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The Effects Of UV Light And Temperature On The Growth And Germination Rates Of Genetically Modified Soybean Seeds By Caroline Hsiao.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effects Of UV Light And Temperature On The Growth And Germination Rates Of Genetically Modified Soybean Seeds By Caroline Hsiao."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effects Of UV Light And Temperature On The Growth And Germination Rates Of Genetically Modified Soybean Seeds By Caroline Hsiao

2 Abstract Genetically Modified crops have risen to the level of nine percent of world crop harvests; this poses many questions about genetically modified crops. Much research has been done on the percentage of growth, and the speed of growth of genetically modified crops. The purpose of this experiment was to test if temperature or UV light had any effect on genetically modified soybean growth, since there was not much research done on this topic. In this experiment one half of the seeds were then placed in a small 26C incubator and allowed to grow for 8 days, the remaining half of the seeds were put in a tray out in room temperature (about 20C-25C) for 8 days and allowed to grow. Measurements in cm were taken each day; on the next trial a second variable was introduced and this was that the same number of seeds were exposed to UV light and then placed in a heat or control environment, then the same amount of seeds were planted and were not given and exposure to UV light and planted in both the heat and control environments. These plants were then all allowed to grow for 8 school days (which equals about 15 days), and then the trial was repeated. The results were then analyzed using an ANOVA (using SPSS) with a Sheff Posthoc (confidence interval of p<.05). The data suggests that temperature and small amounts of UV exposure will greatly increase the speed and also the germination percentage of both normal soybean and genetically modified soybean growth; however normal soybean seeds tend to grow faster and taller than genetically modified ones.

3 Need Genetically modified foods are virtually everywhere in today's markets, but people are unsure if they have any flaw to them (growing slower, more vulnerable to temperature flooding or extreme light etc.) Not much testing has been done on the growth and germination cycles of genetically modified foods or the effects of UV light and temperature on genetically modified soybeans

4 Knowledge Base Stages of Soybean Germination Plant health Amount of UV light (dosage) Genetically Modified Soybean Seeds Normal Soybean Seeds

5 Purpose To test the effects of UV exposure and temperature on genetically modified soybean seed and normal soybean seed growth.

6 Lit Review S. K. TYAGI and R. P. TRIPATHI, Warmer temperatures increase soybean germination and also growth, colder temperatures discourage growth. Large amounts of soil moisture assist soybean growth but after 15% of the soil was moistened growth was discouraged. Eileen Feilmeier Wuebker, Russell E. Mullen, and Kenneth Koehler Warmer temperatures increase soybean growth and longer periods of flooding also tend to increase soybean growth, however after 2 or 3 days of flooding soybean germination percentages greatly decrease.

7 Null Hypothesis When seeds are not exposed to UV light and are placed in a control environment they will grow faster and healthier than the seeds which have been exposed to UV light and are placed in a heat environment.

8 Alternate Hypothesis When seeds are exposed to small amounts of UV light and are placed in a heat environment they will grow at the same rate as the seeds which have not been exposed to UV light and are placed in a control environment.

9 Discussion Genetically modified soybeans seem to tend to grow slower so they did not grow as tall as normal soybean seeds All seeds exposed to UV light seemed to grow taller and/or faster than seeds that had not been exposed to UV light All seeds that were exposed to hotter temperatures also grew faster and taller than the ones that were put in a normal environment

10 Limitations Unequal distribution of water, water was not exactly measured so it is a possibility that the plants had more/less water than others did. Other factors causing the plants/seeds to die, (bugs and pests etc.) Constant opening and closing of the incubator may have slightly changed the temperature inside of it for short periods of time

11 Conclusion The data supported the initial null hypothesis, which states that temperature and small amounts of UV light would increase the plant height of both normal and genetically modified soybean seeds. This was proven because the data clearly showed that genetically modified soybeans grew shorter and slower than the normal soybeans did. Also all of the soybean seeds that were exposed to UV light or to hotter temperatures also grew much faster and taller than normal soybean seeds.

12 Future research More trials and runs of this same experiment Studies on the growth of genetically modified soybean seeds Studies that use different environmental variables (wind flooding etc.) that may effect soybean growth

13 Methodology The Effects Of UV Light And Temperature On Genetically Modified Soybean And Normal Soybean Growth 6 (per trial) genetically modified soybeans were exposed to UV light and then placed in a 26C incubator. 6 (per trial) normal soybeans were exposed to UV light and then placed in a 26C incubator. 6 (per trial) normal soybeans were exposed to UV light and then placed at room temperature (25C). 6 (per trial) genetically modified soybeans were placed at room temperature (25C) 6 (per trial) normal soybeans were placed at room temperature 6 (per trial) normal soybeans were placed in an 26C incubator 6 (per trial) geneticall y modified soybeans were placed in a 26C incubator 6 (per trial) genetically modified soybeans were placed at room temperatu re Measurements in cm were taken everyday, each test lasted about a week and a half (8 days) Measurements of the height (in cm) of the plants stem and leaves were taken Statistical analysis (using SPSS): ran an ANOVA with a Scheffe Post Hoc with p<.05 and also means were compared.

14 Bibliography Differential Proteolysis of Glycinin and jB-Conglycinin Polypeptides during Soybean Germination and Seedling Growth, Karla A. Wilson, Berit R. Rightmire, Jean C. Chen, And Anna L. Tan-Wilson, May 5, 1986, Plant Physiol. (1986) vol 82, 71-76, Flooding and Temperature Effects on Soybean Germination, Wuebker, EF Mullen, RE Koehler, K, Nov-Dec 2001. Crop Science [Crop Sci.]. Vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1857-1861. Ultraviolet light and ozone stimulate accumulation of salicylic acid, pathogenesis-related proteins and virus resistance in tobacco, Nasser Yalpani, Alexander J. Enyedi, Jose Leon, llya Raskin, November 2 1993 Studies on the flooding tolerance of soybean seed: varietal differences, F.F. Hou & F.S. Thseng, October 11 1991, Euphyica vol 57: pgs 173, 1991. Low Temperature Effects on Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv. Wells) Mitochondrial Respiration and Several Dehydrogenases during Imbibition and Germination, Stanley H. Duke, Larry E. Schrader, And Marna Geyer Miller, August 9, 1977, Plant Physiol. (1977) vol. 60, pgs 716-722

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