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Play Warfare Prussian tactics in 1870-71 War 1 Another name for Dreyse rifle 2 German rifle used by Boers 3 Prussian commander at Waterloo 4 New bullet.

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2 Play Warfare

3 Prussian tactics in 1870-71 War 1 Another name for Dreyse rifle 2 German rifle used by Boers 3 Prussian commander at Waterloo 4 New bullet in mid-1800s 5 Superior French rifle 1870-71 6 Napoleonic victory 1805 7 War fought in 1859 8 North’s political leader in American Civil War 9 Communications innovation in Crimea 10 Dreadful British innovation in Boer War 11 Bad seven days for British in Boer War 12 Mission tactics 1 1 Needle gun 2 2 Mauser 3 3 Blucher 4 4 Minie 5 5 Chassepot 6 6 Austerlitz 7 7 Franco- Austrian War 8 8 Lincoln 9 9 Telegraph 10 Concentration camps 11 Black Week 12 Click on house for answer, re-click to remove answer Warfare Team 1 bid: Team 2 bid: Team 3 bid: Team 4 bid: Team 5 bid: Reset Team bid: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. tie

4 Play Rules of Play Objective: To correctly identify as many terms and answers as possible based upon given definitions and questions You will be given 12 questions – read them and then decide how many you are certain that you know and can identify You must then bid to win – the winning contestant is the one who correctly identifies as many terms and answers as possible However, if you get your ‘bid’ wrong (i.e. you didn't know as many definitions as you thought!) you will lose the game (no matter how many you got correct) and the next highest bid will win In the event of a draw, there is a tie break question

5 Tie Break Question: Question: Number of British troops killed 1 st July 1916 Answer: 19,240 Answer:

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