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7-Feb-06By Alan, KB2WFPage 1 Airmail Email via radio! ++

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Presentation on theme: "7-Feb-06By Alan, KB2WFPage 1 Airmail Email via radio! ++"— Presentation transcript:

1 7-Feb-06By Alan, KB2WFPage 1 Airmail Email via radio! ++

2 7-Feb-06By Alan, KB2WFPage 2 What is Airmail? Is an important tool in our toolbox for Emergency Communications Can use the internet to pass traffic IF it is available –If the internet is down, radio is used –If the internet is operating, It helps with traffic load It can reach outside the radio world and into the day-to-day world Can be used on HF or VHF –Our focus is on VHF only in this session –HF networks are worldwide

3 7-Feb-06By Alan, KB2WFPage 3 It provides email-type messaging It looks like normal email Meets agency needs

4 7-Feb-06By Alan, KB2WFPage 4 It supports attachments Small attachments can be added Limited to text and small attachments. Typically 10 -20Kb is OK Attachments enable: –Spreadsheets, for example shelter residents details Logistics supplies or needs –Photographs Jpgs are best

5 7-Feb-06By Alan, KB2WFPage 5 Best suited to? Very detailed reports and lists Need for 100% accuracy –Airmail uses error correction Semi confidential messages

6 7-Feb-06By Alan, KB2WFPage 6 It is NOT Classical packet –Packet is ‘type as you go’ –Packet requires a high skill level good knowledge of many commands It is more prone to operator errors –But both use digipeaters A Blackberry –Blackberries rely on a central system which may overload –Airmail is more diversified

7 7-Feb-06By Alan, KB2WFPage 7 Typical Equipment Required A VHF Airmail station requires: A TNC –SCS and most Kantronics TNCs –1200bps Almost any radio –needs audio in and audio out A computer –Windows of any version! Even Win 95!

8 7-Feb-06By Alan, KB2WFPage 8 How does it connect? Direct with another station Airmail can connect To the internet via Telpac To the internet via telnet PC Radio TNC Airmail PC Radio TNC Airmail INTERNETINTERNET PC Radio TNC Telpac PC Radio TNC Airmail PC Radio TNC Airmail

9 7-Feb-06By Alan, KB2WFPage 9

10 7-Feb-06By Alan, KB2WFPage 10 How is it relayed? It can be relayed via Digipeater KA node PC Radio TNC Airmail PC Radio TNC Airmail Radio TNC Digi or node

11 7-Feb-06By Alan, KB2WFPage 11

12 7-Feb-06By Alan, KB2WFPage 12

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