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Pennsylvania Forest Stewardship Program Identifying Pennsylvania Trees.

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Presentation on theme: "Pennsylvania Forest Stewardship Program Identifying Pennsylvania Trees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pennsylvania Forest Stewardship Program Identifying Pennsylvania Trees

2 Tree Identification In this presentation you will learn to identify trees using the Summer Key to Pennsylvania Trees. Trees can be identified using many factors including leaves, bark, twigs, buds, flowers, and fruits.

3 Leaf Types

4 Scale-like

5 Broad and flat

6 Needles

7 Leaf-type Comparison

8 Leaf Arrangement

9 Alternate

10 Opposite

11 Whorled

12 Leaf Arrangement Comparison

13 Leaf Structure

14 Petiole (leaf stalk) Bud A simple leaf

15 Leaflet Petiole (leaf stalk) Bud Pinnately compound A Compound Leaf

16 Leaflet Petiole (leaf stalk) Bud Palmately compound

17 Leaf Structure Comparison

18 Leaf margins Dentate EntireDouble serrate Lobed Serrate

19 Identification Section

20 Hint: opposite Red Maple ID Slide

21 Red Maple Acer rubrum

22 Red Maple

23 Hint: opposite Sugar Maple ID Slide

24 Sugar Maple Acer saccharum

25 Sugar Maple

26 Hint: opposite Flowering Dogwood ID Slide

27 Flowering Dogwood Cornus florida

28 Flowering Dogwood

29 Hint: alternate Northern Red Oak ID Slide

30 Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra

31 Northern Red Oak

32 Hint: alternate White Oak ID Slide

33 White Oak Quercus alba

34 White Oak

35 Red Oak White Oak versus Red Oak Comparison

36 Hint: alternate American Beech ID Slide

37 American Beech Fagus grandifolia

38 American Beech

39 Hint: alternate / hairy Yellow Birch ID Slide

40 Yellow Birch Betula alleghaniensis

41 Yellow Birch

42 Hint: alternate/hairy Sweet (Black) Birch ID Slide

43 Sweet (Black) Birch Betula lenta

44 Sweet (Black) Birch

45 Hint: alternate; hairy Paper Birch ID Slide

46 Paper Birch Betula papyrifera

47 Paper Birch

48 Eastern Hemlock ID Slide

49 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis

50 Eastern Hemlock

51 Eastern Redcedar ID Slide

52 Eastern Redcedar Juniperus virginiana

53 Eastern Redcedar

54 Hint: leaves do not have stalks Balsam Fir ID Slide

55 Balsam Fir Abies balsamea

56 Balsam Fir

57 Norway Spruce ID Slide

58 Norway Spruce Picea abies

59 Norway Spruce

60 Balsam Fir Norway Spruce Fir versus Spruce

61 (one bundle) Eastern White Pine ID Slide

62 Eastern White Pine Pinus strobus

63 Eastern White Pine

64 Hint: opposite Horse Chestnut ID Slide

65 Horse Chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum

66 Horse Chestnut

67 Hint: needles more than 3 inches long Red Pine ID Slide

68 Red Pine Pinus resinosa

69 Red Pine

70 Hint: leaves rough American Elm ID Slide

71 American Elm Ulmus americana

72 American Elm

73 Clue: alternate, sap not milky Bitternut Hickory ID Slide

74 Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis

75 Bitternut Hickory

76 Pitch Pine ID Slide

77 Pitch Pine Pinus rigida

78 Pitch Pine

79 Hint: leaf not compound and not hairy, margins have fine teeth; leaf stalks have glands. Black Cherry ID Slide

80 Black Cherry Prunus serotina

81 Black Cherry

82 Hint: sap not milky; leaves hairy Black Walnut ID Slide

83 Black Walnut Juglans nigra

84 Black Walnut

85 American Larch ID Slide

86 American Larch Larix laricina

87 American Larch

88 Not found in the key Wild Grape

89 Wild Grape Vitis spp.

90 Wild Grape

91 White Ash ID Slide

92 White Ash Fraxinus americana

93 White Ash

94 Not found in the key Sycamore

95 Sycamore Platanus occidentalis

96 Sycamore

97 Sassafras ID Slide

98 Sassafras Sassafras albidum

99 Sassafras

100 Hint: leaves usually greater than 5 inches long Cucumber-tree Magnolia ID Slide

101 Cucumber-tree Magnolia Magnolia acuminata

102 Cucumber-tree Magnolia

103 Sweetgum ID Slide

104 Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua

105 Sweetgum

106 Norway Maple ID Slide

107 Norway Maple Acer platanoides

108 Norway Maple

109 Hint: sap not milky Black Locust ID Slide

110 Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia

111 Black Locust

112 Striped Maple ID Slide

113 Striped Maple Acer pensylvanicum

114 Striped Maple

115 Hint: milky sap Smooth Sumac ID Slide

116 Smooth Sumac Rhus glabra

117 Smooth Sumac

118 Yellow-poplar ID Slide

119 Yellow-poplar Liriodendron tulipifera

120 Yellow-poplar

121 The Summer Key To Pennsylvania Trees is a small part of the Pennsylvania 4-H forestry curriculum. Contact your Penn State Cooperative Extension Office to request additional information about 4-H and other educational programs.

122 Prepared by Paul Roth, Research Assistant, and Rance Harmon, Extension Associate, The Pennsylvania State University, School of Forest Resources & Cooperative Extension Acknowledgements Idea development and review: Jason Hall, Sandra Insalaco, and Cecile Stelter – Service Foresters – Pennslyvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Forestry Review: James Finley & Sanford Smith, The Pennsylvania State University School of Forest Resources & Cooperative Extension Images provided courtesy of Virginia Tech & The University of Wisconsin. Line art courtesy of The Pennsylvania State University College of Agricultural Sciences and the Pennsylvania 4-H Program Reference s Common Trees of Pennsylvania, Department of Conservation & Natural Resources, Bureau of Forestry The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees Eastern Region, Knolph, Alfred A. Inc. 1980 Virginia Tech Dendrological Web Page, University of Wisconsin, botanical images, Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce. © The Pennsylvania State University, 2002

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