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Live, Virtual, Constructive – Integrating Architecture

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1 Live, Virtual, Constructive – Integrating Architecture
(LVC-IA) Overview Brief for OneSAF Users Conference PEO STRI / TCM LVC TE 2 April 2009

2 Agenda LVC-IA Program Overview PEO STRI I2 LVC Integration Cell initiative OneSAF Contribution to LVCIC Take Aways

3 LVC-IA and Infrastructure Defined
The LVC-IA and Infrastructure consists of two mutually dependent components. The LVC Integrating Architecture is a network-centric linkage that collects, retrieves and exchanges data among Live Instrumentation, Virtual Simulators, and Constructive Simulations as well as Joint and Army Battle Command Systems (BCS). This architecture provides the common protocols, specifications, standards and interfaces that help standardize common LVC components and tools required for interoperability of LVC components for simulation/stimulation (SIM/STIM) of unit Battle Command Systems for mission rehearsals and training. The Live Virtual Constructive Integrating Architecture defines “how” information is exchanged among the LVC domains and Battle Command Systems. The LVC Integrating Architecture includes common LVC components such as Enterprise AAR, C2 Adapters, Terrain Databases, Multi-level Security, and Hardware/Software. The Live Virtual Constructive Training Infrastructure provides the “means” for communicating, exchanging data and networking for all of the LVC domains. The LVC infrastructure includes installation’s foundational elements and components needed to perform net-centric battle command training and includes: Facilities; Power; Communications (RF/Fiber) Networks; Training Support Systems (TADSS); Personnel and Equipment; Resources; and Management Structure and Organization. LVC-IA, along with an associated installation’s supporting Training Infrastructure, are mutually dependent on each other to create an LVC Integrated Training Environment. The end-state goal of the LVC-IA and Infrastructure is to enable an LVC Integrated Training Environment that approximates the Operating Environment and provides Value-Added training and Mission Rehearsal opportunities to Commanders and units

4 LVC-IA Requirement LVC-IA Increment 1 Systems Live
Homestation Instrumentation Training System (HITS) Virtual Close Combat Tactical Trainer (CCTT) Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer (AVCATT) Call for Fire Trainer (CFFT) Constructive Joint Land Component Constructive Training Capability - Entity Resolution Federation (JLCCTC ERF) One Semi-Automated Forces (OneSAF) Battle Command ABCS - AMDWS, AFATDS, ASAS (DCGS-A), BCS3, BC Server, FAAD, FBCB2, GCCS-A, MCS (Gateway & Workstation), ISYSCON and CPOF GCCS

5 LVC-IA Increment 1 Concept
Increment 1 Focus - Brigade Combat Team (BCT) Home Station Training BCTC is LVC Hub BLUF: The LVC-IA will enable seamless LVC & C2 connections C2 ABCS GCCS CONSTRUCTIVE JLCCTC OneSAF LIVE HITS VIRTUAL AVCATT CCTT/RVTT CFFT LVC-IA

6 LVC-IA Development Strategy
The LVC-IA will be realized using an incremental development approach. The capabilities defined in the LVC-IA approved Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) & Capabilities Development Document (CDD) will be parsed into specific increments of technology that provide military utility Increment 1 development will begin upon successful completion of Milestone B

7 LVC-IA Status Funding LVC-IA funding addressed in “Locked” POM for FY10-15 POM $$ are NOT solely for LVC-IA Prime Integrator contract ACAT III Designation Capabilities Development Document TCM LVC TE Chartered May 2008 CDD is AROC approved and awaiting it JPD PEO STRI Program Management Office (PMO) DAMO TRS allocated FY09 $$ to address stand up of LVC-IA PMO Pre-MS B work activities and documentation PM WTI has completed most hiring actions for FY09 Pre-MS B Risk Mitigation Engaged in PEO STRI Live, Virtual, Constructive Integration Cell activities Working MS B documentation preparation NOTIONAL SCHEDULE

8 LVC-IA Increment 1 KPPs KPP Description Threshold Value
LVC-BC Interoperability Interoperability with LVC current systems; BCT is the primary training audience -Exercise / Tech Control L: HITS V: CCTT/RVTT, AVCATT, CFFT C: JLCCTC, OneSAF BC: GCCS, ABCS (C2 STIM) Expanded Area of Operations Provide the ability to combine L-V-C training systems and common C2 data to portray realistic Common Operational Picture (COP); entity resolution count cross-domain portrayal for 1 x BCT L-C = 2000 L-V = 600 C-BC =25000 C-V = 600 V-C = 600 Required LVC-BC entity count = 29100, of which at least 50% must be medium resolution. Enterprise AAR Responsive, automated data collection, distribution, and presentation system with data access across L,V, and C systems -Unconstrained views -On-demand screen captures -7 x standard AAR reports -Customized report capability LVC Exercise Control Exercise management of the LVC integrating architecture and infrastructure including set-up, plug & train, availability -Set-up <10 days <30 spt pers -Dynamic addition of LVC compliant TADDS -Provides 84% availability rate for a BCT LVC-IA 1 Exercise, maximum duration of 4 days. -20% reduction in required resources Net Ready Meet Net-Centric Operations and Warfare Reference Model (NCOW-RM), GIG and IA requirements per DoDAF & CJCSI -Defined within DoDAF architecture products (OVs, SVs)

9 LVC-IA Increment 1 APAs APA Description Threshold Value
Simulations and BC Systems Two-Way Wireless Interoperability Enable two-way wireless communication capability between simulations and BC systems with IBC2 enablers -2-way wireless communications -2-way gateway -2-way multi-level security gateway interface -BFT and EPLRS interface between BC systems and V-C domains, and LVC LAN/Warn network. Standards & Protocols Interoperate with Current Army and Joint C2 Systems Provide standards and protocols to DISR in support of LVC incremental development. Fair Fight Enable common effects across all training environments -Common effects: Weapons effects, Sensor effects, Area weapons effects, Ph/Pk, Pd, RTCA, BDA, Combat adjudication, Class III / V adjustments -Geospatial combatant location, Latency effects, Algorithmic validity Data Archived Information Automatically archive information into, and access archived information from appropriate repositories -A capability to automatically support up to one terabyte (TB) of storage, retrieval, manipulation and display of a library of AAR aids using text, graphics, and figures to describe alternative tactics, techniques, procedures, and archived information from appropriate repositories with a time stamp. AAR Products & Presentation Support real-time, multi-media AAR presentation -Standard AAR reports within 2 hrs on demand -Automated data collection of pre-defined events -Store, edit, replay, and filter AAR Analysis Analysis of the information gathered through automated and manual methods -Transparent, real-time access / monitoring -Capture key training tasks, trends, and controller interventions LVC Hardware/Software Supportability DOD software and reuse policy -Maximize COTS/GOTS; minimize proprietary; HW/SW technical data packages and user documentation; BIT capability LVC Simulation Equipment (LVC-SE) LVC-IA Software will run on equipment consisting of a variety of COTS, GOTS, S/W, H/W, and cross-domain security solutions -Sufficient processing speed, and memory to run specified simulations and gateway/interface functions at highest entity count identified for the BCT Training Audience at Increment 1

10 LVC-IA Planned CONUS Fielding
Ft. Lewis Ft. Drum Ft. Carson Ft. Knox Ft. Campbell Ft. Bragg The December 2009 TGOSC approved the 10 CONUS sites to be initially fielded the LVC-IA acquisition program capabilities; the 10 CONUS sites approved are: Ft Bragg, Ft Hood, Ft Bliss, Ft Lewis, Ft Campbell, Ft Carson, Ft Knox, Ft Stewart, Ft Drum, and Camp Shelby. TCM LVCTE along with the MACOMs and installation staffs will now conduct an analysis to determine the exact order of fielding of the LVC-IA capabilities. There are impacts on installation infrastructure requirements such as networks, training facilities, and TADSS that the LVC ITE requires. Current plan is to field 2 OCONUS sites to include USAREUR & USARPAC. Ft. Stewart Ft. Bliss Camp Shelby Ft. Hood As of DEC 2009

11 LVC-IA Planned OCONUS Fielding
Alaska USAREUR Hawaii Korea OCONUS Fielding 1 US Army Pacific (USARPAC) - TBD 1 US Army Europe (USAREUR) – TBD As of DEC 2009

12 I2 Concept Focus of the LVCIC

13 PEO STRI LVC Integration Cell
LVCIC Concept 2 Year Plan BLUF – Provide integration of L, V, C systems at the source (Materiel Developer) to reduce the resources required to integrate at each installation/instantiation of the LVC-ITE

14 OneSAF LVCIC Contribution
Provides a common constructive picture to Live, Virtual, C2 and Enterprise AAR Provides the constructive wrap around forces for LVCIC Integrated with Live, Virtual, C2 and Enterprise AAR cross domain environments seamlessly. Displays Live and Virtual objects and interactions Fire engagements (Live and Virtual) Provides Fire and Smoke (Virtual) Stimulates Common Operating Picture (COP)(FBCB2) Stimulates AFATDS Fire Support missions Integrated with LVCIC common components Correlated Enumeration List Scenario Initialization Data Translation (JBUS) 11 Sep 08 14 14 14

15 LVCIC Logical Network Architecture

16 Take Away The LVC-IA MS B Decision is planned for Sep 2009.
OneSAF will support the LVC-IA Increment 1 Program. OneSAF is supporting the PEO STRI I2 LVC Integration Cell initiative. We understand that OneSAF has not been validated by the TEMO domain. It will be key that the User community utilize the system to provide feedback to PM OneSAF for product improvement. Key Point: In a resource constrained environment the Army will not be able to train as it currently does. The integration of Live, Virtual, and Constructive TADSS with Battle Command will enable larger, more robust, and rich training events at reduced cost.

17 POCs PEO STRI (Materiel Developer/Acquisition Lead) NSC TCM LVCTE
(Combat Developer/Requirements Lead) LTC Keith Flail PEO STRI – Product Manager WTI (407) Christopher T. Vaughn LTC, FA57 TCM LVC TE – LVC-IA Project Lead (913) Devin Lyders PEO STRI – PM WTI LVC Team Lead (407) Dennis Draper TCM LVC TE – LVC-IA Support Contractor (913)

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