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Benchmark 6.2.7 Locate rational numbers on a number line. ~ locate decimal numbers on a number line.

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Presentation on theme: "Benchmark 6.2.7 Locate rational numbers on a number line. ~ locate decimal numbers on a number line."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benchmark 6.2.7 Locate rational numbers on a number line. ~ locate decimal numbers on a number line

2 Who needs to locate decimal numbers on a number line?

3 Machinists and other skilled workers use decimal rulers to make measurements! Some use Vernier Calipers

4 Some use hundredth scales. This makes their measurements very accurate.

5 You can also put decimals on a number line to compare and order them. Decimals As you read a typical number line from left to right, the decimals will become greater, and get closer to the next whole number.

6 We can use place value to locate our decimals on the number line.

7 To do that, we must look at the intervals on the number line.

8 Intervals show place value ?

9 What if two numbers have different place values? Example: 0.7 and 0.53

10 The easiest way to fix that is to add zeros to make your decimal numbers have the same place value. Remember! Adding on zeros will NOT change the value of your decimal number!

11 Add a 0 to 0.7 = 0.70.70 is larger than.53, so it will come after 0.53 on the number line. 0.530.70

12 Now, let’s try to locate some decimal numbers on a number line!

13 What number does point N represent on the number line below? Remember to look at the intervals! Correct!2.6

14 What number does point S represent on the number line below? Correct!4.8

15 What numbers are represented by the letters A, B, and C? CBA A = 4.81B = 4.93C = 5.04

16 Now, let’s do some independent practice! Turn to page 2 in your handout!

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