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 What is Business Intelligence (BI)?  BI compared to “traditional” data presentation  Using BI effectively  Examples of Business Questions Answered.

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2  What is Business Intelligence (BI)?  BI compared to “traditional” data presentation  Using BI effectively  Examples of Business Questions Answered with BI

3  BI = Business Intelligence › Umbrella term for applications used to  Data mining  Analyze raw data  Reporting  Forecasting  Improve decision making – Strategic › Immediate access to important data › Broad analytic ability  Wide range of access to defined data  High level and detailed › Coupling of multiple data sources in one view › Comparison data › Easy to view and navigate › Predictive views 

4  Dashboards – Think of your car › Immediate access to current information › Dynamic › On demand  Traditional Data Presentation - Think Excel/PowerPoint › Old information › Static › Pre-Defined

5 Old InformationImmediate Access Same Chart Different Chart

6 Dynamic based on selections Static - Pre-defined

7 On demand – end user defined Pre-Defined – manual intervention

8  Who will be using BI? › What questions do you want/need to answer?  What data is needed – now and anticipated future needs? › Where is the data located? › What is the integrity of your data? › Operational, trending, etc.  What level of access to data is needed? › Aggregate › Detailed  What end user defined parameters can be used? › Economies of scale – 1 report services multiple users › Customized – unique needs

9  Strategic Reporting › Progress towards goals › Combining multiple data sources › Executive level reporting › Projecting › Dashboards  Operational Reporting › Daily › Week-to-Week › Trending › Audit Reporting  State, National, etc. Reporting

10 *Please note: Applications are still being accepted, and admission decisions are still being made for Fall 2012 and Spring 2013. Strategic Reporting Progress Towards Goals

11 Strategic Reporting Progress Towards Goals

12 Strategic Reporting Progress Toward Goals

13 Strategic Reporting Combining Multiple Data Sources

14 Strategic Reporting Combining Multiple Data Sources

15 Strategic Reporting Executive Level

16 Strategic Reporting Executive Level


18 Strategic/Operational Reporting Dashboards – Daily

19 Operational Reporting Daily

20 Operational Reporting Daily

21 Operational Reporting Daily

22 Operational Reporting Daily

23 Operational Reporting Daily

24 Operational Reporting Daily

25 Operational Reporting Daily - External

26 Operational Reporting Week –To-Week

27 Operational Reporting Week-To-Week

28 Operational Reporting Week-To-Week

29 Operational Reporting Trending

30 Operational Reporting Trending

31 Operational Reporting Trending

32 Operational Reporting Audit

33 Operational Reporting Audit

34 Operational Reporting National (& Daily) Selected Academic Year Selected Academic Term

35 Operational Reporting National

36  Focus on end user needs  Imperfect data isn’t a show stopper, it’s an education.  Develop time = End user frustration  Creativeness can be great, yet occasionally cumbersome

37 Questions?

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