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Three Theories of Minority experience in US

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1 Three Theories of Minority experience in US
Understanding the minority experience in the United States is difficulty because three major theories offered to explain the integration of minorities into the larger society have taken on a political tone of what avenues should be open to minorities.

2 Three Theories of Minority experience in US
Assimilation – (majority-conformity) theory. The process by which members of racial or ethnic minorities are able to function within a society without indicating any marked cultural, social, or personal difference from the people of the majority group.

3 Three Theories of Minority experience in US
Amalgamation- (melting-pot) Theory. The biological and cultural blending of two or more groups of people into a distinct new type: the melting-pot theory.

4 Three Theories of Minority experience in US
Pluralism- A state in which minorities can maintain their distinctive subcultures and simultaneously interact with relative equality in the larger society.

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