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FMC: Driving the Transition to IMS ITEXPO West 2007 Pete Russo Director, US Convergence Programs BT Global Services +1 732 747 7442.

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Presentation on theme: "FMC: Driving the Transition to IMS ITEXPO West 2007 Pete Russo Director, US Convergence Programs BT Global Services +1 732 747 7442."— Presentation transcript:

1 FMC: Driving the Transition to IMS ITEXPO West 2007 Pete Russo Director, US Convergence Programs BT Global Services +1 732 747 7442

2 Is FMC driving the transition to IMS? For service providers, that depends! How are you positioned in the market? Who are your target customers? When do you want to roll out the service?

3 Network infrastructure access, core, evolution Type of service provider fixed, mobile, virtual Geographic focus domestic, global How are you positioned in the market? BT in the UK Legacy transitioning to 21CN (IMS), DSL push Fixed-line incumbent and MVNO (w/Vodafone) Domestic BT internationally Global IP, merging with 21CN Fixed-line challenger and MVNO (Europe) Global

4 Who are your target customers? Consumer SME Large Enterprise Flexible Workers (in & out of office) BT in the UK Consumer, SME DSL + Bluetooth (initially) and Wi-Fi Large enterprise & flexible workers Same as BT internationally BT internationally Large, multi-national enterprise & flexible workers MPLS, IP PBX, Wi-Fi PBX features, voicemail, numbering, hotspots, international roaming

5 Yesterday!!! Now! Future… When do you want to roll out the service? BT in the UK BT Fusion (2006 launch) Consumer, UMA BT internationally Corporate Fusion - Site (Spring 2007 launch) Premise-based, “pre-IMS” Corporate Fusion – Net (late 2007) Hosted (integrated with 21CN), IMS

6 BT is already on the path to IMS with its 21CN rollout. FMC in and of itself is not driving the migration for BT, though it is the deployment of FMC and converged services like it that are. Is FMC driving the transition to IMS?

7 Thank you! Offices worldwide Telecommunications services described are subject to availability and may be modified from time to time. Services and equipment are provided subject to British Telecommunications plc's respective standard conditions of contract. Nothing in this publication forms any part of any contract. © British Telecommunications plc 2006

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