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Reawakening the Cultural Mandate in the Great Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "Reawakening the Cultural Mandate in the Great Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reawakening the Cultural Mandate in the Great Commission

2 Part 4 The Primary Mandate – Disciple Nations Session 4.17 The GREAT CO-Mission - Overview Session 4.18 Christ Announces His Reign Session 4.19 Reawakening the Cultural Mandate in the Great Commission Session 4.20 The Task Is for All Christians – Where They Are Deployed Session 4.21 The Primary Task – Make Disciples of All Nations!

3 The Biblical Narrative Begins –In Genesis –In a garden –With a wedding –With royal vice regents with a mandate to create culture Ends –In Revelation –In a city –With a wedding –With royal vice regents of the earth bringing the fruit of the mandate to Christ on his wedding day

4 Flow of HIStory The Redemption Narrative Breadth CREATION: In the Beginning CONSUMMATION: Christ’s Return REDEMPTION FALL Eternity Future Before the Beginning

5 Narrative About Humankind’s Purpose on Earth The Creation – The First Mandate: The Cultural Commission The Fall and the Distortion of Culture The Consummation – The End to which all History Moves Redemption – The Second Mandate: The Great Commission

6 CREATION The First Mandate: The Cultural Commission

7 Outline Creation Is Good Man the imago Dei – Royal Vice Regents Man the Culture Maker The First Mandate The Nature of Culture

8 Creation Is Good!

9 The Beginning of Creation In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Genesis 1: 1-2

10 Shaping the Raw Materials Inanimate objects – Genesis 1:3-10, 14-19 Animate objects –Plants – Genesis 1: 12-13 –Animals – Genesis 1: 20-25 Imago Dei – Genesis 1: 26-27

11 The Artist’s Critique It is “good”- goodness, precious, beautiful –Genesis 1: 4,10,12,18, 21, 25 It is “so” – well, right, correct –Genesis 1: 7,9,11,15, 24, 30 It was very good – exceedingly good –Genesis 1: 31

12 Oikos – God’s House God had finished his work of creation It was perfect and filled with potential But it was not complete! It was waiting for the Vice-Regents to: –Steward the house – oikonomia –Discover its potential –Create music, art, poetry, dance, etc.

13 Imago Dei The Image of God

14 The Trinitarian Model Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule….” Genesis 1: 26

15 Imago Dei: Three Facets Has: describes the structural view that man has an image that is “like God.” Is: describes the relational view that man is “community.” Does: describes the functional view of what man does - stewards creation.

16 Being human is to be God-like and different from the rest of creation Communicable (shared) attributes of God –Mind – Attributes of Intellect –Heart – Moral Attributes –Will – Attributes of Purpose Adam is “like God”

17 The Relational View – Community The Social View The Divine Community created the human community Required for the Societal Mandate (Genesis 1: 28)

18 The Family The Trinitarian family: Father, Son and Holy Spirit The human family: Father, Mother, Child(ren)

19 The Functional View Adam: female and male are stewards of creation The developmental view Related to the second part of the Creation Mandate to “… fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over ….” (Genesis 1: 28) Humankind was made for a function or purpose.

20 A Shared Purpose The Imago Dei: male and female have the co-responsibility for stewarding creation They have a common origin and a common destiny: –Co-create – Pro-create –Co-rule – Vice-Regents –Co-steward – Developmental Mandate

21 Mankind’s Purpose “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2: 14

22 Royal Vice-Regents Men and women are to function as the kings and queens of creation. They are God’s vice-regents, created to rule in his stead.

23 Imago Dei A Summary We have been made “like God” (Structural View) to fulfill the Creation Mandate by filling the earth with Community (Relational View) in order to fulfill God’s purpose to develop the earth/create culture (Functional View).

24 Man The Culture Maker

25 God’s Purpose for Man Psalm 8: 3-8 3 When I consider your heavens, The work of your fingers, The moon and the stars, Which you have set in place, 4 What is man that you are mindful of him, The son of man that you care for him? 5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.

26 God’s Purpose for Man Psalm 8: 3-8 6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: 7 All flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, 8 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.

27 The Cultural Mandate

28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Genesis 1: 28

29 Two Subordinating Principles 1.Societal Mandate Genesis 1: 28 “be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth” 2.Developmental Mandate Genesis 1: 26, 28 “…and let them rule… subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea…”

30 Two Ways of Stewardship - # 1 Genesis 2: 15 “ The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” With his physical nature he is to tend and work the soil.

31 Two Ways of Stewardship - # 2 Genesis 2: 19-20 19 Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. With his mind and reason he is to name the animals.

32 God Blessed Them Bless: To endue with power for success, prosperity, or fruitfulness. God has equipped us for the task (with) –Internal Capital –External Capital Question: What are examples of Internal and External Capital?

33 Special Notes The Cultural Mandate: requires both kings and queens balances between –“working” – progressing; and –“tending” – conserving the garden

34 The Imbalance Materialist’s Tendency: to the rape of nature – works without tending - no conserving Animist’s Tendency: to the underdevelopment of nature – tends without working - no progressing

35 The Purpose of the Royal Vice-Regents Steward God’s house To create culture: cultivate the soil and soul Fill the earth with the knowledge of God Create bounty and godly culture Prepare unique cultural gifts for Christ at the end of history.

36 The Nature of Culture: A Family of Words Culture: the act of tilling and preparing the earth for crops; the means to improve good qualities or growth; the culture of the mind; the culture of virtue. Cultivate: to till or to dwell (the root of the word culture). Cult: the worship, adoration or veneration of a god. The principle: “Culture is the manifestation of worship!”

37 FALL The Distortion of Culture

38 Outline The New Reality A Family of Words Three Elements of Culture Two Prayers of a Fallen and Deformed World

39 The New Reality Read –Set # 1: Genesis 6: 5-6; Romans 3: 23 –Set # 2: Genesis 3: 16-18; Romans 8: 19-22 –Set # 3: Prov. 16: 11; Is 58: 6; Ez 22: 29; Micah 2: 2 Question: What form of evil is described?

40 Form – Family of Words Genesis 1: 2 - World is unformed Genesis 1: 3- 31 - Spirit of God – forming creation Romans 1: 18-31 - Man’s rebellion leads to deforming Romans 12: 1-2 - Transformation of mind and life Philippians 2: 1-8 - Conformation to Christ

41 The Elements of Culture

42 Two Prayers for a Fallen and Deformed World Read –2 Chronicles 7: 14 –Matthew 6: 5-14 Question: What is the focus of these two prayers?

43 Consummation The End to Which All History Moves

44 Outline Telos – The End of the Story The Ingathering of the Nations The Revealing of the Glory of the Nations Our Strategy Is with the End in Mind!

45 Telos the End of the Story Group # 1 –Read Genesis 12: 1-4 –Questions: What is the nature of Abraham’s call? What did this call cost him? Group # 2 –Read Hebrews 11: 8-10, 13-16 –Questions: What was Abraham looking for? What is the backdrop of our lives?

46 Telos – A Family of Words

47 Telo – The Root Meaning: “to set out for a definite point or goal.” From the beginning – Royal Vice Regents to create culture – Genesis 1: 26-27 In the end – the fullness of the kingdom and the Royal Vice Regents bringing the godly fruit of their nation’s culture into the kingdom – Revelation 21: 23-26

48 Telos - Eschatological End “The End” – of the story, the consummation of history and culture Read Genesis 12: 3-4; Habakkuk 2: 14; Rev. 19: 6-9; 21: 1-4; Is. 60: 1-3; Rev. 21: 21-2 Describe in your own words the images of the end of history! Question: Is the end marked only by a spiritual state?

49 Telios – Anthropological End Read Lev. 19: 2; Ephesians 4: 11-13 ; Col. 1: 28; James 1: 2-4 Questions: – What is the end of our sanctification? – In your own words, how else would you describe what your life would look like in its fullness?

50 The Ingathering of the Nations Read –1 Chronicles 16: 24-28 –Palm 67: 1-4 –Psalm 99: 1-4 –Revelation 15: 3-4 Describe in your own words the ingathering of the nations!

51 The Revealing of the Glory of the Nations

52 Similarities of Vision Isaiah 60 and Revelation 21 1.Isaiah 60: 10; Revelation 21: 25 2.Isaiah 60: 19-20; Revelation 21: 23 3.Isaiah 60: 18; Revelation 21: 4 4.Isaiah 60: 1-3; Revelation 21: 24 5.Is. 60: 6-7,9,13,17; Revelation 21: 24, 26

53 The Consummation of History and Culture: Similarities of Vision 1.Isaiah 60: 10; Revelation 21: 25 The gates are never shut. 2.Isaiah 60: 19-20; Revelation 21: 23 God is the source of light. 3.Isaiah 60: 18; Revelation 21: 4 No more suffering. 4.Isaiah 60: 1-3; Revelation 21: 24 Ingathering of the nations for worship. 5.Is. 60: 6-7,9,13,17; Revelation 21: 24, 26 The gifts of the nations are given.

54 The Queen’s Tribute 1 Kings 10: 1-13 The great Queen of Sheba (today’s Yemen) recognized in Solomon a human king above all kings (10: 7). She brought gifts representing the glory of her nation (10: 10): –Gold –Spices –Precious stones

55 The Magi from the East Matthew 2: 1-2, 9-11 Ambassadors from gentiles to the king of the Jews (2: 2) Precursor of the coming of the kings of the earth bringing the glory of their nations to the King of Kings They brought gifts of tribute from their nations to the newborn king (2: 11) –Gold –Incense –Myrrh

56 The Glory of the Nations! From Isaiah 60 and Revelation 21, what things represent the glory of the nations? What is the glory of your nation?

57 The End of Culture

58 Our Strategy Is with the End in Mind! God’s Glorious Purpose - The Glory of the Nations will be Revealed!

59 Redemption The Second Mandate: The Great Co-mission

60 Christ Died To Redeem Culture

61 Outline Review: Reduction of the Great Co- Mission God’s Big Agenda The Culture of the Kingdom of God Reawakening of the Cultural Mandate in the Great Commission

62 Two Worldviews GOD Creation Evangelical GnosticismBiblical Theism

63 The Two Minds of Missions Satan: the god of this age and prince of the air THE RULER OF THIS WORLD This is my Father’s world

64 The Two Minds of Missions Defensive Reactive Awaiting Christ’s return THE CHURCH’S STANCE Offensive Pro-Active Fight the good fight

65 The Two Minds of Missions My Heart spiritual things CHRIST IS LORD OF… … ALL, or He is not Lord at all.

66 The Two Minds of Missions Bypass the Mind Listen to the Spirit speaking in your heart INTELLECTThe Berean Spirit Love God with all one’s mind

67 The Two Minds of Missions Individual and Spiritual TRUE RELIGION Public and Incarnational

68 The Two Minds of Missions Save individuals from each nation THE GREAT COMMISSION Make disciples of all nations

69 The Two Minds of Missions Worldly less important, a waste of time MEETING PHYSICAL NEEDS IS The heart of compassion “As the Father sent me…”

70 The Two Minds of Missions Freedom from this present suffering CHRIST’S RETURN Culmination of the process of reconciliation

71 God’s Big Agenda Read –Colossians 1: 20 –Romans 8: 18-23 –John 3: 16 Question: Why did Jesus die on the cross?

72 The Culture of the Kingdom

73 The Three Faces of Kingdom Culture 1.Truth—Reflects God’s physical and metaphysical laws 2.Justice—Reflects God’s moral laws 3.Beauty—Reflects God’s aesthetic laws Douglas Jones and Douglas Wilson, Angels in the Architecture, p. 18

74 Kingdom Culture Biblical Aesthetic BEAUTY Biblical Ethic JUSTICE Biblical Metaphysic TRUTH

75 Three Dimensions of the Great Commission Read the following passages − Acts 1: 8 − Matthew 28: 18-20 − Mark 16: 15 What does each reveal about the nature of the Great Commission?

76 Three Dimensions of the Great Commission on earth as it is in heaven! DEMOGRAPHIC GEOGRAPHIC Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done KTIZOGRAPHIC

77 Reawakening of the Cultural Mandate in the Great Commission

78 Christ Is King of All Read Colossians 1: 15-20 Questions: – How many times do you find the word “all” or “everything”? –What do these indicate?

79 Kingdom Culture and the Great Commission TRUTH JUSTICE BEAUTY on earth as it is in heaven DEMOGRAPHIC KTIZOGRAPHIC GEOGRAPHIC Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done Progress (Isaiah 9:7): “of the increase of his government… there will be no end” Time (Matt. 28:20b) “until the end of the age” Infusio n TRUTH JUSTICE BEAUTY Kingdom Culture Infusion

80 The GREAT CO-Mission Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

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