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Seed Projects Monday Church Project September 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Seed Projects Monday Church Project September 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seed Projects Monday Church Project September 2007

2 Seed Projects Concept Definition 3 Consequences 3 Principles 10 Characteristics Planning

3 Seed Project Definition 1. Small and short term 2. Done with local resources 3. Demonstrates God’s love 4. Outside the church

4 Seed Project Definition SEED PROJECT Small, short-term Local Resources Demonstrate God’s Love Outside the Church

5 Three Consequences Wholistic Evangelism Freedom from Dependency Confidence for Larger Activities

6 . Three Consequences Wholistic Evangelism Freedom from Dependency Confidence for Larger Activities

7 Three Principles 1.Continuous – lifestyle 2.Balanced – to all areas 3.Integrated – all areas to the same people

8 .. Life StyleTo all Areas To Same People Three Principles

9 10 Characteristics 1.Motivated by God’s intentions

10 10 Characteristics 1.Motivated by God’s intentions 2.Covered in prayer

11 10 Characteristics 1.Motivated by God’s intentions 2.Covered in prayer 3.Simple and short

12 10 Characteristics 1.Motivated by God’s intentions 2.Covered in prayer 3.Simple and short 4.Thoughtfully planned

13 10 Characteristics 1.Motivated by God’s intentions 2.Covered in prayer 3.Simple and short 4.Thoughtfully planned 5.Done with local resources

14 10 Characteristics 1.Motivated by God’s intentions 2.Covered in prayer 3.Simple and short 4.Thoughtfully planned 5.Done with local resources 6.Done for those outside the church

15 10 Characteristics 1.Motivated by God’s intentions 2.Covered in prayer 3.Simple and short 4.Thoughtfully planned 5.Done with local resources 6.Done for those outside the church 7.Beneficiaries participate

16 10 Characteristics 1.Motivated by God’s intentions 2.Covered in prayer 3.Simple and short 4.Thoughtfully planned 5.Done with local resources 6.Done for those outside the church 7.Beneficiaries participate 8.Does not manipulate

17 10 Characteristics 1.Motivated by God’s intentions 2.Covered in prayer 3.Simple and short 4.Thoughtfully planned 5.Done with local resources 6.Done for those outside the church 7.Beneficiaries participate 8.Does not manipulate 9.Includes spiritual impact

18 10 Characteristics 1.Motivated by God’s intentions 2.Covered in prayer 3.Simple and short 4.Thoughtfully planned 5.Done with local resources 6.Done for those outside the church 7.Beneficiaries participate 8.Does not manipulate 9.Includes spiritual impact 10.God is praised

19 Seed Project Planning 1

20 Seed Project Planning Guide

21 . Heading 1. Problem: ____________________________ 2. God’s Intention: _____________________ 3. Scripture: ___________________________ 4. S. P. Description: ____________________ 5. Primary Impact: ____________________ 6. Secondary Impact(s): ________________

22 . Heading 1. Problem: Husbands don’t respect wives 2. God’s Intention: Husbands love wives 3. Scripture: Ephesians 5:25 4. S. P. Description: Seminar 5. Primary Impact: Wisdom 6. Secondary Impact(s): Soc, Spir, Phy

23 Seed Project Planning Guide

24 Planning Form Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day

25 Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 1 Prayer, Decision GodTime, reflection Church leadership 1

26 Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 1 Prayer, Decision GodTime, reflection Church leadership 1 2 Interest Survey Community Men Question- naire Church volunteers 4-7

27 Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 1 Prayer, Decision GodTime, reflection Church leadership 1 2 Interest Survey Community Men Question- naire Church volunteers 4-7 3 Get seminar teacher PastorRecommen -dation Pastor8-10

28 Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 4 Get lesson material BookstoreResearch, Funds Comm. Chair 8-15

29 Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 4 Get lesson material BookstoreResearch, Funds Comm. Chair 8-15 5 Get venue Person in charge White board, chairs, etc. Juan P8-15

30 Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 4 Get lesson material BookstoreResearch, Funds Comm. Chair 8-15 5 Get venue Person in charge White board, chairs, etc. Juan P8-15 6 Arrange refresh. Church & community Women, funds Rosa15-20

31 Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 7 Print announ. PrinterFundsMaria15-20

32 Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 7 Print announ. PrinterFundsMaria15-20 8 Prayer meeting GodTimePastor21

33 Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 7 Print announ. PrinterFundsMaria15-20 8 Prayer meeting GodTimePastor21 9 Distrib. announ. Church/ Community TimeComm. Chair 22

34 Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 10 Conduct seminar -----------TimeProject committee 23

35 Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 10 Conduct seminar -----------TimeProject committee 23 11 Prayer GodTime and Prayer Pastor24

36 Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 10 Conduct seminar -----------TimeProject committee 23 11 Prayer GodTime and Prayer Pastor24 12 Eval.God, Project committee Participant response Project committee 25

37 Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 13 Evaluate &Report Project Comm. WriterComm. Chair 26-28

38 Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 13 Evaluate &Report ----------WriterComm. Chair 26-28 14 Plan next project Church leadership Time and Prayer Church leadership 29 END of PLAN

39 Checking the Plan Impact Areas Wisdom – Physical – Spiritual – Social –

40 Checking the Plan Impact Areas Wisdom – Step 10 (seminar content) Physical – Not planned (possible by-product) Spiritual – Step 10 (principles in seminar) Social – Steps 6, 9, 10 (church/community interaction)

41 Checking the Plan Characteristics 1.God’s Intentions - Heading – Eph 5:25 2.Prayer - Steps 1, 8, 11, 14 3.Simple and short - Step 10 (1 day) 4.Thoughtfully planned - Total plan 5.Local resources - Steps 4, 5, 6, 7

42 Checking the Plan Characteristics 6.Outside the church - Steps 2, 6, 9, 10 7.Beneficiaries Participate - Steps 2, 6, 9, 10 8.Not manipulative - All, especially 10 9.Spiritual impact - Step 10 10.Kingdom standards - Step 13

43 Evaluating the Project Easily missed, but essential

44 Evaluating the Project 1. Narrative description 2. What worked 3. Problems 4. Lessons learned 5. Set date and begin plans for next project

45 Your Seed Project 1.Share/teach principles and methodology 2.Pray 3.Select problem 4.Choose project 5.Write plan 6.Compare with Seed Project characteristics 7.Implement plan 8.Evaluate plan 9.Plan next Seed Project

46 Long-Range Planning WisdomSpiritual PhysicalSocial

47 Long-Range Planning ( How to eat the whole elephant) Wisdom Workshop on Writing Curriculum Vita Spiritual Bible study on the theology of work Physical Simulate/role play of 1 st day on the job Social Celebration to honor various vocations

48 Importance of Planning One transforming aspect of the seed projects to cell leaders is planning. ….Planning has become valuable to our leaders because any seed project that is thoroughly planned bears tremendous results and leaves great community impact. Planning has become extremely relevant because not only is it helping to bear good fruit but it is also helping our leaders to plan their own lives. Franco Onaga, KPC

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