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Outreach Action Planning “Merging Membership and Public Relations Plans”

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2 Outreach Action Planning “Merging Membership and Public Relations Plans”

3 What is an Outreach Action Plan (OAP) Membership, PR tool to set goals, measure progress A “roadmap” for recruiting, retaining members

4 Outreach Action Plan Goals Reduce wandering, wrong turns Help provide maximum return with limited resources – volunteers, time, funds Support recruiting and retention Increase awareness and appreciation of NARFE Support overall NARFE mission

5 When and How OAP Evolved WSFC Exec Board meeting discussions 2012, decision to combine membership and PR plans into an OAP Tri-Cities Chapter 1192 offered to draft a template

6 Today’s Goals Have viable examples in hand Simplify the process All WSFC chapters have an OAP by CY 2014 Have a mechanism for sharing ideas and suggestions for future plans

7 WSFC public relations may pay up to 50% for pre-approved expenses NARFE may pay up to 50% for requests pre-approved by WSFC president Public Relations Matching Funds

8 Forward Planning Who should participate How far ahead should we plan What do we need for the task

9 Who should participate Chapter officers Chapter membership chair/team Chapter public relations chair

10 How far ahead should we plan Yearly? Quarterly? By event? Other?

11 What do we need for the task People Material Training Coordination with others Agency or other permissions

12 Draft a plan – Key points Keep it simple – “KISS” principle Be realistic – you cannot do it all Consider the Federation staff Know your resources – volunteers, time, finances

13 Outline Action Plan Packet References handout President Joe Beaudoin “Dear Federal Colleague” letter Federation Reporter (May, June, July 2013) Recruiting & Retention Journal (May 2013) Guidelines, including for matching funds F-10, Appendix C, Membership Action Plan Sample WSFC Plans

14 Ladies, Gentlemen START YOUR PLANNING!

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