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Design, Multimedia, and Web Technologies.  A brief document that summarizes your education and training, employment history, skills, and experiences.

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Presentation on theme: "Design, Multimedia, and Web Technologies.  A brief document that summarizes your education and training, employment history, skills, and experiences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design, Multimedia, and Web Technologies

2  A brief document that summarizes your education and training, employment history, skills, and experiences that are relevant to the job for which you are applying.

3 TO GET AN INTERVIEW The interviewer will ask questions using the information from your résumé. Make sure your details are accurate and truthful.

4  Twenty seconds is the average amount of time an employer is going to review your résumé  In that time, they will determine whether to K eep it for further review or… Toss it!

5  Edited for proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation  Displays a formal tone and format  Information is easy to read and understand

6  Focuses on skills.  Uses action words to describe your skills and work experience.  One to two pages long.


8  Contact Information  Objective  Education  Experience  Skills  Awards, Honors, and Activities

9  Name  Address  Phone Number  E-mail Address Remember … Are your voice message and email professional?

10 Kelsey Ludlow 34 Hollow Street Staunton, Virginia 24401 540-678-9008

11  Specific for each job for which you apply  State type of position you are seeking  Skills you can offer them in this position

12  School Name  Location  Type of Degree (ex. Bachelor of Arts )  Graduation ( month/year)  Major/Minor  Certificates  GPA, if above a 3.0

13  To obtain a programming positions using my computer design skills.  To obtain a job as a sales clerk and advance to a position as a Manager using my leadership skills.

14 James Madison University Harrisonburg, Virginia Bachelor of Science May 2013 Business Administration GPA 3.34

15 Job Title Company Name City/State of Employment Date Employed (month/year) Job Description – Quantify, give skills used and gained, and successes that occurred

16  List skills that relate to the position  List special training or abilities  Can be skills from school, volunteer work, church participation, or other training  Example:  Completed Computer Applications.  Training in the use of Adobe Photoshop  Enjoy working with children.

17  Not required to be listed on the Résumé.  Prepare a list of three references in case employer asks  May list “References Available upon Request.”

18  Will be informative and interesting to read.  Lists job description with a power verb in the definition.  Will be formatted to be reviewed quickly.  Is perfect in spelling, punctuation and grammar.

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