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Un, Im, In –All mean NOT Immoderate are Juliets tears, but NOT for Tybalt as many mistakenly assume. Unsavory-

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Presentation on theme: "Un, Im, In –All mean NOT Immoderate are Juliets tears, but NOT for Tybalt as many mistakenly assume. Unsavory-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Un, Im, In –All mean NOT Immoderate are Juliets tears, but NOT for Tybalt as many mistakenly assume. Unsavory-

2 Using Prefixes to determine a words meaning! Prefixes seen often throughout R and J. Prefixes seen often throughout R and J.

3 Mal and Bene (Bad and Good) Malevolent-having or wishing to do evil to others Malevolent-having or wishing to do evil to others Benevolent-well meaning and kindly Benevolent-well meaning and kindly

4 Dis- away or negative The parents of Romeo and Juliet were disconsolate after their deaths. (hopelessly sad) The parents of Romeo and Juliet were disconsolate after their deaths. (hopelessly sad)

5 Viv-Life Revive, vitality, Aqua Vitae – Water of Life Revive, vitality, Aqua Vitae – Water of Life

6 Pro- for or forward Prorogue- postpone Prorogue- postpone Prologue- gives a glimpse forward into the plays events Prologue- gives a glimpse forward into the plays events Procure Procure

7 Mis- wrong Misadventure Misadventure Misconstrue- Many characters misconstrue others words or behaviors, and actions throughout Acts IV and V. Misconstrue- Many characters misconstrue others words or behaviors, and actions throughout Acts IV and V.

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