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HCCB – Sustainability through Water Conservation
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HCCB- Sustainability Through Water Conservation
Outline Vision Business challenges HCCB Strategy Next Steps…
Availability Regulatory HCCB Strategy Water Conservation Stewardship through Public Private Partnership Next Steps…
Vision Be a recognized leader in water stewardship
Develop sustainable solutions for the company and community water management. Inclusive business growth
India Water Scenario Water demand is expected to double by 2050
Line of Stress 1700 Source : “India Water Scenario – Macro level picture” by Bharat Sharma , International Water Management Institute, New Delhi Source : National commission for Integrated Water Resources development plan, Ministry of Water resources India, Water demand is expected to double by 2050 Agriculture will continue to dominate – accounts for ~ 70% of water demand. Industrial Water demand expected to Increase from 6 to 10% by 2050 Improved agriculture practices is key to sustainable Water Management.
…India Water Scenario (cont..)
Abundant Adequate Marginally Stressed Severely Stressed Water allocation priorities (National Water Policy -2002) Drinking water Irrigation Hydropower Ecology Agro industries and non- agricultural industries Navigation and other uses. Source – TCCC Water Risk Survey Define Water Stress ~85% of India Volumes comes from Water Scarce Areas Water Allocation for Industries- A Low Priority
Challenges in Water Availability….
Surface water Requires approvals and is regulated through permits Changes in permit is a challenge Community – Key player in the approval process Perceptions- a key influence on decisions Ground Water Increasingly Stringent abstraction laws limits water withdrawal in water stressed areas. Requires to recharge water more than the permit to withdrawal. Increasing Ground water abstraction permit High on Control, Low on Governance Municipal Supply Continuous availability – a challenge The Onus is on Industries to Champion Water Sustainability…
…..And Wastewater Disposal
“ZERO Wastewater Discharge Condition” for Plant operation Necessitates disposal of treated wastewater within the plant premises. Wastewater to be disposed thru development of “Green Belt” 18 out of 33 HCCB plants are classified “ZERO Discharge” Treated wastewater disposal rate varies from 55 to 25 m3 /hectare/ day Challenges Availability of land for disposal of waste water Increase in Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Concentration in Wastewater and compliance to Wastewater requirement. - Government regulations regarding discharge volumes and TDS are rapidly becoming restrictive Conditions necessitate control on usage and disposal
The Key Drivers of Water Management
Availability Quantity and Quality is a challenge Cost Beyond Money …… Business Continuity HCCB Strategy Work Proactively to be “Beyond compliance” with constantly evolving regulatory framework Visualize Future Requirements and build for it Obtain “Social License” to operate business in harmony with local community Recognized as a Leader in water management Sustained thru continuous engagement with the local community The Key Drivers of Water Management
HCCB – Our Water conservation strategy
Reduce Replenish Reuse Implementing 3 R policy on water conservation….
HCCB – Our Water conservation strategy
Reduce Replenish Reuse Implementing 3-R policy on water conservation….
HCCB Water Management- How have we evolved….
HCCB has one of the largest returnable glass mix In 2010 Returnable packs accounted for 58 % of the Physical case volume ~ 36 % Improvement in Water Usage over last 3 years. We produced an additional 25 MM Physical cases in 2010 with the quantity of water used in 2009. Classified - Internal use
Internal Controls and Processes to “Reduce”
Create Awareness Water Resource Management training Self Assessment Tool kit Drive benchmark utilization of recoveries-90 % Maintenance & upkeep of recovery systems Establish a Dry Floor Culture It is possible to have World Class Water Usage even in High RGB scenarios !!!
Internal Controls and Processes to “Reduce”
Reengineering Automate and Regulate Water flow thru flow control valves Optimize Bottle Washer Jet size Optimize Flow Pressure Replicate Best Practices across plants It is possible to have World Class Water Usage even in High RGB scenarios !!!
Internal Controls and Processes to “Reduce”
Process optimization Correcting Leaks as a Process not a project Optimizing Frequency of Backwash Validating and Converting to 3-Step CIP Use of more water Efficient valves Replicate Best practices across plants
HCCB – Our Water conservation strategy
Reduce Replenish Reuse Water Reuse for Non-product , non –package contact applications only…..
Infrastructure Investments to “Reuse”
Backwash Water from Process Recovery Header Tank Chemical Addition Garnet Filter Raw Water Storage Sediment Clear well Schematic- Back Wash Recovery 100 kl 98 kl WATER REUSE – BACKWASH RECOVERY - Back Wash accounts for 6-8 % of total Water usage - Potential Recovery of ~ 98 % thru optimal usage Filtration and Chlorination for microbial control Water collected in Raw Water Tank Replicated across >90% of HCCB Locations Opportunity for reduction in Plant Water demand - ~ m3/day
Infrastructure Investments to “Reuse”
Vacuum line to equipment Glycol returned to hot Glycol line equipment Holding tank Paramix Vacuum Pump Recirculation Pump Glycol from line equipment Fresh soft water make up Drain Valve Schematic of Vacuum Pump Recovery VACUUM PUMP WATER REUSE - Potential of ~98 % water recovery thru optimal usage -Closed Loop System ensures minimal contamination risks & high reuse -Replicated across all HCCB locations. Opportunity for reduction in Plant Water demand - About 24 m3/day
Infrastructure Investments to “Reuse”
pH Correction Tank Water from B/W s Pre final compartments Cl2, FeSO4 Degasser Tower 5u Sand Filter Sedimentation Clear Water Carbon Decaustiziser Decaustizised Water Storage Chlorine 4 ppm B/W final rinse Except the last Jet PHE Schematic- Decaustisizer Recovery System 100kl 75kl BOTTLEWASHER RECOVERY Bottle Washer Accounts for % of water used in RGB Lines Recovery potential of > 75 % of water use. -Water reused in pre-final rinse of bottlewashing and utilities, if any excess. - Replicated across >90 % locations of HCCB. Opportunity for reduction in Plant Water demand - ~ m3/day
Schematic- Advance Waste Water Recovery thru UFRO
New Technologies Enabling HCCB to move “Beyond Compliance” System Unique to HCCB Coagulation Multimedia Filter Duel Media Filter Micron Filtration Ultra Filtration Degasser Reverse Osmosis Non Process Application (Boilers,Cooling Towers ) Solar Pond Schematic- Advance Waste Water Recovery thru UFRO 100kl 60kl 40kl UF – RO BASED ADVANCE WASTEWATER RECOVERY Accounts for 8 – 10 % of water used in the plant -Overall process recovery > 60 %. -Treated Water meets drinking water standards -Water Reuse for all utilities , process area cleaning etc.. - Available at ~50% Locations of HCCB. Opportunity for reduction in Plant Water demand - ~ 50–100 m3/day
New Technologies Enabling HCCB to move “Beyond Compliance”
System Unique to HCCB TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS MANAGEMENT IN EFFLUENT - 2 Stage RO for 85% wastewater recovery. RO reject >10% solids is concentrated through evaporation plant. Treated Water meets drinking water standards Crystallizer plant Separate the salt. Salt disposed to “Approved Site”. Wastewater Tertiary treatment RO - 1 Secondary Treated Wastewater RO water for Non product contact use (Utilities usage) High TDS RO Reject to evaporation plant Mechanical Vapor Recompression Evaporation (MVRE) & Crystallizer Recovered water TDS < 150 ppm (Conveyor Lubrication, Floor Cleaning in process areas) Salt (Approved Landfill Sites) RO - 2 Schematic of 2 pass RO 100kl ~85kl ~15kl ~14kl 5mg/l Potential technology for 100% Water reuse and Zero discharge in future…..
Exploring Next Steps in Water Reuse
Partnering with Corporate Quality, Legal, PAC, Technical teams on Water reuse PILOT Project. Closed loop water reuse for Bottlewasher and CIP wastewater. Captured ahead of discharge to waste water plant Water reuse for Product Contact application (Not yet approved for product use). Multi-barrier Design closed loop system with cutting edge technologies combining Ultra Filtration Reverse Osmosis (UFRO), evaporation & Ultra Violet treatment Benefits Increased Water Availability (~15 %) Waste water plant load reduced (~50%) Reduction in land for waste water discharge Pretreatment and MBR based Biological Treatment RO - 1 Bottle washer & CIP wastewater Water for product contact Application High TDS RO Reject to evaporation plant Evaporation and Crystallization Plant Salt (Approved Landfill Sites) RO - 2 Medium Pressure Ultra violet system Makeup water Schematic of Pilot Water Reuse Project
Investment in Water Recovery Schemes Across India…
TDS factor in deciding on recovery schemes to be added HCCB has invested over Rs 5.0 MM USD in Water recovery schemes over the last 5 years
Water Usage Trends @ Multi Line Plant- Bangalore (COE Location)
Recoveries at Back Wash Decaustisizer PET Rinse Vacuum Pump 3 step CIP for Juice - Optimize Recoveries - 2 stage UF-RO Waste Water Recovery - Evaporation & Salt Crystallization Focus Area- Optimum Usage of Recovery Systems to deliver WUR
HCCB – Our Water conservation strategy
Reduce Replenish Reuse Public Private Community Partnership
Water Replenishment Status & Plan …..
HCCB Water Replenishment Status HCCB Currently is at a Water Neutrality of 82 % HCCB looks at Water neutrality accounts as Total Water Used for beverage production Sensitivities around water usage requires focus on total water instead of Beverage water usage
Water Recharge Project in 2010 De-silting of a 100 Acre Nemam Lake
In Partnership with Local Government , NGO and community Partial de-silting completed Completion planned in 2011 Creates a Water Recharge potential of 154,000 m3/ annum Improves Percolation Increases storage area Benefits 200 farmers and 600 families in the area . Before After Leading a sustainable partnership in water replenishment…
Drinking Water & Sanitation Projects
Drinking Water Projects ‘Elixir of Life’ project Drinking water to over 100 Government Schools benefitting over 30,000 children in Chennai Community based drinking Water projects Benefiting over 350 households across Gujarat Improving Sanitation Construction of 200 toilets in the state of Gujarat, Assam and Tamilnadu. Dedication of water storage tank for Indiranagari Installation of RO plants for the household in Goblej Safe Drinking water and Sanitation projects are integral part of Source Vulnerability Assessment study
Promoting Efficient Agricultural Practices
Drip irrigation projects with State Govt & farmers at Kaladera in Rajasthan Completed 331 projects covering 165.5 hectares of agricultural land Estimated water conservation of 198,600 m3 / yr Plan for 170 hectares of area for drip irrigation in 2011 Projected water conservation of 200,000 m3/annum. Benefits to farmers 40-50% water saving under drip over conventional irrigation method. In absence of flooding - Eliminates soil salinity issues Higher crop yield resulting in higher income. Drip irrigation project at Jaipur
Next Steps Water Stewardship
At HCCB, we will become water positive (100% +) by end of 2011 at national level thru Optimizing Inhouse water use Restoration & revival of Community Water Bodies Rain water harvesting Drip Irrigation Ensure green field locations have Surface water & Municipal water as the primary source Creation of land based reservoir to cater peak demand Focus on Safe Drinking Water Sanitation Vocational Training on Water Conservation for local community
In Conclusion & In Conjunction with the Vision…
HCCB will continue the journey to become most efficient converter of Water into Beverage with best water balance practices. Will strive to reinforce Social goodwill – by building empowered communities around operations, growing acceptance as responsible corporate citizen, and being recognized a leader in Water management among the community through – Efficient Irrigation Practices, Safe Drinking Water Initiatives, Sanitation Projects, etc
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