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Namaskar 你好 Liberalisation of Telecoms Economic & Social Impacts By DR T.H. CHOWDARY Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Chairman: Pragna.

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Presentation on theme: "Namaskar 你好 Liberalisation of Telecoms Economic & Social Impacts By DR T.H. CHOWDARY Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Chairman: Pragna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Namaskar 你好 Liberalisation of Telecoms Economic & Social Impacts By DR T.H. CHOWDARY Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Chairman: Pragna Bharati (intellect India ) Former: Chairman & Managing Director Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited & Information Technology Advisor, Government of Andhra Pradesh T: +91(40) 5567-1191/ 2784-6137(O) 2784-3121® F: +91 (40) 5567-1111, 2789-6103 Talk @ Beijing University, Beijing, China on Thursday, the 18 th Oct 2007

2 THC_CTMSS3602 Economic Impact (1) Prices fell by 90% and are still falling adding to India’s competitiveness India’s global (mainly US, Europe, Australia, Japan) broadband increased enormously & extended inland to II tier towns Thousands of BPO; KPO; ITeS & e-Media Businesses are born

3 THC_CTMSS3603 Economic Impact (2) Job Opportunities for the hitherto educated unemployed increased fantabulously – well paid [10 times the per capita income] Over 2.0 mln engaged growing 20/25% p.a. Huge demand for University education-[to go up from < 8% to 15% in 11 th plan 2007- 2012

4 THC_CTMSS3604 Economic Impact (3) Exports of IT; ITeS; BPO, KPO growing by 30% p.a.; would go up from $ 40.0 bln in 2007 to $ 60 bln in 2010 Indian employees of foreign companies (IBM, GE, EDS, Deloitte, Cap Gemini, CSC, Accenture...) are tens of thousands Indian companies are recruiting foreign talents- Global bench-marking of talent to sensitise Indians to Excellency Indian companies are acquiring BPOs in EU; US; Hungary; Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam...

5 THC_CTMSS3605 Intellectual Impact (4) Intellectual property created by Indian professionals (R&D) for foreign companies (Huawi, Motorola, Lucent, QUALCOM, CIT-Alcatel, Ericsson, Nokia Indians breaking out to launch their companies – products (Chip design embedded s/w; GPS/GIS;....) Foreign Universities enter India; Domestic companies became aware of quality 175,000 Indian studetns are studying in foreign Universities (USA, Australia, UK, Singapore, Germany, Sweden,....)

6 THC_CTMSS3606 Social Impact (1) Islands of highly paid boys and girls Money (emoluments) as driver/motivator Individualistic uncaring for family/Relations De-Indianised, culturally alienated (Indian only in colour & blood but Americanised.

7 THC_CTMSS3607 Social Impact (2) Vulgarity among the young increases –Cell-phone talk while walking –Cell phone talk in lifts & while driving –Cell phone talk in waiting halls of airports, rail- stations; buses and trains –Cell phone talk by husband & wife during morning walk –Cell phones on in auditoriums, cinema hall, classroom

8 THC_CTMSS3608 Social Impact (3) Virginity no longer a virtue Divorces going up [9 times in Delhi; 2 times in Chennai, Kolkata – 30% of divorce filings by women] First Marriage is a “trial Marriage”! Children wanted late or not at all Children’s nurture not at home but entirely in School [from age 3 to 18] – literature, history, ethics neglected Modesty, thrift, scholarship, fine arts are de-valued Rights, rights for everything but no duties Self-centeredness (party because of ½ child choice)

9 THC_CTMSS3609 Social Impact (4) Wife-Husband tending toward nominal/notional relationship Old parent care crumbling High-spending consumerism Flats, supermarkets, “International” Schools (expensive) boom; Health Care, Insurance, Retail, tourism, Eateries, autos boom, boom Migration of the highly talented going up

10 THC_CTMSS36010 Social Impact (5) Subversives-globally funded transnational conversion enterprises inveigle the poor (US jobs, emigration) Rich-poor gap increasing Politicians compete to “tax the rich”; feed the poor to breed voters [7 to 15 children].... Welfare without work; Welfare before wealth creation Little/no effort for education for all Government schools avoided even by the poor as there is no teaching/ education/learning

11 THC_CTMSS36011 Social Impact (6) Disruptive, competitive populism Co-existent, highly aspiring, enterprises, achieving young Good & Evil battling i) “Deficiency of leaders with noble minds” – Dr APJ Abdul Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, President of India (2002-07)

12 THC_CTMSS36012 Social Impact (7) Idiotisation of the young (and old too) by > 250 TV channels, 24 hrs/day showing trash Igniting the intelligence & Inquisitiveness of the young-neglected Coarseness of behaviour, deportment Fraud, fake, violence on the increase

13 THC_CTMSS36013 Social Impact (8) Net Abuse (1) (26.08.2007 Pioneer) Social networking sites eg. ORKUT Cyber Space coined by William Gibson in 1984 in his box Neuromancer Netizens- Online Community; has millions of groups Social networking sites eg ORKUT. The top 10 sites had a 47% growth in Membership in 2006-07

14 THC_CTMSS36014 Social Impact (9) Net Abuse (2) (26.08.2007 Pioneer) Cyber crimes are easier than terrestrial crimes –Are easy to learn how to commit –Require few resources relative to potential damage –Can be committed in a jurisdiction w/o being physically present in it –Are often not clearly illegal –India has the 3 rd largest ORKUT population in the world [after Brazil & USA] –In Y2006 Mumbai High Court proceeded against one social networking site for allowing hate campaign against India; another against one religion etc

15 THC_CTMSS36015 Social Impact (10) Net Abuse (3) (26.08.2007 Pioneer) –ORKUT is India’s most visited Portal –Can find long lost childhood friend (s) –Evil acts like Photo-morphing that led to depressed girls A rave party in Pune (indecent) Leading to deterioration of morals in society

16 THC_CTMSS36016 Social Impact (11) Correctives Bhakti-Devotional Channels coming up Yoga being promoted Hindu Pundits, sages, sadhus (holymen) moving out of cloisters Companies Educational/Counselling programs Social projects – especially by the top ten (Satyam, Infosys, TCS, Wipro...) IT companies; emulated by bio-tech companies like Dr Reddy’s Labs – a biotech company

17 THC_CTMSS36017 Dhanyawad: Thank You

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