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VN Health Pro – Business Development Series September 16 th, 2009 Building Relationships with Fellow Health Related Business, Restaurants & Local Companies.

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Presentation on theme: "VN Health Pro – Business Development Series September 16 th, 2009 Building Relationships with Fellow Health Related Business, Restaurants & Local Companies."— Presentation transcript:

1 VN Health Pro – Business Development Series September 16 th, 2009 Building Relationships with Fellow Health Related Business, Restaurants & Local Companies in Your Community Building Relationships with Fellow Health Related Business, Restaurants & Local Companies in Your Community

2 Your Mindset Abundance vs Scarcity - Your Mindset..."on the whole, you are more likely to extend your business AND have a fulfilled life if you have the attitude that there are always new customers out there waiting to be enrolled rather than that money, customers, and ideas are in short supply. You are more likely to be successful, OVERALL, if you participate joyfully with projects and goals and do not think your life depends on achieving the mark because you will be better able to connect to people all around you. On the whole, resources are likely to come to you in greater abundance when you are generous and inclusive and engage people in your passion for life. There aren't any guarantees, of course. When you are oriented to abundance, you care less about being in control, and you take more risks. You may give away short-term profits in pursuit of a bigger dream, you may take a long view without being able to predict the outcome. In the measurement world, you set a goal and strive for it. In the universe of possibility, you set the context and let life unfold." The Art of Possibility

3 1.Have A Location 2.Know Your Product 1.VN Philosophy, Software, Health Pro & Wellness 3.Understand Your Demographic 1.Webinar – 7-15-09 4.Create An Action Plan 1.Webinar – 4-27-09 & Document 5.Possess Confidence in 5 parts to Coach/Client Relationship 1.Webinar – 4-27, 5-05, 5-12, 5-19 & Doc 6.Develop Your Communication 1.Coaching Intelligence Document Now you are ready….. View 6 Musts…..

4 First…. Have a 60 Second Explanation of Who you are and what Venice Nutrition Is, Example: Who are you? What is Venice Nutrition? Venice Nutrition is a science based program that focuses on keeping blood sugar stable. We teach a three step process to educate individuals on how to work nutrition, fitness, and overall health permanently into their lifestyle. The program is centered on personal lifestyle, food choices, and health goals. You can then discuss the benefits….no sugar cravings, fat loss, increase lean body mass, works for all goal types etc. Building Relationships in Your Community

5 1.Health Businesses Clubs & Studios Personal Trainers Doctor Offices Medical, Chiro, Physical Therapy 2.Restaurants 3.Sport Stores Running Stores, Cycling… 4.Other Service Industries… Hair Stylists, Massage Therapist 4 Types of Businesses

6 PartnershipReferrals Cross Promotion Ask yourself what is the goal before you approach the business…………… 3 Approaches for All Businesses

7 Purpose: Join forces and work in the businesses establishment, full time or part time Join forces and work in the businesses establishment, full time or part time Compensation : Percentage of your consulting packages, typical – 15 -25% Can do seminars and promotion for business and not pay percentage Why: Listen to Webinar – 5-13-09 on VN Health Pro Site Little overhead for you Business gets a new service for members and revenue source VN is scalable, will assist in overall growth in community and member retention Business type: Health Related Business – Over 150 Practices, in 21 states, 71 cities…add 5 -8 more per month Partnership

8 Purpose: To refer your business clients To refer your business clients Compensation : Two ways Pay a 10% referral fee Refer business back and forth Why: Cooperation revenue is the best way to build a business. Two businesses with different offerings partnering together to provide a better overall service Business Type: Sport Stores & Other Health Services Referrals

9 Purpose: To cross promote each others business To cross promote each others business Compensation : Cross promotion generates new audience, inspires current clientele and enhances exposure Why: Both business benefit and provide their clients/customers with a overall better experience and service Business Type: Health Related Businesses, Sports Stores, Restaurants & Other Health Related Services Cross Promotion

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