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BODY 1 /2B nail = unghia Little finger = mignolo middle finger = medio ring finger = anulare thumb = pollice calf = polpaccio back = schiena trunk = busto.

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Presentation on theme: "BODY 1 /2B nail = unghia Little finger = mignolo middle finger = medio ring finger = anulare thumb = pollice calf = polpaccio back = schiena trunk = busto."— Presentation transcript:


2 BODY 1 /2B nail = unghia Little finger = mignolo middle finger = medio ring finger = anulare thumb = pollice calf = polpaccio back = schiena trunk = busto bosom=seno skull =teschio skeleton rib =costola fist =pugno chiuso skin muscle nerve spine=colonna bone =osso blood = sangue brain = cervello heart = cuore spleen = milza kidney = rene lung = polmone liver = fegato fingers elbow HEAD ARM neck shoulder LEG ankle heel FOOT toe knee wrist thigh hip armpit stomach /belly HAND waist chest basic intermediate advanced


4 HEALTH BODY 2 /2B He/she ‘s got a cough a sore throat flu a headache A toothache A stomachache / earache / backache a temperature I feel sick. I've gota pain in my head/throat/teeth…… My knee / shoulder…….. hurts aches I’ve hurt my foot/knee……. You should see a doctor ought to lie down take an aspirin/ a tablet take some cough syrup You shouldn’t go out

5 = il russare hiccup = singhiozzo punch = pugno(colpo) slap = schiaffo kick= calcio trip = sgambetto bump= bernoccolo bruise = livido tickle= solletico itch = prurito stammer=balbuzie cripple=zoppo hunchback=gobbo blindness deafness = sordità mutism numb stammerer lame hunchback blind deaf dumb cough yawn= sbadigliare sneeze snore hiccup punch slap kick trip bump=sbattere la testa bruise= farsi lividi tickle itch = prudere numb= intorpidire stammer=balbettare to limp be a hunchback be blind be deaf be dumb

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