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Seminario di disseminazione progetto Comenius az. 1 Speculum “an on-line magazine for transversal policies” 8 Maggio 2007 - 9,30 - Palermo Palazzo Steri.

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Presentation on theme: "Seminario di disseminazione progetto Comenius az. 1 Speculum “an on-line magazine for transversal policies” 8 Maggio 2007 - 9,30 - Palermo Palazzo Steri."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminario di disseminazione progetto Comenius az. 1 Speculum “an on-line magazine for transversal policies” 8 Maggio 2007 - 9,30 - Palermo Palazzo Steri Eyuboglu Egitim Kurumlari- Turchia Liceo Tecnologico- Friesland College Technolyceum Olanda “ROMUVOS” GIMNAZIJA Lituania Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych nr 6- Polonia Escola Secundária Vitorino Nemésio- Portogallo Sint-Vincentius Belgio ISTITUTO PROFESSIONALE DI STATO PER I SERVIZI COMMERCIALI E TURISTICI “ LUIGI EINAUDI”

2 The Objectives Involving students and teachers in a learning project based on the usage of multimedial technologies within the framework of the European programme Favouring the interaction with the local territory on the basis of the topics to be discussed and the comparison with different cultural realities. Favouring the process of integration for both students and teachers into European community. Improving the ability to communicate in foreign languages

3 THE IDEA An on-line magazine to get experience in the use of newspaper language and get acquainted with the usage of multimedial technologies for transversal policies Pair Opportunity- Environment-Disability- Family- Youth expectations- Voluntary service allowed the interaction with the local territory and the comparison with other partners’ realities. in English language To give the opportunity to practice the language both for writing the articles and as a means of communication with the partners,

4 THE IDEA BECOMES A PROJECT WHAT: “Speculum “an-on line magazine for transversal policies. WHEN: in February 2004 HOW: we found out some partners on the net by e-mail contacts and after discussing the idea as a coordinator country, we applied for a Comenius action one project.


6 THE RESULTS Over a three years period we: edited the 6 issues of the magazine as we had planned. We published them on-line since the first issue We organized 8 project-meetings in any country of the partnership We moved 102 teachers and 92 students We presented the project to local newspapers and TV.

7 The Speculum Recipe Take a hospitable Italian coordinator add a good hearted Belgian partner, a sensible Dutch partner a wise Lithuanian partner a reliable Polish partner a thougthful Portuguese partner, a diligent Turkish partner. Mix with professionalism. Flavour with joy, friendship,warmth, ardour,cheerfulness, love and a little piece of patience The result is:


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