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Local Emergency Management, Public Health Preparedness, & Hospital Emergency Management “A recipe for success.”

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1 Local Emergency Management, Public Health Preparedness, & Hospital Emergency Management
“A recipe for success.”

2 Purpose Create a crosswalk between the various deliverables of the three disciplines. Highlight opportunities for disciplines to partner to meet their disciplines thus reducing duplication of effort. Build new partnerships and strengthen existing partnerships. Enhance each disciplines understanding of their partners needs.

3 Presenters Warren Lee New Hanover County Emergency Management Director Mark Bennett New Hanover Regional Medical Center Hospital Emergency Preparedness Manager Jeremy Jernigan Columbus Regional Healthcare System Emergency Management Coordinator & Columbus County Health Department Preparedness Coordinator

4 Deliverables EM Hospital PH
EMPG EM Hospital PH *Each discipline has numerous deliverables, we only focused on these three. LTAR Joint Commission

5 NIMSCAST ASPR requirement
EM The hospital engages in planning activities prior to developing its written Emergency Operations Plan. EP 7. The hospital’s incident command structure is integrated into and consistent with its community’s command structure. EM As part of its Emergency Operations Plan, the hospital prepares for how it will manage staff during an emergency. EP 7. The hospital trains staff for their assigned emergency response roles. 1.1 Local SNS planning elements are incorporated in the local all-hazards plan and are NIMS-compliant. The plan for receiving, distributing, and dispensing SNS assets should be part of (incorporated into) a comprehensive emergency operations plan for your County.

6 Emergency Operations Plan
EM Does the organization engage in planning activities prior to developing its written Emergency Operations Plan? EP 3. The hospital, together with its community partners, prioritizes the potential emergencies identified in its hazard vulnerability analysis (HVA) and documents these priorities. EP 4. The hospital communicates its needs and vulnerabilities to community emergency response agencies and identifies the community’s capability to meet its needs. This communication and identification occur at the time of the hospital’s annual review of its Emergency Operations Plan and whenever its needs or vulnerabilities change. EM Does the organization have an Emergency Operations Plan? 1.1 Local SNS planning elements are incorporated in the local all-hazards plan and are NIMS-compliant. The plan for receiving, distributing, and dispensing SNS assets should be part of (incorporated into) a comprehensive emergency operations plan for your County. 1.4 The roles and responsibilities of local agencies and/or other organizations concerning SNS planning elements are documented. It is imperative for successful planning that agencies tasked with responsibilities, understand their roles and accept them as such. Circulation of the SNS plan to those agencies that have roles in the plan is essential. Written verification that each agency has accepted the responsibilities assign to them is required.

7 Exercises EM The hospital evaluates the effectiveness of its Emergency Operations Plan. EP 1. As an emergency response exercise, the hospital activates its Emergency Operations Plan twice a year at each site included in the plan. EP 4. For each site of the hospital with a defined role in its community’s response plan, at least one of the two emergency response exercises includes participation in a community-wide exercise. 1.2 Local SNS planning elements are updated annually based on deficiencies revealed during federal and/or state conducted SNS Technical Assistance Reviews and state/local trainings and exercises. 11.5 Hospitals and treatment center request procedures have been exercised. 12.5 After Action Reports/Improvement Plans (AAR/IP) are developed in accordance with HSEEP guidance.

8 Resource Management EM The hospital engages in planning activities prior to developing its written Emergency Operations Plan. EP 8. The hospital keeps a documented inventory of the resources and assets it has on site that may be needed during an emergency, including, but not limited to, personal protective equipment, water, fuel, and medical, surgical, and medication-related resources and assets. EM As part of its Emergency Operations Plan, the hospital prepares for how it will manage resources and assets during emergencies. EP 4. How the hospital will share resources and assets with other health care organizations within the community, if necessary. EP 5. How the hospital will share resources and assets with other health care organizations outside the community, if necessary, in the event of a regional or prolonged disaster. EM The hospital evaluates the effectiveness of its emergency management planning activities. EP 3. The hospital conducts an annual review of its inventory. The findings of this review are documented. 9.5 Transportation resource needs have been identified and are available to perform and support primary and re-supply activities for a medical countermeasure distribution campaign 10.5 The plan specifies procedures for providing prophylaxis to public health responders and critical infrastructure personnel. (specifically local caches) 10.8 The plan specifies procedures for making the following items available at every dispensing/POD site before dispensing starts (specifically office equipment, dispensing/medical supplies, communications equipment, crowd and traffic control equipment)

9 LEPC Not a Joint Commission Requirement but is a requirement under Title 42, Subchapter 116 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, Subchapter 1. Emergency Planning and Notification, section (c) Establishment of Local Emergency Planning Committee 1.1 Multi-discipline planning/advisory group or partners meet annually to review and/or update the SNS planning elements in the all-hazards plan.

10 Communications Plan EM As part of its Emergency Operations Plan, the hospital prepares for how it will communicate during emergencies. EP 3. How the hospital will notify external authorities that emergency response measures have been initiated. EP 4. How the hospital will communicate with external authorities during an emergency. EP 8. How the hospital will communicate with other health care organizations in its contiguous geographic area regarding the essential elements of their respective command structures, including the names and roles of individuals in their command structures and their command center telephone numbers. EP 9. How the hospital will communicate with other health care organizations in its contiguous geographic area regarding the essential elements of their respective command centers for emergency response. EP 10. How the hospital will communicate with other health care organizations in its contiguous geographic area regarding the resources and assets that could be shared in an emergency response. EP 14. The hospital establishes backup systems and technologies for the communication activities identified in EM , EPs 1-13. 4.3 Redundant communications platforms and systems are in place and are tested quarterly to ensure communications remain available in the event primary communication systems are unavailable. 4.4 Communication pathways are established between command and management locations and support agencies, where applicable 4.6 Designated personnel (identified in item 2.2) are trained in the use of redundant communications equipment.

11 Public Information EM As part of its Emergency Operations Plan, the hospital prepares for how it will communicate during emergencies. EP 6. How the hospital will communicate with the community or the media during an emergency. 5.1 Local public information and communication personnel (identified in 2.2) have been trained on responsibilities associated with a medical countermeasure distribution and dispensing campaigns. 5.2 A written PIC plan is developed to support to a medical countermeasure distribution and dispensing campaign. 5.3 The following PIC responsibilities appear on the job aid of the PIC liaison or other designated site staff 5.4 Messages that are consistent with state and federal guidance have been developed to support medical countermeasure distribution and dispensing at the local level and including messages to: 5.5 Methods to disseminate the messages indicated in item 5.4 above have been developed, including: 5.6 Materials (fact sheets, press releases, signs) or templates that are consistent with state and federal guidance have been developed and cleared for use: 5.7 Local plans for information needs of at-risk populations include:

12 Exercise Design Team EM The hospital evaluates the effectiveness of its Emergency Operations Plan. EP 6. The hospital designates an individual(s) whose sole responsibility during emergency response exercises is to monitor performance and document opportunities for improvement. EP 13. Based on all monitoring activities and observations, the hospital evaluates all emergency response exercises and all responses to actual emergencies using a multidisciplinary process (which includes licensed independent practitioners). 12.1 Primary and back-up staffs have been assigned to lead, plan and oversee public health and medical countermeasure distribution and dispensing emergency preparedness-related training, exercise and evaluation. 12.3 The local jurisdiction participates or conducts training and exercise plan work­shops (TEPW) annually and has developed a multi-year training and exercise plan in accordance with the Department of Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) guidance.

13 Hazard Mitigation EM The hospital engages in planning activities prior to developing its written Emergency Operations Plan. EP 2. The hospital conducts a hazard vulnerability analysis (HVA) to identify potential emergencies that could affect demand for the hospital’s services or its ability to provide those services, the likelihood of those events occurring, and the consequences of those events. The findings of this analysis are documented. EP 3. The hospital, together with its community partners, prioritizes the potential emergencies identified in its hazard vulnerability analysis (HVA) and documents these priorities.

14 Fuel Shortage Plan EM The hospital engages in planning activities prior to developing its written Emergency Operations Plan. EP 4. The hospital communicates its needs and vulnerabilities to community emergency response agencies and identifies the community’s capability to meet its needs. This communication and identification occur at the time of the hospital’s annual review of its Emergency Operations Plan and whenever its needs or vulnerabilities change. EM As part of its Emergency Operations Plan, the hospital prepares for how it will manage utilities during an emergency. EP 5. Fuel required for building operations, generators, and essential transport services that the hospital would typically provide.

15 Special Needs EM Within the EOP, the hospital prepares for managing patients during an emergency EP 4. EOP describes how the hospital will manage a potential surge of vulnerable populations 10.1 The local mass prophylaxis/dispensing plan details the procedures for the following operational issues: (specifically Processing non-English speakers/hearing impaired/visually impaired/functionally illiterate, Each of these special needs population should be addressed individually. Each population needs a different strategy)

16 Summary Opportunities to partner are numerous.
Some opportunities are obvious and some are not. There are numerous other documents that can be reviewed for other opportunities. Ex. PH Preparedness Capabilities, Hospital Preparedness Capabilities, etc.

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