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DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 1 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Geographical Traceability, a new opportunity to promote agriculture production.

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1 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 1 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Geographical Traceability, a new opportunity to promote agriculture production Actions of EC in favor of the research on quality and traceability throughout the food supply chains 12 March 2003 Laurent Bochereau European Commission Research Directorate-General E3 - Safety of Food Production Systems

2 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 2 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Community Research Programmes Objectives (Article 163 Amsterdam Treaty) –to strengthen the European research potential –to promote the competitiveness of European industry –to support Community policies From FP V (1998-2002) to ERA and FP VI (2002-2006) RDT Generic Activities Support for Infrastructure Key Actions Society’s Needs Problem-solving Approach Integrating European Research Priority Thematic Areas Anticipating S/T Needs Structuring the ERA Strengthening the Foundations of ERA Towards a European Research Policy

3 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 3 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY FP5 - QoL Programme Structure and Budgetary Distribution (i) 6 Key Actions : MEURO - Food, nutrition & health 290 - Control of infectious diseases300 - The cell factory400 - Environment and health 160 - Sustainable agriculture, fisheries and forestry, and integrated development of rural areas including mountain areas520 - The ageing population and disabilities190 (ii) RTD activities of a generic nature 483 (iii) Support for research infrastructures 70

4 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 4 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY EID + DNA Tracing QLK1-CT 2001-02229 Aim: to improve the traceability of livestock and meat production systems in practical EU conditions Partners:  UAB, INIA, ICIA & Gesimpex (Spain), JRC-Ispra (EC), TUM (Germany), Shearwell Data (UK), IdentiGen (IR), CNG & ENSAM (France), IZTeramo & UM (Italy), Associates Deliverables: Validation of a EID-DNA prototype system in beef cattle and pig production systems

5 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 5 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Intellitracker QLRT-2001-02257 Aim: to produce a flexible, robust and easy to use system for marking carcasses and their associated products with a unique robust mark at several anatomical locations in a single operation Partners:  Bradman Lake Ltd (UK), NWK Binaer (Germany), RVSI Europe (UK), Alligau Fleisch (Germany), Berghammer (Austria), Lloyd Maunder (UK) Deliverables: A working demonstrator system for generating a machine readable mark/code/ID suitable for application to meat carcasses, primals and products.

6 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 6 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Foodtrace QLK1-2001-02202 Aim: to develop a framework for effective implementation of traceability of products throughout the food supply chain Partners:  AIM (Europe) Ltd (UK), TIC, University of Central England (UK), CCG (EAN GE), Codeway (UK), Eurocommerce (BE), EAN (IL), AIM (NL), AIM (UK), AIM (SV), AIM (IT), Mag Media (FR), Univ. of Ljublijana (SL), EAN (RO), BCCI (BG), EAN (HU), Zagazig Univ. (Egypt) Deliverables: recommendations, standards, publications and website (

7 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 7 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Strengthening the foundations of ERA Structuring the ERA Research & Innovation Training & Mobility Research Infrastructures Science & Society Priority Thematic Areas Life Sciences, genomics & biotechnology for health Nanotechnologies... Food quality and safety Sustainable development... Anticipating S/T Needs Scientific support to policies New and emerging S/T needs SME activities international cooperation JRC Integrating European Research Citizens & governance Aeronautics and space Information society technol. Food Quality and Safety The Sixth Framework Programme

8 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 8 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Food Quality and Safety Production systems: Agriculture Fisheries Aquaculture Processing Safe, high-quality foods Health and well-being of consumers Food intake Environ- mental factors From Farm to Fork From Fork to Farm € 685 million

9 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 9 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY A Wide Range of Instruments  Integrated projects  Networks of excellence  Article 169 (joint implementation of national programmes)  As a “stairway of excellence” –specific targeted research projects –coordination actions  Specific support actions

10 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 10 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Integrated Projects: Objectives Training Ethical aspects, science-society dialogue Technology transfer, exploitation strong management structure Implementation Plan RTD 4 RTD 1 RTD 2 RTD 3 RTD 5 Demonstration Management  addressing major societal needs  increasing EU competitiveness predefined S/T results and clear deliverables To integrate the critical mass of activities/resources needed for :

11 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 11 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Networks of Excellence: Objectives Governing Council Funding Bodies Representatives Partner Organisation Representative  To structure the EU research potential by integrating research capacities Joint research activities Integrating activities Spreading of excellence Common management Scientific Council

12 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 12 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Safety Assessment of GM Crops Integrated Discussion Platform Co-ordinating Cluster Review/Position Papers, Press releases, Information on website Joint Work Planning Joint production/ exchange of test materials Common use of test facilities Exchange of research personnel Training of young scientists Safety testing of transgenic foods Detection of unintended effects Gene transfer Traceab- ility and quality assurance

13 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 13 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Expressions of Interest (EoI) Aims: –To identify priority topics suited for new instruments –To focus the call and avoid over-subscription –To assist in consortium building and proposal making Publication 20 March 2002 - Deadline 7 June 2002 Response –15.500 EoIs for all thematic priorities – 1.156 EoIs for “Food Quality and Safety” Assessment of 519 EoIs with assistance of 85 experts Results:

14 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 14 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY From EoIs to the Workprogramme Rationale for selecting the topics Analysis of submitted EoIs Gaps identified by experts Consultations with EC Services, AG and PC None of the topics reproduce exactly one EoI Combination of several EoIs addition of elements or modification of scope Choice of instruments Mainly Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence Some openings for STREP and CA A balance between Focusing  Ensuring Competition

15 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 15 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Food Quality and Safety – Epidemiology of food related diseases and allergies – Impact of food on health – Traceability processes – Methods of analysis/detection and control of chemical contaminants and pathogenic microorganisms – Safer production methods and healthier foodstuffs – Impact of Animal feed on Human Health – Environmental health risks Total Food Chain

16 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 16 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Total Food Chain lFood from low input and organic production systems lQuality seafood for improved consumer health and well-being lPathogen-free production systems Primary production Food industry High-quality and -safety foods with health benefits Inputs Retail sector Quality aspects Safety aspects Consumers New instrument 2003 Traditional instr. 2003

17 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 17 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Epidemiology of Food-Related Diseases and Allergies Development of databases Identification of key risk factors Food metabolism Food intake Immune system Genetic background Environ- ment lValidated food information database for Europe lInfluence of nutrition and lifestyle on healthy ageing aimed at preventing adult degenerative disease New instrument 2003 Traditional instr. 2003

18 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 18 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Impact of Food on Health Development of new health-promoting foods Scientific basis for improving health through diet Improved understanding of food metabolism Harnessing the opportunities of proteomics and biotechnology lFunctional genomics in relation to food, nutrition and health lLipid metabolism and the metabolic syndrome lFood safety, risk assessment and communication lHealth risks from heat-treated foods and food products New instrument 2003 Traditional instr. 2003

19 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 19 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Traceability Processes Increased consumer confidence in the food supply Stronger scientific and technological basis Complete traceability from raw material to purchased food lDevelopment of reliable traceability methods and systems to establish the origin/mode of production of food products New instrument 2003 Traditional instr. 2003

20 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 20 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Development of reliable traceability methods and systems to establish the origin/mode of production of food products l The objective will be to address the demand for harmonised, reliable, rapid and cost-effective methodologies and protocols needed to prevent fraud and to assure consumer confidence in the quality and safety of foods. l Both product-specific and general traceability systems will be developed in order to assess and guarantee the authenticity and specificity of food products. l This will strengthen the traceability research base within Europe and will act as a centre for demonstration, and training of stakeholders involved in this sector. l It will also promote exchange of best practice and transfer of knowledge between different food production sectors. New instruments 2003 Traditional instr. 2003

21 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 21 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Methods of Analysis, Detection and Control Controlling the food and feed supply Accurate data for risk analysis Improvement Reliable and cost- effective sampling/ measurement strategies Patho- gens Contam- inants Development ValidationHarmonisation lPrevention and control of zoonoses including food borne diseases lPrevention, control and management of prion diseases lDevelopment of quantitative risk assessment strategies based on probabilistic, genomics and profiling approaches including risk-benefit evaluation for novel foods New instruments 2003 Traditional instr. 2003

22 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 22 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Safer and Environmentally Friendly Production Methods and Healthier Foodstuffs Safer and healthier food and feed Improved trans- formation processes Lower input farming systems Innovative technologies lHigh throughput analysis of plant composition and metabolism for optimising end-product quality in the plant food chain lImproved strategies in animal welfare for improved food quality lGenomics of host-pathogen interactions in animals New instruments 2003 Traditional instr. 2003

23 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 23 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Safer and Environmentally Friendly Production Methods and Healthier Foodstuffs lImproved crop protections systems based on biological control methods for safer low-input production systems lAntibiotic resistance in animals, plants and humans lDisease risk from alternative and enriched cage and free-range systems lSimulation modelling for improved crop establishment in low-input systems Safer and healthier food and feed Improved trans- formation processes Lower input farming systems Innovative technologies New instruments 2003 Traditional instr. 2003

24 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 24 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Impact of Animal Feed on Human Health Reduction in the use of undesirable raw materials Alternative new animal feed sources Improved understanding of the role of animal feed in food safety lNew strategies to improve grain legumes for food and feed lAlternatives to antimicrobials in feeds New instruments 2003 Traditional instr. 2003

25 DG ResearchEuropean Commission Gembloux, 12 March 2003 25 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY Environmental Health Risks Identification of detrimental environmental factors Understanding the mechanisms involved Determination of how to prevent or minimise these effects and risks lHuman health implications of exposure to chemical residues lAllergy and Asthma lEffects of environmental exposure to complex chemical mixtures lNeurotoxic effects of environmental contaminants New instruments 2003 Traditional instr. 2003

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