit our website at San Gorgonio Child Care Consortium Dear Parents, Please see the attached information gathered from the parent surveys you filled out. I hope I have answered all your questions. If I have not, please stop by or call me and I will ensure that I answer all of them. Please welcome our new infant teacher, Ms. Denise!

2 Infant Room Ms. Kari Please welcome our new teacher, Ms. Denise, to our classroom! Fall is upon us…well maybe not quite yet. The weather is still warm and we are hoping it will start to cool down so that we can enjoy more time outdoors! We will be exploring different materials that the kids see during the fall season – colors red, orange, and brown, and pumpkins. Our activities get messy so please send an extra outfit or two. Also, if you have any oversized shirts to donate, that would be great. Looking forward to our parent conferences coming up – look for the availability slips on your sign-in sheets. Toddler Room 2/3 CDD Ms.Connie, Ms.Kristi, Ms. Isabel This month we will be discussing fall weather changes, changes in the trees and plants, shapes, colors, counting, name recognition, and letter sounds. Our artwork helps to develop fine motor skills and promotes sharing, taking turns, and curiosity and initiative skills. Check the classroom for any special activities that will be going on during the month. Please check your child’s cubby for extra clothing and don’t forget to complete all of your paperwork! 2/3 PVT Ms. Renee For the month of October, we will continue learning about and exploring the world around us. We will watch as the seasons change from summer to fall. Colors: brown, yellow, orange We will review letters A to Z and numbers as high as we can count!

3 2/3 PVT Ms. Via, Ms. Maria Fall is here, in full force. The weather is changing and getting cooler. This month we will explore the letters G, H, I, J, and K and count to 5. We will explore fall leaves and how they change, so if you have some different kinds of leaves please bring them in. Also if you would like to donate to our classroom, we could use watercolor and tempera paints, paper, and paper plates. On October 31 st we will have a fall costume party. We will have McDonald’s happy meals with milk at $4.50 each. If you do not want your child to participate, the school lunch will also be provided. 4/5 CDD Ms.Amber, Ms.Laurie Welcome Fall! This month of October the children will be learning more of their alphabet letters – G, H, I and J. They will also be learning about pumpkins, leaves, owls, the moon, bats, spiders, and squirrels. On October 31 st we will be having a harvest party, and your children can wear costumes. Please no masks or weapons, and make sure they wear comfortable shoes. 4/5 PVT Ms.Karen, Ms.Cynthia For the month of October, we will be discussing and watching nature as the season starts to change from summer to fall. We also will be collecting leaves in fall colors – red, brown, yellow, orange. Your child may bring in a leaf of these colors for our science table. Please remember to work with your child on recognizing and spelling their first name and recognizing the alphabet and numbers 1-30; these are things we work on daily at circle time. We will be having a harvest party this month; more info will be posted in the classroom. Also, please write your child’s name or initials in ther jacket for the cold days ahead. Thank you for your help! Extended Day Ms.Kelly This is a great time to get ready for all the changing weather we will have. You’re welcome to leave an extra jacket in class for your children. Just make sure it has their name on it. After school and before, we start free play. The children are required to get at least one page of homework done, but if you have different suggestions like having them do more or wait until they get home, then just let me know. We love seeing the kids get all dressed up and handing out candy, but just a reminder: the outfits they wear can not restrict them from going to the restroom and most of all, please no weapons of any kind.

4 October 2012 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 234 Sports day 56 78910 PAC meeting @ 4:30 11 Superhero day 1213 1415161718 Orange day 1920 212223 Board meeting @ 9:30 2425 Funny hat day 26 Close @ 2:00 PM 27 28293031



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