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Call of the Wild List 2 malingerer- (n)- someone who escapes work.

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Presentation on theme: "Call of the Wild List 2 malingerer- (n)- someone who escapes work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Call of the Wild List 2 malingerer- (n)- someone who escapes work

2 Call of the Wild List 2 Deceit- (n)- trick, fool, trickery

3 Call of the Wild List 2 Feign- (v)- To present fictitiously.

4 Call of the Wild List 2 recuperate (verb)- to recover from illness or exhaustion

5 Call of the Wild List 2 Superfluous (adj.)- excessive; being more than needed

6 Call of The Wild List 2 Forlorn (adj.) – appearing sad or lonely because abandoned

7 Call of The Wild List 2 Daunted (adj) – frightened, overwhelmed, intimidation

8 Call of The Wild List 2 Insubordinate (adj) – not submitting to authority, disobedient

9 Call of The Wild List 2 Resilient (adj.) – recovering readily from adversity depression, or the like.

10 Call of The Wild List 2 Salient(adj.)- having a quality that thrusts itself into attention, noticeable, conspicuous, or prominent.

11 Call of The Wild List 2 Inexorable – (adj.) unyielding or inflexible

12 Call of The Wild List 2 averred- (verb): verified, to prove to be true

13 Call of The Wild List 2 Voracious (adj) – starving, ravenous, craving or consuming large quantities

14 Call of The Wild List 2 cajole (verb) - to coax, convince, persuade by flattery or promises

15 Call Of the Wild List #2 convalescence- (n) to become healthy & strong again slowly over time.

16 Call Of the Wild List #2 content- (adj): pleased and satisfied; not needing more content (n): things

17 Call of the Wild #2 copious (adj.) In a large quantity.

18 ministration ministration (n): the act of giving aid or helping someone

19 Call of the Wild #2 adoration (n ) the act of being honored or admired; deep love or respect, worship

20 Call of the Wild #2 Transient ( ): lasting for a short time, move around frequently

21 Call of the Wild #2 mandate (n) an authoritative command Drinking Age Mandate (21 minimum age) President Reagan

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