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Online PE…is this for real? How to solve the dilemma that so many schools and teachers are facing Coleen Parmer Health and Physical Education Teacher ELANCO.

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Presentation on theme: "Online PE…is this for real? How to solve the dilemma that so many schools and teachers are facing Coleen Parmer Health and Physical Education Teacher ELANCO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online PE…is this for real? How to solve the dilemma that so many schools and teachers are facing Coleen Parmer Health and Physical Education Teacher ELANCO School District Garden Spot High School

2 Initial Thoughts… ▪ ONLINE PE discussion with a partner – What are your initial reactions to Online PE? – Why are you attending this session? (what do you want to get out of this session?) – Why is there a need for it? Why are districts doing it?


4 ONLINE PE---What it’s not ▪ A replacement for PE teachers ▪ The best placement for MOST students ▪ The answer for most students ▪ The easy credit option

5 ONLINE PE..the evolution at ELANCO ▪ Started with an idea about online learning coupled with a need to get money back to our district that was being allocated to OUTSIDE Cyber schools. ▪ PE was approached in the second strand of this initiative. We wrote our own course on Moodle and then used APEX as well. ▪ Blended the course the next year with Moodle. ▪ Using Canvas with APEX currently but have a long range goal of offering cyber completely through our network. Discuss– what are your schools doing right now?

6 ESSENTIALS OF AN EFFECTIVE ONLINE PE PROGRAM ▪ A PA certified Health and Physical Education Teacher ▪ Important piece of the equation ▪ Heart Rate Monitors or Activity Watches (to gather evidence that the movement is actually happening) ▪ POLAR E600 currently with mid and end of semester downloads into POLAR PE MANAGER/E Series ▪ Using POLAR H7 blue tooth sensors and the Activity Watches in our brick and mortar classes currently… ▪ Quality Fitness Logs that apply exercise and training principles ▪ See examples of online fitness logs and explanations. ▪ Ability to meet with or communicate with students easily. ▪ Set up videos—use SkyDrive, YouTube etc. to share ▪ Making use of Skype or other video messengers.

7 ESSENTIALS OF AN EFFECTIVE ONLINE PE PROGRAM continued… ▪ Standards based written content ▪ Examples of writing prompts we currently use in PE. ▪ See ONLINE LPA course in Canvas/Spartan Learning Portal 2.0 ▪ An effective class management system to deliver the content ▪ Moodle ▪ Canvas ▪ Blackboard

8 ONLINE PE… How do you get it started? ▪ Partner with a program (APEX) – Using your OWN teachers ▪ Option to use their teachers as well. ▪ APEX WEBSITE/COURSE ▪ Create a hybrid model (using APEX (outsource) and Moodle/Canvas (school learning management system) ▪ Work to create your own using Moodle/Canvas – Your teachers create it—using resources from your current classes. – Spartan Learning Portal 2.0

9 ONLINE PE Wrap-up ▪ Rationale ▪ Resources ▪ Responsibility ▪ Reality

10 ONLINE PE QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? Contact information: Coleen Parmer

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