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Focus on Kenya Agri-ProFocus Country Focus meeting 2009-02-24 at LEI in The Hague.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus on Kenya Agri-ProFocus Country Focus meeting 2009-02-24 at LEI in The Hague."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus on Kenya Agri-ProFocus Country Focus meeting 2009-02-24 at LEI in The Hague

2 Today’s (2-3-2009) Objectives Clarity on process Definition of entry points from the perspective of APF members; Agreement on conditions and next steps.

3 Agenda 14.00 Kenya Country focus process so far -Presentation -Questions for clarification 14.15Defining the playing field -Areas of con- and divergence -Entry points for collaboration 15.45 Exchanging Information 16.15 Process and next steps 17.00 Closure

4 Agri-ProFocus Mission To provide coherent and demand driven support to enhance the capacity of producer organisations in developing farmer entrepreneurship within the context of poverty reduction

5 Agri-ProFocus Strategy Choices and Changes 2005 – 20082009 – 2012 Strengthening POs Promoting farmer entrepreneurship through enhancement of capacity Project based trajectories Country driven programmatic approach Knowledge and information exchange Learning and innovation at member- and PO-level Gradual increasing network approach Intensification of member commitment Predominantly NGO, research network Stronger private sector involvement

6 APF in Practice 7 country programmes 10-15 (thematic/subsectoral) trajectories Value chain development; financial services; sustainable food production; gender Lessons and innovation: through events, publications, communities of learning and platform for debate

7 Country Focus Entry Points Strategic: Coordinating and harmonising existing efforts; Identification and formulation of new joint activities; Linking country programmes with learning and innovation. Focus on: farmer entrepreneurship; value chain development, financial services and sustainable food production; Gender balance; PO capacity and enabling environment;

8 Country Focus Conditions Context specific - different pace Embedded within national priority setting by local stakeholders; ICCO, CORDAID, Oxfam Novib, HIVOS and SNV take the initial lead Inviting members to join and co-create APF-support office: independent broker and facilitation

9 Programmatic Approach Inception -Visioning from leads -Sourcing interest members Programming -Overview matrix -Defining strategic entry points -Prep. analyses of agriculture -Inviting local stakeholders -Multi-stakeholder workshop -CPA Agreement Identification - Formulation Financing Implementing - M&E Programming Identification Formulation Financing Implementation Evaluation

10 Country Focus Process to Date CountryInceptionProgrammingIdentifying – Formulating FinancingImplementing - M&E EthiopiaXX KenyaXXXX MozambiqueX NigerXXXX RwandaXXXXXX UgandaX ZambiaXXX Legenda: X: First Steps Taken - XX: Half Way - XXX: Completed

11 Country Focus Kenya: From Inception to Programming Steps taken / in progress -Sourcing initial interest APF members -Developing process and roles SNV and APF -Overview Matrix -Analysis / Synthesis farmer entrepreneurship Kenya Steps to take - Setting the APF members’ agenda -Selecting partners -Multi—stakeholder workshop in Kenya -Formalising Country Programme Agreement

12 APF Members Interested

13 Defining the Playing Field Areas of con- and divergence What emerges from our existing practice? Identifying entry points What does my organisation like to enhance / develop regarding farmer entrepreneurship in Kenya?

14 Process and next steps (timing) Multi stakeholder workshop Partner selection Participation members Budget Facilitation and communication Other

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