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Results and Suggestions Field Day 2011 What is Field Day? Opportunity to practice and refine our ham skills Demonstrate to the public our valuable service.

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Presentation on theme: "Results and Suggestions Field Day 2011 What is Field Day? Opportunity to practice and refine our ham skills Demonstrate to the public our valuable service."— Presentation transcript:


2 Results and Suggestions

3 Field Day 2011 What is Field Day? Opportunity to practice and refine our ham skills Demonstrate to the public our valuable service Experiment with different antennas and transmission modes Hands on experience setting up a remote station

4 Field Day 2011 What is Field Day, Continued Solicit other hams to join Encourage visitors to obtain their ham license Compete with other ham clubs Largest social event in club

5 Field Day 2011 The three most important aspects are: 1. The ability to set up the station in the event of an emergency. Includes training of all interested club members on how to set up the antennas, radio’s etc. 2. Where the equipment is located 3. How to transport everything to the site

6 Boring Facts

7 Field Day 2011 Summary Total contacts 393 Ratio of on site and prep work to operating hours: 5.27 hours of support work for every operating hour Cost of operating hour $8.19 Cost per contact$4.52 Estimated Club FD participants 25 Number of operators 8

8 Field Day 2011 Missed easy points: No one copied the ARRL Bulletin100 No visit by an elected official100 (we did invite one) Total lost easy points missed200

9 Technical Issues

10 Field Day 2011 Dennis’ (AD7TV) Home Made Tri-Plexer allowed 3 radios working simultaneously on 10, 15 & 20 meters to access the mobile tower tri-band beam antenna 80/40 SSB using a Carolina Windom OCF antenna installed by Bob (K6MBY) and hung from the top of the 70 foot tower. GOTA utilized a Force-12 C3SS tribander refurbished by Chuck (N7BV), Bob (KF7EFL) and Bill (W6JEQ) There was some interference between two tri-banders, so GOTA moved to 80/40 meters.

11 Field Day 2011 Future Technical suggestions Continue to use tribander on 20/15/10 run stations Improve operation with additional band pass filters & stubs Use single (or multiple) vertical(s) on a single band for GOTA to cut down on QRM Do not allow GOTA ops to roam on bands other operators are using for run ops.

12 Field Day 2011 Should we eliminate a dedicated GOTA station? Eliminates all the antenna, equipment, computer & tent setup Eliminates band interference Frees up two more operators for 10, 15 & 20 meter stations

13 Field Day 2011 Planning for 2012 Field Day Planning for 2012 Field Day

14 Field Day 2011 Planning for 2012, FD Set up of low power station c/w renewable power source (only if enough 100 watt operators) Active participation of age 18 years or under operators ( if available) Earlier implementation of FD committee decisions Alternate event between Sequim and PA (open for discussion) Early invites to elected public official in writing PSK to receive W1AW bulletin and print it out on site

15 Field Day 2011 Planning for Field Day 2012 Better media publicity Produce our own article Do it in writing The AREAS tent serves as the clubs info booth, thus should be stocked with club info, brochures and sign in book. Visit by Red Cross or Salvation Army official Formal on site demonstrations Submission of results by web Inclusion of Section Abbreviations in “radio books”

16 Field Day 2011 Planning for 2012, FD Appoint “Band Captains” Set up operator shifts (if only to ensure that the station is occupied) Familiarize operators in N1MM Be on hand for assistance Public accessible first aid kit Backup devices for computers Assign a person who will ensure we get the “extra points” Decision on GOTA operations

17 CCARC Photos

18 Tower almost ready

19 Ready for lift off

20 KF7VAL hard at work

21 Field Day 2011 Photos from other clubs, Field Day events

22 Field Day 2011














36 Video #1 from VE7VCC, Sannich, (Victoria) BC, Canada NOTE: Internet connection required to view video! Since Active-X will not work on a Macintosh, Click here for Video #1 Click here for Video #1

37 Video #2 from VE7VCC, Sannich, (Victoria) BC, Canada NOTE: Internet connection required to view video! Since Active-X will not work on a Macintosh, Click here for Video #2

38 Field Day 2011 What’s next?

39 Field Day 2011 Bob, KF7 EFL completes FD “bible” A FD Committee is elected/appointed/volunteered by January 2012 Band captains are selected Decisions by the FD technical committee are made regarding equipment, antennas etc.

40 Field Day 2011 An action list with dates is drawn up and implemented Commitment from club members by May who are interested in participating as operators, set up and tear down crew etc. Other action items are executed as planned

41 Field Day 2011 An NIMM workshop is scheduled for interested club members A training topic and instructor is selected and advertised for 2012 FD Other actions as suggested by the FD Committee

42 A special thanks for all those that made FD 2011 an enjoyable and successful experience! Thank you!

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