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UN and Korea March 17, 2013. The Cold War in the East Map: Turn your paper over to the Cold War in Asia side. Take a RED or PINK colored pencil and color.

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Presentation on theme: "UN and Korea March 17, 2013. The Cold War in the East Map: Turn your paper over to the Cold War in Asia side. Take a RED or PINK colored pencil and color."— Presentation transcript:

1 UN and Korea March 17, 2013

2 The Cold War in the East Map: Turn your paper over to the Cold War in Asia side. Take a RED or PINK colored pencil and color in the USSR.


4 The Cold War in the East Then color Mongolia RED or PINK as it came under Soviet influence in the 1920s.


6 Mao’s Communist Revolution: 1949 China Becomes Communist in spite of Western intervention

7 Now color in the NEW communist Countries in Asia: China and Manchuria Taiwan! Still Capitalist! Now known as Nationalist China


9 Vocab #7 United NationsAn international peacekeeping organization founded in 1945 to provide security to the nations of the world.

10 The United Nations

11 The signing of the UN Charter in San Francisco (Opera House) 1945 There were 51 original signers (nations) to the UN charter. Today there are 193 nations of the UN.


13 An international territory The UN Headquarters is an international territory owned by the United Nations. No federal, state or local officer or official of the United States, except with the consent of and under conditions agreed to by the Secretary- General of the Organization. However, the United Nations is bound by an agreement with its host country to prevent its Headquarters from being used as a refuge for persons who are avoiding arrest or who are fighting for extradition to another country. On the site, the UN has its own fire fighting and security forces and its own post office branch, with special provision for UN stamps.

14 The United Nations was created to do 3 things: Peacefully solve problems between countries End Colonialism and make new countries out of old colonies Put war leaders on trial for atrocities

15 The Creation of the U. N.

16 UN Security Council Chamber in New York

17 There have been 8 Secretary-Generals since 1945. The current Secretary-General is Ban Ki-moon of S. Korea. Leadership:

18 Organization of the United Nations: General Assembly- Is like a “World Congress”. 2/3 Majority required to pass a vote. Resolutions are not binding. No control over Peace and Security Matters within a country. The UN Security Council- 15 countries, 5 permanent members with Veto power for all issues: USSR, USA, France, Britain, China. All Security Council decisions are binding and must be carried out by countries in the UN. Controls the UN Armed Forces and all military operations.

19 Organization of the United Nations: Economic and Social Council- This group promotes development of international economic and social programs like promoting equality for women in the workplace and loans for technology and science programs. International Court of Justice- This is the court where international disputes, war crimes, illegal state interference and crimes against humanity are heard and judged. UN Secretariat- This group caries out the business of the UN and makes a reality of the directives it gets from the other organizations.

20 Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish Peace Keeping Troops:

21 Top 10 donators to the UN budget, 2011 Member state Contribution (% of UN budget)% USA 22.000% Japan 12.530% Germany 8.018% United Kingdom 6.604% France 6.123% Italy 4.999% Canada 3.207% China 3.189% Spain 3.177% Mexico 2.356% Other member states27.797%

22 On your map: Fill in #9 on your map. Use this symbol in the USSR. Find info In your 17.1 notes or p. 535.

23 The Principles of the United Nations All Member States have sovereign equality. All Member States must obey the Charter. Countries must try to settle their differences by peaceful means. Countries must avoid using force or threatening to use force. The UN may not interfere in the domestic affairs of any country. Countries should try to assist the United Nations.

24 Typical UN Programs: UNICEF- Medical, nutritional and educational help for poor children around the world. UNESCO- Helping develop education, science and culture around the world. WHO- Tracking and intervening in world health issues. World Bank- International development loans WFP- Food program to transfer food from wealthy countries to areas of starvation

25 Typical UN Actions: Responding to natural disasters like the south Asian tsunami that took out Acre. Brokering a peace deal during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Fighting the Korean War. Looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and Iran. Wiping out Small Pox and Polio. Holding war crimes trials like the Nuremberg Trials after WWII and the Genocide trials after Kosovo.

26 Sept, 2013 Opening Session Mrs. Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil Mr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, President of Nigeria His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein, King of Jordan

27 More speakers: Would they meet each other? Mr. Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran Mr. Barack Obama, President of US

28 Containment U.S. policy using military, economic, and diplomatic strategies directed at blocking the expansion of communism and enhancing America’s security and influence abroad.

29 At the end of WWII Japanese control of Korea ended but the nation was divided into 2 countries. North Korea was controlled by the USSR. South Korea was controlled by a dictatorship. In 1950, North Korea attempted to reunite the country by invading South Korea.

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