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Flame conference, Amsterdam, 13th March 2007

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1 Flame conference, Amsterdam, 13th March 2007
06/04/ :14 Liberalisation and Security of Supply Steve Surrall, Director Business Development, Europe Downstream Flame conference, Amsterdam, 13th March 2007 Strictly Confidential

2 This presentation includes forward-looking statements.
06/04/ :14 Legal notice This presentation includes forward-looking statements. Such statements are only predictions and actual events or results may differ materially. For a discussion of important factors which could cause actual results to differ from the forward-looking statements, please refer to BG Group plc’s Annual Report and Accounts 2005. Strictly Confidential

3 Changes in the UK gas market
06/04/ :14 Introduction Changes in the UK gas market Implications for the European gas market European consumers able to seize opportunity? Liberalisation and security of supply Strictly Confidential

4 Changing composition of UK gas supply 2003-07
06/04/ :14 Changing composition of UK gas supply 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 2004 2005 2006 2007 million cubic metres / day UK production Norway IUK imports BBL LNG terminals Stock withdrawals Source: National Grid New import flows replace declining UKCS production Strictly Confidential

5 Investments decided in lower price environment
06/04/ :14 Investments decided in lower price environment 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 Langeled, BBL UK NBP month ahead (p/therm) 50 Dated Brent ($/bbl) 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 Grain LNG 10 10 South Hook, IUK Dragon 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Source: Argus UK NBP (p/therm) LH scale Dated Brent ($/bbl) Capital deployed to supply growing import demand Strictly Confidential

6 Oil price indexation: is it sustainable?
06/04/ :14 Oil price indexation: is it sustainable? European Buyers’ Term Contract Indexation by Region 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% UK W.Europe E. Europe per cent % Other Other energy prices Electricity Crude oil Heavy FO Gasoil Gas price Source: Energy Sector Enquiry High oil prices may encourage revision of oil-indexed pricing Strictly Confidential

7 Implications for investment
06/04/ :14 Implications for investment Competition and uncertain prices a challenge to investment? UK and US examples prove this is not the case BG Armada rig, North Sea Strictly Confidential

8 Transportation – investment in infrastructure
06/04/ :14 Transportation – investment in infrastructure Access to infrastructure remains problematic Alternatives to unbundling must be demonstrated BG pipe infrastructure Unused capacity rarely released to market Strictly Confidential

9 Access to storage is key
06/04/ :14 Storage Access to storage is key Role of the regulator incentivise new facilities ensure fair access for new entrants make storage available on non-discriminatory basis Rough storage facility TPA exemption can incentivise investment Strictly Confidential

10 Implications for new entrants and NOCs
06/04/ :14 Implications for new entrants and NOCs New entrants/NOCs seeking downstream role European Commission recognises attributes of new entrants/NOCs EU member states should welcome NOCs Egyptian LNG Strictly Confidential

11 Open markets do not prevent the incentive to invest
06/04/ :14 Conclusion European Commission assert liberalisation and security of supply can co-exist Open markets do not prevent the incentive to invest Future UK gas supply position may have knock-on effects on aiding liberalisation Strictly Confidential

12 06/04/ :14 Thank you Strictly Confidential

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