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Summer Institutes 2013 Changing Teacher Practice Changing Student Outcomes.

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1 Summer Institutes 2013 Changing Teacher Practice Changing Student Outcomes

2 June’s remodeling 2013 Summer Institutes | Changing Teacher Practice  Changing Student Outcomes Remodeling Session ACCESS FOR ALL EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN DIVISION Presenters: EAST:CYNTHIA DEBREAUX, BARBARA SCRIVEN WEST: BILL RYNN, JENNIFER CASH, BOBBIE GRAMMER

3 North Carolina Summer Institutes Learning Path 20112012 2013 WHAT Focus: Internalizing a new SCOS HOW Focus: Planning how instruction needs to change IMPROVING PRACTICE Essential Standards Focus: Reflecting, adjusting and improving after year one of implementation Summer Institutes

4 SIS Student Information System IIS Instructional Improvement System DuFour PLC Questions What do we want students to learn? How will we know if they have learned it? How will we respond when they don’t learn it? How will we respond when they already know it? Universal Design for Learning #1 Representation #2 Action & Expression #3 Engagement

5 Disclaimer The digital tools used during this institute have been helpful to some educators across the state. However, due to the rapidly changing digital environment, NCDPI does not represent nor endorse that these tools are the exclusive digital tools for the purposes outlined during this institute.

6 Session Description This session will provide: Educators with methods and strategies that may be used to ensure that students with disabilities and students with varying learning needs have access to the General Education curriculum Strategies using the principles of Universal Design for Learning and available technology resources that will assist teachers in successfully meeting the needs of all students

7 Reflection Question… As a leader in education, what do you need to help students with special needs access the Common Core State Standards? Record your comments: Lino canvass

8 Setting the stage Majority of General Education classrooms have students with High Incidence Disabilities: Intellectual Disability Mild Emotional Disability Specific Learning Disability Other Health Impairment Speech/Language Impairment Autism

9 NC Data 9 Total NC SWD served in Regular Education – 136,331 (71% of EC pop.) Total NC Students with disabilities -192,261 (13% of NC pop.) Total NC Students – 1,483,559 Retrieved from NC DPI Count data as of April, 2013) 71% of students with disabilities spend most of the day in the general education classroom.

10 Application to Students with Disabilities Schools should promote a “culture of high expectations for all students”. Article Location

11 Standards 6 & 8 Teachers 165432 Demonstrate Leadership Establish Environment Know Content Facilitate Learning Reflect on Practice Contribute to Academic Success Principals (and other Administrators) 165432 7 8 Strategic Leadership Instructional Leadership Cultural Leadership Human Resource Leadership Managerial Leadership External Development Leadership Micro- political Leadership Academic Achievement Leadership

12 NC Evaluation Standards School Administrators: Standard II: Instructional Leadership The school executive must be knowledgeable of best instructional and school practices and must use this knowledge to cause the creation of collaborative structures within the school for the design of highly engaging schoolwork for students, the on-going peer review of this work and the sharing of this work throughout the professional community. Teachers: Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional, development of their students.

13 Planning for Access What do I want the students to be able to do as a result of this unit? All children have varying learning needs. View the video: Diversity of Learners

14 Common Core State Standards & Students with Disabilities IDEA requires that students with disabilities: Have access to the general curriculum Participate in state and district wide assessments to the extent possible Be educated along with their nondisabled peers using supplemental aids and services to the maximum extent appropriate. (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997; Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act of 2004)

15 IEP & Classroom Instruction GENERAL EDUCATION NONACADEMIC SERVICES & ACTIVITIES SPECIAL EDUCATION (If Applicable) SUPPLEMENTAL AIDS/SERVICES MODIFICATIONS/ACCOMMODATIONS ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY (If Applicable) IMPLEMENTATION SPECIFICATIONS (Example: Who? What? When? Where?) Least Restrictive Environment I. General Education Program Participation In the space provided, list the general education classes, nonacademic services, and activities (ex: lunch, recess, assemblies, media center, field trips, etc.) in which the student will participate and the supplemental aids, supports, modifications, and/or accommodations required (if applicable) to access the general curriculum and make progress toward meeting annual goals. Discussion and documentation must include any test accommodations required for state and/or district-wide assessment. If supplemental aids/services, modifications/accommodations and/or assistive technology will be provided in special education classes include in the table below.

16 Supports and Services Instructional Supports for learning Accommodations and/or Modifications Technology devices and services What methods and materials will I use to teach the lesson?

17 Instructional Supports for Learning Universal Design for Learning View the video: Principles of Universal Design for Learning deos

18 UDL offers Multiple means of: Representation Expression Engagement UDL allows you to customize learning for each student.

19 Accommodations and Modifications Accommodation: An effort to alter the representation or presentation of the curriculum or to modify the student’s engagement with the curriculum to enhance access and progress. Modification: Substantive changes in an assessment or academic curriculum that change the rigor or expectation.

20 Accommodation Types Presentation—change how an assignment or assessment is given to a student. These include alternate modes of access which may be auditory, multisensory, tactile, or visual. Response— allow students to complete assignments, assessments, and activities in different ways (alternate format or procedure) or to solve or organize problems using some type of assistive device or organizer. Setting—change the location in which an assignment or assessment is given or the conditions of the setting. Timing/Scheduling—increase the allowable length of time to complete an assignment or assessment, or change the way the time is organized for an assignment or assessment. (Minnesota Manual of Accommodations 2009, 12)

21 Instructional Accommodations Used during instruction and classroom assessments Be considered first by IEP Teams Enable the student to access information during instruction The accommodations for state tests are a subset of those needed during instruction. Testing students with disabilities, August 2012

22 Technology devices and services Brainstorm and share how you could use these devices to meet the needs of students requiring accommodations. Access for All: Technology

23 Tools for Access How will we respond when a student experiences difficulties in learning? Access for All LiveBinder

24 Concept Mastery How will I know whether the students have achieved the intended outcomes of this unit?

25 Deconstructing the State Standards for Students with Disabilities Be aware of the student’s present level of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP). Identify the appropriate grade level standard(s) statements. Unpack the standard. Identify what the student needs to know and be able to do in the simplest terms possible.

26 Example of Deconstructing a Standard Standard Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. (RL.5.1) Break the standard into its component parts:  Quote accurately  Explain what happened  Draw inferences Analyze the subskills  Decides on a focus. For example, focus on explaining what happened in the text to improve the student’s comprehension Determine Accommodations and/or Modifications for student to successfully reach standard Determine Plan to Monitor Progress

27 Effective Instructional Practices Instructional Pacing Increased opportunities for Engagement, Small Group Instruction (1:3 or 4) Increasing Number of Responses Corrective Feedback Distributed Practice and Review Frequent Progress Monitoring Data-Driven Instruction Direct, Explicit, Systematic Instruction 27

28 Mrs. Jones has a dilemma. The Back Story

29 Approaches to Dilemma Traditional verystudent/toolkits/tk_model lesson.cfm?tk_id=61&tkl_id=1 81&disp=traditional Universal Design verystudent/toolkits/tk_model lesson.cfm?tk_id=61&tkl_id=1 81&disp=udlapproach Representation Expression Engagement

30 Model Lesson Highlights Geography lesson highlights

31 Now your turn… In groups, discuss how can you apply these concepts in your work environment to ensure access to the general curriculum for all students?

32 Facilitated Team Time Preparation To prepare for Facilitated Team Time, complete the brief reflection to identify the “big ideas” gained from this session that you will share with your Summer Institute team. To access the reflection document, visit or scan the QR code on the next slide. To access the reflection responses during Facilitated Team Time, visit

33 Facilitated Team Time Preparation


35 EVALUATION Complete the session evaluation located at: N6rKub6pvHFJ1Nx_AXnvaCO1Hr0UxfOM/viewfo rm

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