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Joining the dots FFT Governor Dashboard: 1 Richard Wyborn – FFT Director (Development & Support) Giving Governors the key data they need to ask the right.

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Presentation on theme: "Joining the dots FFT Governor Dashboard: 1 Richard Wyborn – FFT Director (Development & Support) Giving Governors the key data they need to ask the right."— Presentation transcript:

1 joining the dots FFT Governor Dashboard: 1 Richard Wyborn – FFT Director (Development & Support) Giving Governors the key data they need to ask the right questions

2 joining the dots Workshop Objectives Ensure that each delegate leaves with a clear understanding of the information provided in the FFT Governor Dashboard. Consider how governors and school leaders can use the new dashboard as a ‘support and challenge’ tool – asking the ‘right’ questions at the right time. The chance to influence future development 2

3 joining the dots Providing Governors with Better Information 3

4 joining the dots Governor Dashboard - Introduction Six key questions: 1.How does attainment and pupil progress at my school compare to the national average? 2.How are we performing in different subjects? 3.Do we have any under-performing groups of pupils? 4.How might the context of our school affect our performance? 5.How does pupil attendance compare to the national average? 6.What are the key potential strengths and weaknesses of your school? 4

5 joining the dots Governor Dashboard – Page 2 (Headlines) 5

6 joining the dots 6

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8 Governor Dashboard – Page 2 (Headlines) 8 Key Question for Governors How does attainment and pupil progress at my school compare to the national average?

9 joining the dots Governor Dashboard – Pg3 (Subjects/Groups) 9

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12 joining the dots Strengths and Weaknesses 12

13 joining the dots Governor Dashboard – Pg3 (Subjects/Groups) 13 Key Question for Governors How are we performing in different subjects? Do we have any under- performing groups of pupils?

14 joining the dots Governor Dashboard – Page 4 (School context) 14

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17 joining the dots Governor Dashboard – Page 4 (School context) 17 Key Question for Governors How might the context of our school affect our performance? How does pupil attendance compare to the national average? What are the strengths and weaknesses of your school?

18 joining the dots How will the Dashboard help governors & school leaders? Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the school School improvement and development planning Preparing for OFSTED inspections Supporting Headteacher performance management Setting the strategic vision for the school. 18

19 joining the dots ACCESS and resources The FFT dashboard and Self evaluation booklet are available from FFTLive - 19

20 joining the dots ACCESS and resources 20 Both the governor dashboard and self evaluation booklet can be downloaded as pdf files from this screen

21 joining the dots 21 Access and RESOURCES Download additional resources (help and guidance) from the main FFT website

22 joining the dots 22 Many thanks and any questions?

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