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New Look, New Features, Broader Coverage

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Presentation on theme: "New Look, New Features, Broader Coverage"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Look, New Features, Broader Coverage
eCLIQ® New Look, New Features, Broader Coverage Starting the Virtual Classroom Launch the virtual meeting and teleconference. Set up participant privileges for chat. Locate any poll files to be used in this course. At the scheduled start time, announce that the session will begin, then start with the text below. Starting the Live Classroom “Welcome to eCLIQ – New Look, New Features, Broader Coverage. Today we will walk through an overview of what’s changed from CLIQ to eCLIQ. This overview is expected to take about 20 minutes. Now, let’s get started with the course.

2 So why use eCLIQ? eCLIQ provides these benefits:
 SmartNav – Our online appetite and product selection tool. Selected information is now carried forward into your application. Dynamic interview and online underwriting – eCLIQ continues to utilize the process of only asking questions pertinent to the risk based on the SIC code and risk characteristics. Ease of use – Interactive system designed to be intuitive and simple to use. Endorsement processing capability – for Workers Comp and Business Auto So why use eCLIQ? 2

3 eCLIQ — New Look, New Features, Broader Coverage
eCLIQ – New Look, New Features, Broader Coverage and yet the Same Company you’ve always turned to for your Small to Large Risks. This session will walk you through the highlights of Enhanced Commercial lines IQ. It is designed for CSRs and Producers who are already familiar with Ohio Casualty’s Commercial Lines Internet Quoting System. Let’s begin with the application Process: As before with CLIQ, begin your risk entry using SmartNav™, the Pre-Qualify risk tool. 3

4 Initialization Questions
SmartNav will assist you in confirming the eligibility of your risk, including the recommended products and any special conditions that might apply –

5 SmartNav Pre-Qualification Results
Similar to CLIQ, after completing the pre-qualification screens you have the option to begin your New Application entry. The color configuration of the screen and buttons has been changed to make navigation easier.

6 Account Creation The first screen in eCLIQ is the Account Creation Screen. This new screen collects information on the agency code, insured name, mailing address, and phone number. NOTE: Discuss First In procedures for in-person. First In is locked based on entry of the information on this screen. However, we will still require a completed and rated application in order to hold an account for your agency. You will have 5 days from the creation of the account to completed an application. If another agent tries to enter the same customer after 5 days and there is no application attached to the client, your UW can unlock the customer, thereby voiding your “First In” status.

7 New Application After completing the Account Creation screen you have the option to begin a “New Quote” or “New Application”. Ohio Casualty strongly encourages you to begin with “New Application.” Note: Explain WHY doing so benefits the agent here. Benefits such as: First In, confirmed pricing, basic eligibility determination based on UW questions, ability to submit for issuance or UW review, MVR ordering.

8 General Information On the General Information screen, the “Named Insured” must now be modified by selecting the Add/Modify Named Insured Info button. The Lines of Business section now includes Other Liability Options which also must be selected here. You must select ALL of the Lines of Business including other optional coverages that you are going to quote. Please be aware that you cannot easily make changes to the Lines of Business section after leaving this screen. If you do not select ALL lines of business before leaving this screen, you will need to: Save the application Exit and select the customer again Select Copy Quote so that it is editable Navigate to the General Information screen and Select the desired Optional coverage(s) or additional Lines of Business

9 Location Addresses The mailing address you entered on the Account Creation screen will prefill the location address on this screen. If your location address is different, please make the appropriate change, then click “Add” to insert your location on the application. Be sure to check the “Property” box if coverage is desired at this location. The Protection Class is populated from the address field if the address is validated. All individual buildings are now entered as separate locations. If you need to add an additional building or location, enter the address at the top of the page, then click Add.

10 Class Information The Class Information screen looks just a little different. You will need to choose the correct classification by checking the appropriate box in the yellow field directly under the class code description in Step 2.

11 Property Information To add property coverage to a location highlight the location address, then click the “Add Property Coverage to Location” button.

12 Business Auto General Information
On the Business Auto General Information Screen, you will notice the Business Auto Coverage Enhancement Endorsement, formerly known as the Business Auto Extension Endorsement, is automatically selected. If coverage is not desired, you can deselect it.

13 Pricing Information On the Pricing information Screen, the Debit/Credit fields have been removed. This function is now accessible only from the Results screen. Note: Provide additional information about the company selection. What company is the “modeled” company? Which lines of business will be modeled? Which lines of business will have other company selections? How are they tiered (manual, preferred, etc.)?

14 Results On the Results Screen, let’s first discuss the changes under Apply/View Premium Discounts.

15 Premium Discounts The Premium Discount screen is where you apply scheduled credits and/or debits based on the characteristics of the risk. Select Yes for IRPM Credit/Debit. You can select either Commercial Property or General Liability, or both, depending on how you would like the credit or debit applied. Using the drop down menu next to the appropriate category, select the amount of credit or debit you would like to apply. As a reminder, a negative number is a credit, a positive number is a debit. You must also select a reason for the credit or debit being applied. Repeat as necessary for the remaining categories. Click Submit for Rating to continue.

16 Worksheets Our worksheets have been enhanced for easier viewing.
Note: Mention that unfortunately completed applications will not be available at this time. We hope to reintroduce them during our Enhancement Phase.

17 Select View/Edit Forms
Below the Rating Results, there are new links. Select/View/Edit Forms – Click this link to view and/or amend the forms applicable to the policy.

18 Forms Selection All forms that are attached to the policy – mandatory and optional – can be viewed here. Also, if additional information is required to complete a form, that information can be entered here.

19 View/Select Bill Plan The “View Contact/Billing Info” link has been renamed to View/Select Bill Plan and the Mailing address fields have been removed from this section.

20 Quote Proposals Quote Proposals are now provided as a separate document for each line of business. We have an enhancement request in place to consolidate these into one document in the future.

21 Additional Copies/Print Management
At the bottom of the Results screen, there is a new button, Additional Copies/Print Management.

22 Print Management The Additional Copies/Print Management option allows you to indicate additional printed copies of the transaction and/or specific mailing requirements.

23 Establish Billing Account
Ohio Casualty There were no changes made to Establish Billing Account; however, we receive many questions on how to create a Billing Account for submitting a new application. We have included the process in this demonstration. After click the Submit to Issue button, the Establish Billing Account window opens. For this demonstration, we will create a new billing account. If we have an existing billing account, you can conduct a search for the existing account. By linking the accounts, the payments will have the same due date. Click the Next button to continue with the billing process.

24 Establish Billing Account: Step 1
Ohio Casualty Click the Payment Plan drop down menu. For this demonstration, select 100% DUE ON FIRST INSTALLMENTS Click the Next button to continue with the billing process.

25 Establish Billing Account: Step 2
Ohio Casualty Verify the billing information and click Submit to confirm.

26 Establish Billing Account: Step 3
Ohio Casualty The billing account has been established and you should print or save this screen for your records. Click Next to continue.

27 Enter Non-Payment Reason
Because no down payment was selected, you must enter a reason here. Click the drop down menu and select the appropriate response . Click Return to return to eCLIQ.

28 Submission If you selected Submit to Issue or Submit to Issue – Subject to Underwriting Review (not recommended), eCLIQ processes your submission. Click OK to continue processing the application.

29 Account Details You are returned to the Account Details screen in eCLIQ. Here you can update or view any of the quotes or applications associated with the account. To return to the Main Menu, click the link at the bottom of the screen. To exit eCLIQ entirely, click the Exit enhanced Commercial Lines IQ link. NOTE: ALWAYS exit enhanced Commercial Lines IQ by clicking the EXIT link at the bottom of the page. DO NOT close the window by clicking on the red “X” in the upper right corner. This will lock your current application for 30 minutes.

30 Accessing an Existing Quote or Application
To access an existing customer’s quote or application, either enter the account number in Option 1 or complete at least 2 of the fields in Option 3 then click on Account Search at the bottom of the page. You may have to uncheck the “Exclude – issued” box in Option 4.

31 Accessing an Existing Quote or Application
Choose the appropriate client by clicking on the Account Number.

32 Accessing an Existing Quote or Application
Click on Update/View under Action at the top of the page. In the drop-down box under Action at the bottom of the page, choose your desired action. Your options are to view the application, update the application or copy the application. Click on Continue to the right of the lower Action box. (You may have to scroll right to see the button.)

33 New Look, New Features, Broader Coverage
eCLIQ® New Look, New Features, Broader Coverage We have just walked through SmartNav to prequalify our risk, completed an application in eCLIQ, set up a billing plan and accessed an existing customer. As you can see, there are many elements of eCLIQ that are very similar to CLIQ. A few new screens, slightly different processes, and broader coverages mark the major differences between the two systems. Ohio Casualty remains the same company you always turn to for your small to large risks. Thank you!

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