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1 SECI, Ba and Leadership Dynamic process of knowledge creation SECI process Creating knowledge assets Shared in Ba and Leadership to facilitate the process.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SECI, Ba and Leadership Dynamic process of knowledge creation SECI process Creating knowledge assets Shared in Ba and Leadership to facilitate the process."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SECI, Ba and Leadership Dynamic process of knowledge creation SECI process Creating knowledge assets Shared in Ba and Leadership to facilitate the process. Little, S. And Ray, T. (2005) Managing Knowledge: An Essential Reader 2 nd Ed., p37, London, Sage Publications. Nonaka, R et al. (2000) SECI, Ba and leadership: a unified model of dynamic knowledge creation Long Range Planning, 33(1): 5-34, Edited version

2 2 The SECI Process SocialisationExternalisation Tacit to Tacit Empathising; sharing; interaction Tacit to Explicit Articulating; facilitating dialogue; metaphors InternalisationCombination Explicit to Tacit Embodying; experimentation; sharing results Explicit to Explicit Connecting; assembling data; disseminating Evolving spiral of knowledge through SECI process Spiral is continuous and dynamic, becoming larger in scale

3 3 Knowledge Assets Four Categories ExperientialConceptual Tacit knowledge shared through common experiences Skills and know-how of individuals Care, love, trust & security Energy, passion & tension Explicit knowledge articulated through images, symbols and language common experiences Product or service concepts Design Brand equity RoutineSystemic Tacit knowledge routinised and embedded in actions and practices Know-how in daily operations Organisational routines Organisational culture Explicit knowledge systemised and packaged Documents, specifications & manuals Database Patents and licenses

4 4 Ba A shared context in which knowledge is shared, created and utilised A place where information is interpreted to become knowledge (“there are no facts, only interpretations”, Fredrich Nietzsche) Key to understanding Ba lies in context and interaction Knowledge needs a context in which to be created Learning takes place in the head, but it requires action and interaction to be realised (Ba: shared context in motion) A place where individuals share experiences, feelings, emotions and mental models Individuals form the Ba of teams, Teams the Ba of organisations and so on

5 5 Leadership Leading the knowledge vision process Providing knowledge vision Develop and promote sharing Create and energise Ba Enable and promote continuous spiral of SECI process

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