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US History GPS Review Unit Two American Revolution by Glenn Lewis, 2010 Part One.

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2 US History GPS Review Unit Two American Revolution by Glenn Lewis, 2010 Part One

3 French & Indian War taxation of the colonies British dominance Parliament debt Click This Button To End This Review Click This Button For An Explanation Of This Answer Click This Button To Move On

4 Sugar Act taxes on the colonies Tea Act Townsend Acts Stamp Act Click This Button To End This Review Click This Button For An Explanation Of This Answer Click This Button To Move On

5 Stamp Act Congress “no taxation without representation” colonial legislatures levy taxes none in Parliament Click This Button To End This Review Click This Button For An Explanation Of This Answer Click This Button To Move On

6 Boston Tea Party Sons (and Daughters) of Liberty Committees of Correspondence Samuel Adams resisted the Acts of Parliament Click This Button To End This Review Click This Button For An Explanation Of This Answer Click This Button To Move On

7 Tea Act Intolerable Acts Sons of Liberty Boston Tea Party punishment Click This Button To End This Review Click This Button For An Explanation Of This Answer Click This Button To Move On

8 Philadelphia Second Continental Congress Olive Branch Petition Committee of Five Declaration of Independence Click This Button To End This Review Click This Button For An Explanation Of This Answer Click This Button To Move On

9 no more kings Common Sense independence Continental Congress Thomas Paine Click This Button To End This Review Click This Button For An Explanation Of This Answer Click This Button To Move On

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