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MODULE 36 Extremists in the Correctional Setting Gangs & Terrorism.

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1 MODULE 36 Extremists in the Correctional Setting Gangs & Terrorism

2 A. Objective 1. 182: Describe techniques & procedures correctional employees should follow regarding the potential confrontations with members of terrorist groups. Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist

3 B. Definitions 1. Gangs a. A group of people working or acting together in a criminal way

4 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist 2. Terrorist Groups a. F. B. I. defines terrorism as the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in the furtherance of political or social objectives

5 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist 3. Strategic Threat Groups (STG) a. Three or more individuals who possess in common a distinctive goal, symbolism or philosophy, & pose a present or potential threat to the safety of staff, inmates or the public or possess identifiable skills or resources or engage in unauthorized activities

6 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist C. Formal prison gangs 1. First specifically identified gang began on west coast (Washington State), Gypsy Jokers

7 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist 2. Midwest & east identified Almighty Latin King Nation in 1940’s. Street organization, later moved into prison systems.

8 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist 3. Mexican Mafia, 1957, EME. Self protection, drugs, gambling and extortion from northern Hispanics

9 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist 4. Black Guerrilla Family, 1966, BGF. To control other inmates & violently overthrow prison system. Still exist today identified at the Maryland House of Corrections Annex, 1997

10 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist 5. Nuestra Family, 1967, NF. Latino culture with revolutionary faction, protection of northern Hispanics.

11 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist 6. Aryan Brotherhood, AB. Self protection for white inmates from black inmates. White supremacist philosophy. Moved in on organized crime operations.

12 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist 7. Texas Syndicate, TS. Hispanic inmates from Texas with common origin for criminal activities a. Spread to major state & federal facilities through 1960’s & 70’s b. Growth assisted by slow development of policies

13 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist D. Effects of Gangs & Terrorists in Corrections 1. Impact of gangs on the staff, inmates & the system a. Assaults b. Selected targets (hits) c. Fear & distrust d. Security threat

14 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist e. Increased tension 2. Escapes a. Disruption of institutional services i. Visits ii. Educational/vocational programs iii. Religious volunteers

15 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist E.Factors that Influence Growth of Gangs 1. Overcrowding 2. Legal decisions 3. Media attention 4. Racial imbalance 5. Cultural differences

16 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist 6. Transfers 7. Gang activity in communities 8. Administrative decisions 9. Instability 10. Other

17 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist F. Indicators 1. The common signs a. Graffiti/language b. Tattoos c. Clothing/Appearance d. Hand signs & writing e. Music

18 Extremist in the Correctional Setting –Gangs & Terrorist G. Management Strategies to Gangs & Terrorist Groups 1. Administrative Responses a. Passive (Reaction) i. Ignores information ii. Denies existence of gangs

19 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist iii. Downplay gang activities iv. Handle incidents on a case by case basis v. Administration gives token responses vi. Band-Aid solutions

20 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist b.Aggressive (Proactive) i. Recognize existence of problem ii. Goal--Effectively stop or hinder gang activities

21 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist c. Gain control i. Give inmates incentive not to join gangs ii. Disrupt gang communication iii. Protect those not involved

22 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist H. Officer & Staff Precautions 1. You must follow all institutional rules & regulations for your safety. 2. Report suspicious activity

23 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist 3. Be firm, fair & impartial 4. Prepare mentally for your job 5. Deal with the stress 6. Safety is paramount

24 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist I. Gangs Associated in Maryland & Inside Our Institutions 1. Baltimore City Gangs a. Black Mafia b. CBS c. Cherry Hill Gang

25 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist d. Collington Organized Group (Collington Ave) e. Crypts f. O’Donnell Heights g. Dutch Village h. East Side Dog Pound

26 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist i. East Side Mob j. The Federal Street Posse k. Hollander Roads l. Insane Bloods (From Kansas City) m. Jamaican Black Mafia n. Junction Crew

27 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist o. Li’l Dutch p. M&B (Madison and Bradford) q. Marble Hall r. McCade Boys s. Monroe and Ridge t. Murphy and Pulaski

28 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist u. Murphy Homes v. NFL w. North and Pulaski x. OYC (Old York and Cater) y. Park Heights z. SCU

29 Extremist in the Correctional Setting – Gangs & Terrorist aa. Skinheads bb. The Southern Boys cc. Swansea Boys dd. TC 93 (Taggers?) ee. 20th and Barclay ff. White Mafia

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