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The Union Makes Us Strong National Presidents Conference American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO.

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Presentation on theme: "The Union Makes Us Strong National Presidents Conference American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Union Makes Us Strong National Presidents Conference American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO

3 APWU Leadership Training Developed & Presented By John H. Dirzius - Robert L. Johnson Greater CT Area Local American Postal Workers Union Developed & Presented By John H. Dirzius - Robert L. Johnson Greater CT Area Local American Postal Workers Union

4 Leadership Is Not Position!

5 Leaders Are Always In Charge Look at the leader - to take the pulse of an organization Lead by example - it says a lot Leaders without followers - are leaders of no one Leadership is a full time job 24/7 Look at the leader - to take the pulse of an organization Lead by example - it says a lot Leaders without followers - are leaders of no one Leadership is a full time job 24/7

6 Components of Leadership Commitment All Consuming Climate Control Passion Pro-Active Commitment All Consuming Climate Control Passion Pro-Active

7 Commitment grows when people see passion in their leader Commitment grows when people see passion in their leader is contagious & impacts others Commitment is contagious & impacts others touches the souls & inspires others to act Commitment touches the souls & inspires others to act captures the attention & the energies of all who follow Commitment captures the attention & the energies of all who follow

8 All Consuming If the leaders commitment is all consuming people will be drawn towards the leader and toward the task to be done. The leaders intensity, focus, drive and dedication carry maximum influence over the level of commitment the leader can expect from others. If the leaders commitment is all consuming people will be drawn towards the leader and toward the task to be done. The leaders intensity, focus, drive and dedication carry maximum influence over the level of commitment the leader can expect from others.

9 Climate Control You Control The Climate You Set The Stage People Take A Reading On the Person In Charge Build Commitment Lead By Example You Control The Climate You Set The Stage People Take A Reading On the Person In Charge Build Commitment Lead By Example

10 Keep the Passion Lukewarm leadership will cool the passion of others Commitment can't survive when the leader doesn't care Keep the passion burning inside yourself Let the heat of your passion be strong enough to motivate others

11 Be Pro-Active Always Remember ~ Leadership Is ActionAlways Remember ~ Leadership Is Action Leadership Is Not PositionLeadership Is Not Position Titles Are CheapTitles Are Cheap Action Always Speaks Louder Than WordsAction Always Speaks Louder Than Words Dont Just Say It !~ Do It! Dont Just Say It !~ Do It! Always Remember ~ Leadership Is ActionAlways Remember ~ Leadership Is Action Leadership Is Not PositionLeadership Is Not Position Titles Are CheapTitles Are Cheap Action Always Speaks Louder Than WordsAction Always Speaks Louder Than Words Dont Just Say It !~ Do It! Dont Just Say It !~ Do It!

12 Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there Will Rogers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Be Pro-Active!

13 What is the biggest room in the house?

14 The Room For Improvement!

15 Attitude - It Sets The Stage Personal Improvement Dress To Your Audience & Occasion Seek Out Training & Educational Opportunities Seek Out Training & Educational Opportunities

16 Improve Your Skills Take A Community College course Letter Writing Public Speaking Computer Skills Organize Yourself Improve Your Skills Take A Community College course Letter Writing Public Speaking Computer Skills Organize Yourself Personal Improvement

17 Office –Files - Records –Computer System –Grievance Tracking –Finances Organize Your Space

18 Have systems in place! Grievance Tracking 2008

19 Organize Your Space Data base - Current & Updated Know your members Know your non-members APWU Officers (State-Regional-National) AFL-CIO Unions Leaders

20 Know your members and non-members!

21 Communication Communicate With Your Members –Talk With Your Members –Learn To Listen –Listen To Learn Communicate With Your Members –Talk With Your Members –Learn To Listen –Listen To Learn

22 Flyers & Bulletins & Memos Newsletter Photos Meetings membership - informal - target Communication!

23 Communication Communicate With The Community –Database - media contacts –Press Releases –Be Careful




27 Membership Relations Send A Card Family Remembrance Fruit Baskets - Flowers Recognition members & officers Honor Your Retirees special social event IMAGE IS STRENGTH

28 Membership Relations Establish A Scholarship Program Promote Your Local –logo item - shirts - watches - gizmos –local calendar with members photos Members Only Benefits – discount tickets - services - dental - vision

29 Mobilizing Your Members $ COPA Campaign $ Good Deed List - tell them what the union accomplishes Victories - a resolve is only good if its implemented - follow up & follow through $ COPA Campaign $ Good Deed List - tell them what the union accomplishes Victories - a resolve is only good if its implemented - follow up & follow through

30 Mobilizing Your Members Organize Around Issues Good Bad Look For Issues To Resolve Be Pro-Active

31 Its Bigger Than Just The APWU AFL-CIO affiliation Community Service Projects Charity Events Sponsorships AFL-CIO affiliation Community Service Projects Charity Events Sponsorships

32 Its Bigger Than Just The APWU Political Involvement Local State Federal Political Involvement Local State Federal

33 Persistence and Determination Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; un-rewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. Calvin Coolidge

34 Do The Very Best You Can! If I were to try to read, much less answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well be closed for any other business. I do the very best I can; and I mean to keep doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what is said against me won't amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, 10 angels swearing I was right would make no difference. Abraham Lincoln

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