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Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education

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Presentation on theme: "Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education
SAP BW Overview

2 Agenda Reporting Comparison BW Overview BW Landscape & Architecture
BW Reporting Tools Business Content BW Website Online Resources Discussions/ Q&A

3 Reporting Comparison R/3 BW Relational & Multidimensional Analysis
Line Item Analysis Delivered Reports Basic Reporting or Predefined (requires ABAP programmers) Consumes Resources from Transaction Processing Real-time Analysis Function Specific Relational & Multidimensional Analysis Delivered Reports (aka Business Content) Ad hoc or Predefined (can be designed by users) Significantly Faster Processing Current (according to update schedule) & Historical Analysis Cross Functional

4 BW Overview The Business Information Warehouse (BW) is SAP’s architectural solution for data warehousing. Seamless integration with R/3 Built-in functionality that substantially reduces DW design, development and maintenance BW is a separate system from the R/3 transaction processing system BW data structures are optimized for reporting data efficiently and quickly (analytical processing). R/3 data structures are optimized for recording data efficiently and quickly (transaction processing).

5 State System BW Landscape
BW Dev DB1 BW QA QB1 BW PRD PB1 BW TRN TB1 BW SB SB1 Data Data Data Data Data SAP R/3 DV1 DR1 DC1 SAP R/3 QA2 QR1 QC1 SAP R/3 PRD PR1 PC1 SAP R/3 TRN TR1 TC1 SAP R/3 SF1 SR1

6 Business Explorer Tools
Basic BW Architecture BEx SAP R/3 InfoCube ODS Non-SAP Data Sources (Flat file, XML or DBConnect) Data Detail Business Content Web Based BEx SAP-BW Data Sources Business Explorer Tools

7 BW Reporting Tools Business Explorer (BEx) Query Designer
MS-Excel-Based Analyzer (Web or GUI) Formatted Reporting Web Application Designer

8 Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
Queries and solution workbooks embedded in MS Excel Excel functionality can be utilized (calculations, charts, VBA programming, etc.) Queries are refreshed at each run; workbooks provide pre-calculated queries Incorporates BW Security and, therefore, eliminates the need for an additional layer of security at the reporting level Seamless integration with BEx Analyzer for the Web

9 GUI Based or…… SAP Menu Bar Add-in

10 Web-Based

11 What is “Business Content?”
Advantages of using Business Content Pre-Configured SAP-delivered objects allow rapid development (DataSources, Transfer Structures, ODSs, InfoCubes, Queries, etc.) Based on Best Practices A solution to build upon Provides a good baseline for enhancements of functionality and data models.


13 Online Resources SAP Online Documentation -
Service Marketplace - OSS Notes Installation and upgrade info SAP Developers Network - Online Forums How Tos SAP Fans –


15 Thank You

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