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Wash U Distribution Work Flow Amy Brink Washington University School of Medicine February 27, 2014.

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1 Wash U Distribution Work Flow Amy Brink Washington University School of Medicine February 27, 2014

2 Specimen Banking O Specimens are banked in the LTP Repository via two ways O A PI has IRB approved study O LTP has a General Banking protocol

3 Specimen Request O Investigators at Wash U use an external site to place specimen request O Investigator can specific specimens from a study based in the time point and specimen type O Investigator can request to have service performed on a banked specimen (extract DNA) and then distribute a portion of the specimen O Investigator can make a general request based on research they want to do (IRB appoved) form specimens in the General Banking CP


5 Processing the Request O After the request is placed in the system and email is generated to notify that lab of the request O Staff will print the request form O Example: PI would like 500ul of serum from the baseline collection on patients 15520, 15478 and 16350 enrolled on Z1031_old CP

6 Processing the request Search for parent specimens List is provided to technician to pull specimen and create 500uL aliquot Aliquots are created in caTissue for the specimens were requested

7 Distribution Work Flow Specimens added to My List Search Add to My List on Specimen detail page My List Select Distribute Submit Distribution Distribution Protocol Distribution Site View ConsentStatus

8 Distribution Work Flow Edit Report Define view Add fields Export Format in Excel Notify PI Call PI Update project

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