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AgVantage Software 2011 User Conference
Patronage E-Agvantage C.D.D. Karen Tidd Good morning and welcome to the patronage distributions and govt reporting class! 3/25/2017
Topics of Discussion Patronage Check Distribution New Features
1099’s – Purpims & DPAD E-Agvantage C.D.D. 3/25/2017
Patronage Check Distribution
Current year distributions Terms & definitions File setup Pull & balance activity Maintenance Transfers Volume processing Distributions / dividends Our session will cover the steps in the patronage distribution along with the files needed to be set up and words used in the patronage process. 3/25/2017
Distributions Types Terms and Definitions
Qualified – patron pays tax on 100% of the dividend even though only 20% may be paid in cash Non-qualified – patron pays tax on the cash portion now and then when the deferred portion is paid, the tax is paid then. The coop gets the tax credit then. The coop pays tax on the non-cash portion of the dividends Qualified and Non-Qualified Distributions determines who pays the tax. Qualified – Customer pays the tax and not the cooperative. 1099 issued on the total dividend, cash and equity. Non-Qualified – Coop pays the tax on the cash dividends now 1099 issued on cash portion now. 1099 issued on equity portion when equity is redeemed. Usually issued to Producers and Business types. 3/25/2017
Terms and Definitions Member Status Code Member Status Code
P – Producer Farmer, Voting Receives patronage Reports as taxable income Blank – Non-Member Receives no patronage Member Status Code B - Business Non-Farmer, Non-Voting, Builder/Contractor Receives Patronage Reports as taxable income N – Non-Producer Non-Farmer, Non-Voting Determined by user if it’s reported on their income tax (Similar to a rebate or refund) The member status code is set in the customer master file. If it is blank, then they receive no patronage. The others will receive patronage. B is our newest code which is for the Builder/contractors. N is the non-producer which is basically the same as the Business code However they do not need to report the patronage as taxable income. P is the producer/farmer which reports the patronage as taxable income. 3/25/2017
Terms and Definitions Business Type Process
Allows qualified and non-qualified dividends in the same patronage distribution. Allows different cash percentages for different member types. Set up in constant file The Business Type process is setup for the cooperative so they can issue a Qualified Distribution to a Non-Producer and a Non-Qualified Distribution to a Producer in the same distribution and thus lower the amount of their taxes. This is controlled in the constant file. So, lets look at the files that need to be setup before a patronage distribution can be run. 3/25/2017
File Setup Information 4. Add/Change Patron Information
Patron Information – U9MEN9-4 Member status code B, N, P, or blank Create Query Social security number Report for missing SS #’s U9MEN8-3 Blank – SS No. F – TIN No. Backup withholding B in backup withholding field State code Pay out Age? IRS Name Verify the following fields in the customer files that are important to the patronage check run. Check the member status code by running a query using the u4cstmr file. The report for missing ss no.s now only prints for members! Use B for any extra backup withholding that is needed for a customer. If they have reached the payout age and should receive all of the patronage dividends in cash, then answer Y here. A query can be ran to check these. 3/25/2017
File Setup Information 5. Add/Change Constant Info
Federal Tax Withholding % 2011 – 28% Check code Write checks to inactive customers Earn common stock These fields will be used when writing patronage checks. Be sure they are set properly! 3/25/2017
File Setup Information 5. Add/Change Constant Info
Pay 100% on aged accounts Show prior yrs equity and equity balance on check Minimum check options Business Type Process Categorize Credit Card Sales If an aged account should received 100% of the pt dividend then make sure it is marked correctly here. The check stub information can show prior years equity and their balance on the ck. Mark the minimum ck option correctly. You can drop the dividends earned under the min patronage amount OR pay out the entire dividend if it meets the minimum check amount. If the business type process is not selected then it will distribute the patronage to the members as either Qualified or Non-Qualified depending on what was entered. 3/25/2017
File Setup Information 5. Add/Change Constant Info
Check Printer G/L Numbers Make sure the check printer is correct here. 3/25/2017
File Setup Information 5. Add/Change Constant Info
Setup Pat Checks to interface with G/L 3/25/2017
File Setup Information 11. Check Print Options
8.5 X 7 8.5 X 11 Laser Overlay Make sure the type of check is setup here for the checks you are using. Laser overlays can print signatures and your logo on the checks which is nice! The laser overlay is also used for the 1099 substitute check form. 3/25/2017
File Setup Information 7. Add/Change Heading & G/L# Info 1
File Setup Information 7. Add/Change Heading & G/L# Info 1. Add/Change Patronage Category Headings Heading & G/L Info 20 Category Headings 13 categories if using 8.5 X 7 Checks Different categories are used if you are needing to pay different percentages on products. Fertz may receive a different % than grain for example. These categories are tied to the g/l nos. Only set up the g/l nos. that will receive patronage. 3/25/2017
Setup Categories based on % paying for departments.
File Setup Information 7. Add/Change Heading & G/L# Info 1. Add/Change Patronage Category Headings Setup Categories based on % paying for departments. Separate category for Credit Card Sales 3/25/2017
File Setup Information 7. Add/Change Heading & G/L# Info
Credit Account? 0 = All loc Credit Card Sales U4MEN9-13 Payment Types Make sure the credit account question is correct when the G/L nos are set up in the next option. Sales are normally credits so therefore the answer would be Y. 3/25/2017
File Setup Information 8. Add/Change Patronage Transfers
Set up transfer activity Transfer between business/family More than 1 account Use this option to setup transfer of patronage sales to another account for ex if a customer has more than one account so he will receive only 1 patronage check. Also if the patronage will be distributed between family members. 3/25/2017
File Setup Information 9. Add/Change Monthly Gas Tax Rates
Set up items & rates Set up item codes such as fuels that have gas taxes included in the price so it will deduct them from the total sales that are eligible to receive patronage. 3/25/2017
File Setup Information 10. Add/Change Union Dues Information
Deduction for Farmers Union dues Your state may participate require farmers to pay Union dues. These can be deducted from their patronage checks. 3/25/2017
Pull & Balance Activity
Pull Activity Files Monthly verses Yearly Monthly Small amount of time each month Monthly issues are fresh Yearly Only has to be done once May take more time to balance Now you are ready to pull in the activity from AR & Grain packages. This can be done monthly or all at once for the whole year. There are pros and cons both ways. Anyone have any suggestions on these? 3/25/2017
Pull Activity Current Year Distributions 3
Pull Activity Current Year Distributions 3. Pull A/R Sales Into Patronage Activity File Pull A/R Sales Calendar month / year Remove gas taxes AR uses the calendar month to pull the information from the AR files. So if your fiscal yrs starts in June and you are paying pt for the business year 2007 here is how you would enter the information. The option will give a report of the items that were entered as N to receive patronage during AR invoicing. 3/25/2017
Pull Activity Current Year Distributions 4
Pull Activity Current Year Distributions 4. Pull Grain Purchases into Patronage Activity File Pull Grain Purchases Periods / fiscal Year If you need to pull grain information for the same time period, here is how you would enter that. June is 01, etc. 3/25/2017
Balance Activity Print Activity Report & Balance – U9MEN1-9 A/R –
Query A/R Trans. Monthly Sales Report G/L or Financial Statements Grain – Issues Merged month multiple times Missing months Missing G/L Accounts Credit Account question set up wrong The activity report can be used to balance the AR & Grain data from various different sources. AR – query the u4trnd file Look at monthly sales report Get figures from the F/S Grain – G/L accounts or F/S Issues to be aware of: A/R & Grain pulls will not stop you if run more than once. May be missing G/L nos. that need to be set up. Additions during the yr Credit account question is N and s/b Y or vice versa. 3/25/2017
Maintenance 6. Remove Selected Activity
Remove Activity Select months or whole year Maintenance can be done in several different ways. This is used if one of the pull options was ran twice Use beg month as 01 and end as 12 if needing to clear the whole file. 01-January if removing just one month. 3/25/2017
Maintenance 7. Add/Change Activity
By year This option changes the data in the file and shows totals by g/l no for each customer. No audit trail is printed from this option. Could potentially lose the changes made here if the activity needed to be re-pulled. 3/25/2017
Maintenance 7. Add/Change Activity
Run Transfers again! After making any changes, this is a reminder to rerun the transfers. 3/25/2017
Maintenance 2. Add/Change & Print Miscellaneous Sales
F6 Create Transactions F7 Prints Report for Audit Trail Another way to maintenance the activity is to enter the additions or corrections using the Misc Sales Option. This has a nice report for an audit trail of the changes. It will keep all of the data for all years in here even after it is pulled into the patronage files. 3/25/2017
Maintenance Current Year Distributions 2
Maintenance Current Year Distributions 5
Maintenance Current Year Distributions 5. Pull Miscellaneous Sales into Patronage Activity File Calendar Month & Year Be sure to pull the changes into the activity file by calendar year. 3/25/2017
Transfers Transfers between customers/business/family
Can rerun as many times as needed Print Final Activity Report U9MEN1-9 The transfers can be run as many times as needed. The final activity report should reflect the changes between the customer accounts. 3/25/2017
Volume Processing Equity Credits Cash Refund 3/25/2017
This option is primarily used when the patronage refund is based on the amount of equity a customer owns compared to the total business of the cooperative. For example, if a customer has been farming for a long period of time, then they would have a large amount of equity in the cooperative and should therefore receive a larger cash refund than a farmer that does not have as much equity. If the farmer doesn’t have a lot of equity in the cooperative, he would receive a smaller cash payment with a larger amount going into equity. 3/25/2017
Volume Processing 10. Process Volume of Activity Menu
Merge the Current Year Print Report Maintain Records Option 2 allows you to merge the current year sales into the volume file for processing of the pt dividend after the pull and balancing are completed. A report can be printed showing all the years for a customer and any maintenance can be done with option 1. 3/25/2017
% of needed equity Cash refund % Volume yrs-5 Total Volume
Distributions/Dividends 13. Calculate & Print Patronage Dividend Report from Activity % of needed equity Cash refund % Volume yrs-5 Total Volume Projected Equity If you are using volume processing, this screen will be displayed. If you want to skip this screen, enter the volume yrs as 3 and totals as 100. In this example customers owning 100% of needed equity will receive a 45% cash refund and customers owning 50 to 99% will receive a 40% cash refund. Customer with less than 50% will receive 35% in cash. This is based on a 5 yr period with the total volume from the volume report as 1,720,000 and the projected equity as 4,500,000 It figures the amount of cash dividend each customer will receive based on their volume and equity. If you have not entered anything into the volume file, this screen will not be displayed. If you choose to use the volume processing just to get a report of the activity for each customer but not really paying pt according to the volume, then enter 3 for the yrs and 100 for the dollar amounts. 3/25/2017
Separate rates for member types
Distributions/Dividends 13. Calculate & Print Patronage Dividend Report from Activity Business Process - Y 10% = 10. $.05 = 5. Business Process Separate rates for member types This is the screen that will be displayed when using the business type process and it offers different percentages for types of members. In this example the non-producer will be issued a qualified dividend with 20% issued in cash. The others are issued a Non-Qualified dividend. Coops don’t have to pay the tax on the Qualified dividend issued to the Non-Producer. 3/25/2017
Non-Business Type Process
Distributions/Dividends 13. Calculate & Print Patronage Dividend Report from Activity Business Process - N Non-Business Type Process This is displayed when the Business Type Process is N in the constant file. There is no separation between member types. 3/25/2017
Distributions/Dividends 16. Process Patronage Dividend Checks Menu
Enter Ck Date and Business Year Ref No. = Tally No. Updates Files Prints Check Register Prints Merge Sheet Merges to G/L Can rerun cks as many times as needed. You can enter the date to be printed on the cks and it prompts for the business year. Reference no on the ck is the same as the tally no referred to here in option 2. A Check register prints when the update process is complete. It updates check reconciliation, equity and government tax files with option 3. Now the patronage distribution process is complete! 3/25/2017
New Features Checks interfaced with G/L Separate Credit Card Sales
Track Payouts & Info 3/25/2017
New Features – Checks interfaced to G/L
Patronage Dividend Redemption Estates Preferred Stock Dividends Accumulative Preferred Stock Dividends Debenture Bond Interest 3/25/2017
New Features – Checks interfaced to G/L Setup U9MEN9-6
New Features – Checks interfaced to G/L Setup U9MEN9-6. Add/Change Division Information (A,C,I,D) I DIVISION INFORMATION **U9DVM0** Division Number: 001 Div Short Name: MAIN Div Long Name: MAIN DIVISION TESTING OF1 Div Loc Q G/L: Div Loc NQ G/L: Div REG Q G/L: Div REG NQ G/L: Equity Redemption Checks 3/25/2017
New Features – Checks interfaced to G/L Setup U9MEN9-5
New Features – Checks interfaced to G/L Setup U9MEN9-5. Add/Change Constant Info CONSTANTS FILE MAINTENANCE **U9C9M040** Check Writing Printer ID KARENP61H General Reserve G/L # Cash in Bank G/L # Qualified Retained Patronage Dividends Local G/L # Qualified Retained Patronage Dividends Regional G/L # Nonqualified Retained Patronage Dividends Local G/L # Nonqualified Retained Patronage Dividends Regional G/L # 3/25/2017
New Features – Checks interfaced to G/L Setup U9MEN9-5
New Features – Checks interfaced to G/L Setup U9MEN9-5. Add/Change Constant Info CONSTANTS FILE MAINTENANCE **U9C9M045** G/L Merge Y/N Y Federal Withholding G/L # Union Dues G/L # Location for Patronage G/L Accounts Location for Cash G/L Account 3/25/2017
New Features – Checks interfaced to G/L Setup U9MEN9-5
New Features – Checks interfaced to G/L Setup U9MEN9-5. Add/Change Constant Info CONSTANTS FILE MAINTENANCE **U9C9M050** C1 Common Stock G/L # C2 Common Stock G/L # C3 Common Stock G/L # C4 Common Stock G/L # C5 Common Stock G/L # C6 Common Stock G/L # C7 Common Stock G/L # Debenture Bond G/L # Debenture Bond Interest Payable G/L 3/25/2017
New Features – Checks interfaced to G/L Setup U9MEN9-5
New Features – Checks interfaced to G/L Setup U9MEN9-5. Add/Change Constant Info CONSTANTS FILE MAINTENANCE **U9C9M060** PREFERRED STOCK G/L NUMBERS: P1 Stock G/L # P1 Dividends Payable G/L # P2 Stock G/L # P2 Dividends Payable G/L # P3 Stock G/L # P3 Dividends Payable G/L # P4 Stock G/L # P4 Dividends Payable G/L # P5 Stock G/L # P5 Dividends Payable G/L # P6 Stock G/L # P6 Dividends Payable G/L # P7 Stock G/L # P7 Dividends Payable G/L # 3/25/2017
New Features – Checks interfaced to G/L Merge Screen
U2GLG0 Merge to G/L G/L Merge Month G/L Fiscal Year G/L Merge Date /18/11 3/25/2017
New Features – Separate Credit Card Sales Setup U9MEN9-5
New Features – Separate Credit Card Sales Setup U9MEN9-5. Add/Change Constant Info 3/25/2017
New Features – Separate Credit Card Sales AR – 9
New Features – Separate Credit Card Sales AR – 9. File Setup Information 13. Payment Types U4PYM0 PAYMENT TYPE MASTER FILE (A,C,I,D) I LOC 1 AgVantage Software Payment type C Description CREDIT CARD General Ledger Number Location Number Open cash drawer N Do not allow discounts . . 3/25/2017
New Features – Separate Credit Card Sales 7
New Features – Separate Credit Card Sales 7. Add/Change Heading & G/L# Info 1. Add/Change Patronage Category Headings (A,C,I,D) I PATRONAGE CATEGORY CONTROL FILE Category No. 07 Category Description: CREDIT CARDS Report Heading/1: CREDIT Report Heading/2: CARDS Figure Patronage On Qty?(Y/N) N If Patronage Figured On Qty Enter Qty Descriptions: Qty Short Description: Qty Long Description: 3/25/2017
New Features – Separate Credit Card Sales 7
New Features – Separate Credit Card Sales 7. Add/Change Heading & G/L# Info 2. Add/Change Patronage G/L Numbers (A,C,I,D) C PATRONAGE G/L # CONTROL FILE Division: 001 MAIN DIVISION TESTING OF1 GL Number: Location: = ALL LOCATIONS Category Number: 07 CREDIT CARDS Category Calculated on DOLLARS Credit Account (Y/N)? Y 3/25/2017
New Features – Separate Credit Card Sales 1
New Features – Separate Credit Card Sales 1. Current Year Distributions 9. Print - Activity Report 3/25/2017
New Features – Track Payouts & Info
1. Equity Deletions - U9MEN Estate Payouts - U9MEN3-7 a. Debenture Bonds b. Common Stock c. Preferred Stock 3. Debenture Bond Interest U9MEN6-4 V65 & V7 3/25/2017
1099’s Purpims & DPAD Purpims - Per Unit Retains Paid In Money
Allows grain payments to members to be used in computing the Section 199 deduction for the cooperative. Tax benefit to the cooperative! 3/25/2017
1099’s - Purpims Based on calendar year not fiscal year
Recorded in Box 3 of 1099-PATR Members only Calculates from grain checks Gross less the following: Discounts (TW, FM, Damage, etc ) Does not deduct drying, storage, hauling, checkoff Grain Checks Regular Grain Checks – at settlement time Deferred Payments – when check is written Advances – when check is written 3/25/2017
1099’s – Purpims u9men4-2. Update 1099-PATR with Grain Payments
U9MEN4 Government/Patron Reporting Menu Select one of the following: File Maintenance 1. Add/Change PATR/DIV/INT Tax Information 2. Update 1099-PATR with Grain Payments 3. Print 1099 PATR/DIV/INT Tax Report 1099 Letters to Patrons 4. Add/Change 1099-PATR Letter 5. Print - Combined 1099-PATR, 1099-DIV & 1099-INT Letter 6. Print PATR Substitute Letter or Forms 7. Print DIV Substitute Letter or Forms 8. Print INT Substitute Letter or Forms 1099 Reporting to Government 10. Create PATR Govt File 3/25/2017
1099’s – Purpims Reporting Queries available: U9GRG0AM1 U9GRG0AM2
Report of Grain Checks U9GRG0AM2 Report of Deferred Payments 3/25/2017
1099’s – Purpims Reporting - u9grg0am1
1099’s – Purpims Reporting - Patrons U5MNEY-2
1099’s – Purpims Reporting - Patrons U5MNEY-2. Purchases Year-To-Date Report Screen Report Customer's Annual Purchases Select One of the following: 1. Purchases Year-To-Date 2. Purchases Year-To-Date with 1099 payment amount Selection: 3/25/2017
1099’s – Purpims Reporting - Patrons U5MNEY-2
1099’s – Purpims Reporting - Patrons U5MNEY-2. Purchases Year-To-Date Report Screen U5EY Customer's Annual Purchases With 1099 Payment Amount AgVantage Software, V7 Year to report ___ Separate page for each customer?(Y/N) Y Select Customers to print, or leave all zeros for all customers. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 3/25/2017
1099’s – Purpims Reporting - Patrons U5MNEY-2
1099’s – Purpims Reporting - Patrons U5MNEY-2. Purchases Year-To-Date Report Screen 3/25/2017
1099’s – DPAD Tax deduction for cooperative related to products related to crop production in the USA Cooperative has option to pass on all, part or none of the tax savings to producers only Reported in Box 6 of the 1099-PATR 3/25/2017
9% of the net profit for years 2010 & after.
1099’s – DPAD 9% of the net profit for years 2010 & after. Dollar amt distributed to patrons could be based on 3 different figures Amount of 1099 Grain Dollars or Bushels used in patronage calculation Amount of Supply sales 3/25/2017
Written notification to producers
1099’s – DPAD Written notification to producers Total amount of allocation Producers allocation Download file into Word Document 3/25/2017
E-AgVantage Access Patron Information
Products eAgVantage Test Drive 3/25/2017
C.D.D. Design Patron Lookup Screen
U9ETM1 PATRON INQUIRY 05/31/11 00:00:00 Patron Farmer Jill L Select = Total 1 Equity 173, __ Common Stock __ Preferred Stock 3, __ Debenture Bonds 150, TOTAL 327, F12-Cancel 3/25/2017
C.D.D. Design Patron Lookup Screen
U9ETM161 PATRON INQUIRY mm/dd/yy Equity 00:00:00 Patron Number 700 Farmer Jill L Member Status __ Total Local 10, Total Common Stock Total Regional Total Preferred Stock Total Equity 11, Total Debenture Bonds 1 – Current 2 – History Division Local Regional Common Stock Union Dues _1 Q 1 MAIN DIVISION __ N 1 MAIN DIVISION __ Q 2 BROWNFIELD DIVISION __ N 2 BROWNFIELD DIVISION F3 – Exit F4 – Prompt F 12 – Cancel F13 – Customer Info 3/25/2017
C.D.D. Design Patron Lookup Screen
U9ETM161 PATRON INQUIRY mm/dd/yy Current Equity 00:00:00 Division 1 Main Division Patron Number 700 Farmer Jill L Member Status __ Div 1 Total Local 9, Total Common Stock Div 1 Total Regional Total Preferred Stock Div 1 Total Equity 10, Total Debenture Bonds Year Q/N Local Regional Common Stock Union Dues 2009 Q 5, N Q 2, F3 – Exit F4 – Prompt F12 – Cancel F13 – Customer Info 3/25/2017
C.D.D. Design Patron Lookup Screen
U9ETM161 PATRON INQUIRY mm/dd/yy Equity 00:00:00 Patron Number 700 Farmer Jill L Member Status __ Total Local 10, Total Common Stock Total Regional Total Preferred Stock Total Equity 11, Total Debenture Bonds 1 – Current 2 – History Division Local Regional Common Stock Union Dues _2 Q 1 MAIN DIVISION __ N 1 MAIN DIVISION __ Q 2 BROWNFIELD DIVISION __ N 2 BROWNFIELD DIVISION F3 – Exit F4 – Prompt F 12 – Cancel F13 – Customer Info 3/25/2017
C.D.D. Design Patron Lookup Screen
Pgm Name PATRON INQUIRY mm/dd/yy Equity History 00:00:00 Patron Number 700 Farmer Jill L Type Year Q/N Trans Check Check Local Regional Fed. Union Date No. Amount Amount Amount Tax Dues Estate 2001 Q 01/02/ Dividend 2001 Q 12/31/ Add Equity 1990 Q 12/01/ Delete Equity 1990 Q 12/01/ Change Equity 1990 Q 12/01/ Change Equity 1990 Q 12/01/ Comment Line - Equity Correction Dividend 1980 Q 10/02/ F3 – Exit F4 – Prompt F12– Cancel F13 – Customer Info F17 – Comment lines 3/25/2017
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