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Day One.

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1 Day One

2 Act V Agenda Bell Ringer Grammar Skill Focus: The Apostrophe
Reading: Act V:i-ii Apostrophes Activity Exit Slip

3 Bell Ringer #4: (A) 2/25 & (B) 2/28
Summarize the action of the play so far. Write one one sentence for Act I, one sentence for Act II, one sentence for Act III, and one sentence for Act IV.

4 Grammar #3: Commas Rule 1: To avoid confusion, use commas to separate words and word groups with a series of three or more. Example: I will bring pizza, cookies, and soda to the party. Rule 2: Use a comma to separate two adjectives when the word and can be inserted between them. Example: She is a happy, cheerful girl. Rule 3: Use a comma when an -ly adjective is used with other adjectives. Example: Romeo is a lonely, young boy. Rule 4: Use commas before or surrounding the name or title of a person directly addressed. Example: You, Tonya, will have to redo the assignment.

5 Grammar #3: Commas Please rewrite the following sentences, adding commas as needed. I am taking English Math Social Studies and Spanish this year. I feel like you Alfred could do better on your exams with a good nights sleep. She is a friendly old woman. WRITE A SENTENCE OF YOUR OWN THAT NEEDS COMMAS – BUT OMIT THEM… YOU WILL TRADE WITH A NEIGHBOR IN A MOMENT!

6 Reading Today we will read Act V:i-ii.
Please open your books to page 1009

7 Act V: Scenes One and Two (p. 1009)
Parts: Romeo, Balthasar (his servant), Apothecary, Friar John, and Friar Laurence What news does Balthasar bring Romeo? Explain how this conflict drives the plot of Act V. Paraphrase what Romeo means when he says, “Then I defy you, stars!”? What is the effect of Romeo receiving Balthasar’s news? Summarize what does Friar John tell Friar Laurence? Explain what does Friar Laurence plan to do after receiving Friar John’s news? Make a prediction as to what will happen in scene iii, our final scene of the play.

8 Skill Focus: The apostrophe
An apostrophe is a figure of speech in which someone absent or dead or something nonhuman is addressed as if it were alive and present and was able to reply. Example: You’re walking down the hallway after school and you pass a classmate. You turn out and call out, “Kim, could I speak to you?” Kim doesn’t hear you and continues on her way. You mutter, “That’s o.k., Kim, it wasn’t very important anyway.” The first part addresses Kim directly while the second addresses Kim as if she were there but she really isn’t. Doing this allows us to “air” our feelings.

9 Apostrophe Posters In groups you will review each passage in the context of the play an decide what the apostrophe suggests about the speaker’s attitude towards the absent person. Procedure: Read the apostrophe together. Explain how the speaker feels about the absent person. If you get stuck, find the apostrophe in the text and look for the context of the words (what happened prior to these spoken words?) Write the quote and explanation on your mini-poster. Complete a visual that displays the use of the apostrophe within the text We will do the first one together as a class. You will have 20 minutes to complete the other 9 in groups.

10 Apostrophe Poster 1 Mercutio (Act II, scene i): Romeo! Humours, madman, passion, lover! Appear thou in the likeness of a sigh! Speak but one rhyme, and I am satisfied. Because Mercutio is using sarcasm about Romeo’s state of being in love, it suggests that he doesn’t agree with Romeo’s state.

11 The value of an apostrophe
What purpose does the apostrophe serve in literature? How does it contribute to the tone of the story?

12 Exit Slip: Today we learned about the use of apostrophes to affect the mood within a text. Complete the following for today’s exit slip: Create your own apostrophe. Explain why you chose to speak to this absent person/thing. What mood do you hope to create with for audience?


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